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41. BBC - H2g2 - Magnetic Levitation The Future Of Rail Travel? magnetic levitation Transport, or maglev, is a revolutionary form of railway transport. It uses magnetic forces to make the vehicles hover above the track http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A21605663 | |
42. Magnet Man - Cool Experiments With Magnets Experiments with magnetic levitation. How can you magnetically levitate objects? Donut magnets expt.gif (888 bytes); Levitating Train expt.gif (888 bytes) http://www.coolmagnetman.com/magindex.htm | |
43. Magnetic Levitation - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of magnetic levitation from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/magnetic levitation | |
44. Robotics Institute: Magnetic Levitation Haptic Consortium magnetic levitation haptic devices allow users to interact with computed environments by manipulating a handle that is levitated by magnetic means. http://www.ri.cmu.edu/projects/project_572.html | |
45. LANL: Superconductivity Technology Center: Magnetic Levitation Train Superconductivity Technology Center magnetic levitation trains The idea of MAGLEV transportation has been around since the early 1900s. http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/mpa/stc/train.shtml | |
46. Magnetic Levitation Train - MSN Encarta magnetic levitation Train, also maglev train, a highspeed ground transportation vehicle levitated above a track called a guideway and propelled by http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579465/Magnetic_Levitation_Train.html | |
47. Riding The World's Fastest Train In Shanghai. - By Henry Blodget - Slate Magazin So, in 2001, with Germany s Transrapid International seeking a place to demonstrate its magnetic levitation trainand apparently willing to give the http://www.slate.com/id/2115114/ | |
48. Carnegie Mellon University Researchers Develop Magnetic Levitation-Based Haptic Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed a new type of haptic interface employing magnetic levitation that enables computer users to physically http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/02/990212070951.htm | |
49. Educational Control Products - Control Systems - Magnetic Levitation ECP s unique MagLev apparatus dramatically demonstrates closed loop levitation of permanent and ferromagnetic elements. The apparatus includes laser http://www.ecpsystems.com/controls_maglevit.htm | |
50. A Smaller, Sleeker Heart Pump Khanwilkar and his colleagues turned to a technology that no other blood pumps or other heart devices incorporated in the early 1990s magnetic levitation, http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/content/jan2007/id20070116_604821.htm | |
51. Web Quest Exploring Magnetic Levitation Technology Teacher s resources on teaching maglev, including tasks and evaluations for students. http://www.ic.sunysb.edu/Stu/ppoggio/maglev/ | |
52. Science Central : Science - Physics - Electromagnetism - Magnetic Levitation How to design a magnetic levitation demonstrator using photodetectors and electronics to magnetic levitation links. Also experiments by Bill Beaty. http://www.sciencecentral.com/category/196267 | |
53. Robust Position Control Of A Magnetic Levitation System Via Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/41/28307/01265780.pdf |
54. Magnetic Levitation Stirrers The V P Scientific, Inc. magnetic levitation Stirrers (US patent 6357907) were designed to stir the tall narrow columns of deep well 96 and the new Whatman http://www.vp-scientific.com/magnetic_levitation.htm | |
55. China Develops Magnetic Levitation Train PhysOrg news China develops magnetic levitation train. http://www.physorg.com/news9749.html | |
56. Magnetic Levitation For an explanation of Earnshaw s theorem M. D. Simon, L. O. Heflinger, and A. K. Geim, Diamagnetically stabilized magnet levitation , American Journal of http://groups.mrl.uiuc.edu/chiang/Chiang/Magnetic Levitation.htm | |
57. Superconducting Magnetic Levitation Model Train Superconducting magnetic levitation Model Train from the IFW Dresden, Germany. It is cooled with liquid nitrogen. The core is a super conducting material http://www.flixxy.com/magnetic-levitation-model-train.htm | |
58. SPS Project: Magnetic Levitation Many people are familar with magnetic levitation using superconductors. This occurs because the superconductor is a perfect diamagnet. http://cas.umkc.edu/physics/sps/projects/maglev/maglev.html | |
59. ScienceDirect - Physica B: Condensed Matter : Magnetic Levitation Experiments In magnetic levitation experiments of some diamagnetic materials in high magnetic fields have been done by using a hybrid magnet of Tohoku University. http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0921452698005833 | |
60. Diamagnetic Levitation The Invisible Force - Until Recently A What exactly is magnetic levitation? When the like poles of two This simple illustration of magnetic levitation shows that the force of gravity can be http://www.sensorsmag.com/articles/0301/30/main.shtml | |
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