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         Knowledge Management:     more books (112)
  1. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Third Edition (PMBOK Guides) by Project Management Institute, 2004-11
  2. Beyond Knowledge Management: Dialogue, Creativity and the Corporate Curriculum by Bob Garvey, Bill Williamson, 2004-10-01
  3. Ontological Engineering: with examples from the areas of Knowledge Management, e-Commerce and the Semantic Web. First Edition (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing) by Asuncion Gomez-Perez, Oscar Corcho, et all 2003-11-14
  4. Knowledge Management in Public Health
  5. Knowledge Management: A Blueprint for Delivery (Computer Weekly Professional) by Tom Knight, Trevor Howes, 2002-11-04
  6. Knowledge Based Management: A Systematic Approach to Enhanced Business Performance and Structured Innovation by Mark J. Kiemele, Richard C. Murrow, et all 2007-06-15
  7. Perspectives of Knowledge Management in Urban Health (Healthcare Delivery in the Information Age)
  8. Complexity and Knowledge Management Understanding the Role of Knowledge in the Management of Social Networks (PB) (Managin Organizational Complexity)
  9. Knowledge Management Systems: Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Management by Ronald Maier, 2007-07-31
  10. If Only We Knew What We Know: The Transfer of Internal Knowledge and Best Practice by Carla O'dell, C. Jackson Grayson, 1998-11-10
  11. Knowledge Management Best Practice WorkBook: Roadmap, Transition, Management, Implementation and Project Plan - Ready to use supporting documents bringing Theory into Practice - Second Edition by Ivanka Menken, Gerard Blokdijk, 2009-12-18

21. APQC
Hundreds of leading organizations such as HP, Best Buy, the U.S. Department of the Navy, and BHP Billiton rely on APQC’s knowledge management (KM) expertise
Work Email: Password: forgot? Remember Me? KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (KM) SERVICES For more than 10 years APQC, a nonprofit organization, has helped organizations KM helps you stop reinventing the wheel APQC understands that your KM program must prove its effectiveness to key stakeholders, and we can help you build business cases and KM strategies that are results-focused. Whether your organization has just started thinking about KM or has already integrated KM into its foundation, APQC has the frameworks standard measures , data, best practices, and networking opportunities needed to meet your knowledge-sharing goals. PUBLICATIONS Find the Information You Need
KM, innovation, supply chain, HCM, BPM, and more
by visiting APQC Publications

22. IK Magazine
A studybased journal covering all aspects of intellectual capital and information management.
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Changing times
A big leap forward, you might say – from the last page to the first, from special correspondent to managing editor – all in the span of this issue. Feature Collaborative treatment Management icon Tom Davenport helps tell the story of how information technology and knowledge based organisation team to improve clinical decisions and reduce medical errors at Partners HealthCare Regular Prediction: 'Holistic user experience' for 2008 While you can throw new technology at old problems, it won't always solve them. News Sweden soars; Scandinavia remains strong; US tumbles Feature Chasing the vapour trail How Boeing is recapturing knowledge scattered to the four winds by individual computing, networking, decision-making and change. Feature The DRM debate Digital rights management (DRM) software was hailed as the ideal solution to the growing issue of digital piracy when it was first developed, yet it has repeatedly failed to take off. Is it destined for failure?

23. Knowledge Management For Development Journal
KM4D Journal is an open access, peer reviewed journal on knowledge management in development.
Knowledge Management for Development Journal (KM4D Journal)
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    Knowledge Management for Development Journal
    Welcome to the KM4D Journal An open access, peer-reviewed, community journal on knowledge management in development - for and by development practitioners and researchers. Dear Reader The current issue of the journal (Vol. 3, issue 2, December 2007) on the subject of 'Knowledge sharing and knowledge management in Latin America and the Caribbean (Part I)' has been produced by the team of Guest Editors comprising: Margarita Salas, Kemly Camacho, Simone Staiger-Rivas and Camilo Villa, working with Julie Ferguson and Sarah Cummings as chief editor of this edition. This issue offers 8 contributions, exploring recent approaches, case studies, practices, tools, concepts and methodologies applied in knowledge management in Latin America and the Caribbean. Part II of this Special Issue, comprising a further 8 contributions, will be published in January 2008. We would like to thank all the Guest Editors for their hard work, and our thanks to Margarita Salas, lead Guest Editor, in particular. We would also like to express our appreciation to the authors and peer reviewers for this issue.

24. ICASIT's KMCentral
A directory of links provided by the School of Public Policy, George Mason University.
//Top Navigational Bar III (By BrotherCake @ //Permission granted/modified by to include script in archive //For this and 100's more DHTML scripts, visit
ICASIT'S KMCentral is a dynamic central resource for practitioners and academics of all levels. The website includes materials that can be used for a general introduction to KM, overviews and links to KM technologies, emerging KM trends and best industry practices. A special section for KM Academics includes selected syllabi, recommended course textbooks and additional readings. Additionally the website highlights books, articles, conferences, events and presentations from leading KM scholars. The website also facilitates communication and interaction between academics and practitioners through a list-serv.

Latest News

25. Knowledge Management News™ - Home
KM News provides news and insights for and about the knowledge management, Information Management, and Identity management practitioner.
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    Events -
    Jobs - Main Page Knowledge Management News™ is a no cost information repository and occasional newsletter focused on Knowledge, Content, Information, and Identity Management. The purpose is simple; to provide news and insights for and about the Knowledge/Information Management practitioner. An important construct that is gaining acceptance is that of Identity Management, especially relevant to KM is Digital Identity Management. The combining of KM with DIdM makes inter and intra organizational knowledge sharing possible in a secure, reliable, and effective manner. The addition of DIdM to KM brings into play the added dimensions of access control, context, presence, and trust credentials, thus providing even greater relevance to the KM process. Alternative text for browsers that do not understand IFrames.
    Comments and questions can be sent to KMNews Editor
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License
    Last Updated: Friday 21st of December 2007 05:12 PM

26. Knowledge Management
GFC’s knowledge management initiative aims to gather, distill, and disseminate this knowledge among grantee partners as well as to the wider development and
Grant Support Value-Added Services Knowledge Management South America Knowledge Exchange ... International Fellows
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Knowledge Management
Ecuador Under the second area, GFC has amassed a large amount of knowledge and information, via its grantee partners, on technical approaches to child and youth development and protection as well as operational issues of program management, organizational capacity building, and community mobilization.
Knowledge, Learning, and Resource Access (KLARA) Network
In response to grantee partner demand, GFC is currently designing an Internet portal accessible to current and former grantee partners that will facilitate exchange among grantees and provide links to various resources, including nonprofit tool kits, technical resources, and potential funding sources.
Knowledge Exchanges
Regional Knowledge Exchange workshops provide an opportunity for our grantee partners to share experiences, discuss organizational challenges and methodologies, and learn about broader issues affecting children and communities in the region. We aim to organize a Knowledge Exchange workshop in each region every two to three years, with various follow-up activities. To date, we have held workshops for South Asia grantee partners in March 2005, for Eastern Africa grantee partners in May 2006, and for Mexico and Central America grantee partners in November 2006. Our next workshop will bring together grantee partners from Asia affected by the tsunami and from the US Gulf Coast areas affected by Hurricane Katrina.

27. What Is Knowledge Management,all About Knowledge Management:knowledge Management
Storytelling as a knowledge management techniqueWhether your interest is in knowledge management,organizational change,leadershipall about knowledge
home learn the language of leadership innovate ... Read : The Secret Language of Leadership The Leader's Guide to Storytelling Squirrel Inc All my books What is knowledge management? (A background paper to the World Development Report 1998) The managing of knowledge through systematic sharing is assuming a larger role in organizations around the world, including those involved in development assistance.
Sharing knowledge Explicating knowledge The reach of the new technology for knowledge sharing
Which organizations have most actively taken up the challenge of formal knowledge management? Some regard the major international consulting firms as the early adopters. Others point to the work on communities of practice at Xerox PARC and the Institute for Research on Learning. Whatever the origin, the popularity of such programs is spreading rapidly across all sectors of business in the United States and Europe1/.
The diverse efforts of organizations around the world to share knowledge are being pursued under various labels, including knowledge management, knowledge sharing , the learning organization, intellectual capital management or intellectual asset management. But whatever label it chooses, any organization embarking on this course must confront a number of key choices about the dimensions of its knowledge management system.

28. Knowledge Management Resource Center
The knowledge management Resource Center, gateway to knowledge management resources including major KM sites, KM periodicals, KM news, KM forums,
Comprehensive Directory covering all elements of Knowledge Management Software, Systems, Tools and Best Practice
Your Complete Knowledge Management Resource for:
KM Sites, Conferences, News, Products/Services, Books, Professional Organizations, Articles, Forums, Links var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));

29. Center For Knowledge Management
Overview of the CKM, an innovative division of the Library that concentrates resources and expertise for the development of digital knowledge bases,

Hours Directions What's New ... Collections, Services, and Projects Center for Knowledge Management Services Staff Directory Job Openings Art in the Library ... Support the Library SEE ALSO Recent Library Projects Research Software Licensing print-friendly version GALEN Home About the Library Center for Knowledge Management The UCSF Library's Center for Knowledge Management (CKM) is a group of programmers, web designers, database designers, systems administrators, and other specialists who provide innovative technical support for online information access and instructional technology applications. RECENT PROJECTS Multimedia Repository Digital Preservation Repository OCR Farm Proteomics Systems ... Legacy Tobacco Documents Archive SERVICES Programming, Web Design, Database Design WebCT Interfaces Identity Management Wireless Authentication ... Public Access Workstations and Printing RECENT PUBLICATIONS Down on the OCR Farm: How We Produced Searchable PDFs for 7 Million Documents in a Student Computer Lab Distance Education or Classroom Instruction for Continuing Education: Who Retains More Knowledge? Building Digital Tobacco Industry Document Libraries at the University of California San Francisco Library/Center for Knowledge Management Using XML to Federate Collections: The Legacy Tobacco Documents Library ... Conduct Policy

30. Knowledge Management Terms, By Daniel Stuhlman
One of the difficulties in mastering knowledge management is understanding the terminology of the field. In any field one must have a common understanding
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Knowledge Management Terms
Knowledge management is a conscious, hopefully consistent, strategy implemented to gather, store and retrieve knowledge and then help distribute the information and knowledge to those who need it in a timely manner. The strategy includes rules, procedures, and cultural aspects in addition to the hardware and software to help put the knowledge management strategy into action. The best computers and software are not useful without the people and procedures for using them. Knowledge management is a framework and management mind-set that includes building on experience and creating new avenues for exchanging knowledge. The strategy includes both the technological infrastructure and the human aspects that uses the tools. The progression for a learning organization is: data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. Data and information are gathered; knowledge and wisdom are applied as a result of analysis. Artificial ignorance occurs when truth is sacrificed in favor of reverence or ritual. People practice artificial ignorance when they behave without thinking about the reason behind the actions. They follow the rules, practices, procedures, or law exactly without thinking of the implications and results. A fictional and humorous example of this behavior is Amelia Bedilia in the books by Peggy Parish.*

31. Knowledge Management Online Open Source KM
This is a knowledge management Online site offering open source KM education and opensource KM consulting methods, tools and techniques.
Knowledge Management Online Open Source KM
Welcome to Knowledge Management Online! Web This is a unique Knowledge-Management-Online site offering free downloads of open source KM education and open source KM consulting methods, tools and techniques to its members . Our aim is to develop a common set of knowledge asset methodologies, processes, tools and measurements that can be applied within an Industry sector, and across all Industry sectors, as a whole. Our mission is to provide online, open source, all your primary Knowledge Management needs - from KM Education to KM Consulting, that is being continually developed and improved through the collective global knowledge and experiences of its members. A team of leading KM experts and practitioners Initial contributions of successful and well proven KM education and KM consulting methods have been made by leading KM experts and practitioners to provide this newly released KM Open Source Version 1 (June 2007). This will be continually developed by a growing global KM member community of practice, and by applying collective and systematic km processes. A team of leading KM practitioners and consultants, from around the world, will critically review all improved content. Our aim is to become a 'living example' of successful global knowledge sharing and knowledge management in action, and provide the facility for you to learn, experience, evaluate and apply Knowledge Management, personally, as a team, as an organisation, or a global km community.

32. 17th Annual International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium
knowledge management (KM) is an increasingly important new business movement Supporters of the knowledge management movement say effective knowledge
17th Annual International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium Special Track on Knowledge Management DESCRIPTION This track focuses on the effective design and development of state-of-the-art KM systems. This track includes research in related topics including cultural implications in creating a "knowledge sharing" environment versus one of "knowledge-is-power". Topics of interest include all aspects of relevant to KM, including related AI applications based on traditional AI methods and techniques such as data mining, knowledge engineering, cognitive issues, validation of knowledge repositories, etc.   The goal of this track is to continue a long-term effort in: • integrating works that address important issues and current unsolved problems with regard to research in KM, • publicizing the contribution of AI in KM by maintaining contacts and advertising sharable resources (mailing list, archives, Web site, etc.) • determining what is common in all Knowledge Management domains so that the KM community can further this work AUTHORS ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A paper addressing topics such as those listed above.

33. Knowledge Management: Knowledge Management Software |
Browse listings for knowledge management programs and services. Quickly find knowledge management solutions for your business with our complete directory of
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Knowledge Management
Directory of knowledge management solutions. Compare your options for knowledge management systems, whether you need software for knowledge management, case studies, or to learn more about managing knowledge networks. Featured Listings Knowledge Management
Our Knowledge Management solution is integrated into our online CRM, sales and customer management. Start a free trial today.
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Knowledge Management knowledge
in the marketplace.
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Basis Technology utilizes powerful techniques to provide software solutions for extracting useful intelligence from unstructured multilingual text.
www. Sponsored Links Knowledge Management
The Right solutions from the world leader in CRM. Free Product Demo! Knowledge Management
www. knowledge management Fully leverage existing knowledge to boost customer satisfaction.

34. ASIS&T Knowledge Management SIG Home
Home page of the special interest group on knowledge management, part of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.
Mission Officers Activities E-mail List ... Resources W Knowledge Management is concerned with all aspects of knowledge within all types of organizations, including knowledge creation, documentation, codification, sharing, and how these activities (and the culture of the organizations employing them) promote innovation, learning, effectiveness, and profitability. As an activity Knowledge Management encompasses techniques, technology, and organizational change. SIGKM will facilitate members' exploration of Knowledge Management for practical, educational, and scholarly purposes by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas. SIG-KM Home Mission Officers Activities E-mail List ... Resources Created: 29 November 2003
Site Updated: 12 October 2007
Comments about this site? please e-mail, Heather D. Pfeiffer

35. Micro Persuasion: Become A Knowledge Management Ninja With Google Reader
Tagging is an incredibly powerful tool for becoming a knowledge management ninja especially in PR. As you re reading feeds you can tag them for sharing
Micro Persuasion
Steve Rubel explores technology and its impact on marketing communications.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Become a Knowledge Management Ninja with Google Reader
In this era of data smog , the knowledge worker who can act like an agile ninja by consuming vast quantities of information, synthesizing it and getting it in the hands of the right people at the right time is invaluable. For knowledge worker ninjas, RSS is your shuriken I have been using various RSS readers for nearly five years now - I've tried them all. However, none matches the power of Google Reader . I have found that if you tap into all of its features, it's the Holy Grail of Personal Knowledge Management So as 2007 winds down and thoughts turn to productivity and prosperity in the new year, I offer these tips to help. Share your own thoughts in the comments. (Some of these may work with RSS readers from Newsgator, Bloglines and others but they are written with Google in mind.) This post has several parts ... * The Core Philosophy: Google Reader is a database and a feed reader
* Continually add tons of feeds in organized, methodical way

36. Knowledge Management
A collection of observations that have been made about knowledge in the modern workplace. By David Hay.

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    Knowledge Management
    by David C. Hay Published: January 1, 2000 Published in January 2000
    Origami I have before me paper models of a unicorn, a stegasaurus, and a giraffe. Each was folded from a single square sheet of paper without any cutting or pasting. What is the value of these figures? The paper involved is a few pennies. I consumed .10 pizzas while folding them. Yet they are much more valuable than that. Why? I added knowledge . I obtained the knowledge from books written by John Montroll in Maryland, who created the knowledge. He has the incredible ability to see an animal, understand its proportions, and recognize how to convert a square piece of paper into a figure that represents that animal. After he created the knowledge, he transmitted it via books. (1) I then acquired the knowledge and used it to produce the models. Stuff we know
    • ALTER TABLESPACE SYSTEM ADD DATAFILE . . . Exit 12 off the New Jersey Turnpike will take you to Carteret. //SYSIN DD * You used to IPL a computer instead of re-booting it.

37. What Is Knowledge Management?
knowledge management is a business activity with two primary aspects Treating the knowledge component of business activities as an explicit concern of
What is knowledge management? Rebecca O. Barclay
Managing Editor, Knowledge Praxis
Philip C. Murray
Editor-in-Chief, Knowledge Praxis Business Strategies What is Knowledge Why do we need..... Roadblocks to solutions ... Conclusion At Knowledge Praxis , we define knowledge management as a business activity with two primary aspects:
  • Treating the knowledge component of business activities as an explicit concern of business reflected in strategy, policy, and practice at all levels of the organization. Making a direct connection between an organization’s intellectual assets — both explicit [recorded] and tacit [personal know-how] — and positive business results.
In practice, knowledge management often encompasses identifying and mapping intellectual assets within the organization, generating new knowledge for competitive advantage within the organization, making vast amounts of corporate information accessible, sharing of best practices, and technology that enables all of the above — including groupware and intranets. That covers a lot of ground. And it should, because applying knowledge to work is integral to most business activities.

38. Information Architecture And Knowledge Management
The New Master of Science in Information Architecture and knowledge management.
Home Home Programs Courses People ... Survey Finds Web Professionals With Graduate Degrees Earn Higher Salaries On October 16, 2007, A List Apart released their results in pdf format from a survey conducted in April of 2007. Nearly 33,000 professionals from around the world in the web design and development field participated in this survey that covered everything from basic demographic information to perceived biases. Read more... Documents, Records and Content Management Course Online in Spring Document, Records and Content Management for the Enterprise with course instructor/facilitator Len Asprey is open for registration for the Spring 2008 semester. Asprey heads a consulting agency... Read more... Local News Channel Highlights ScanPath and Eyetracking in Usability Lab In a story that aired Wednesday, November 14, Usability Lab Manager and IAKM student Aaron Rosenberg was featured discussing the work that ScanPath and students can do in the usability lab using the Tobii Eyetracker. Read the story and see the video from the story at the site

39. WWW Virtual Library On Knowledge Management And The Knowledge Management Network
WWW Virtual Library on knowledge management is a part of the WWW Virtual Library and is developed and supported by the knowledge management Network project
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Welcome to the World's No. 1 Resource for Business Technology Management and Knowledge Management Search for: Help
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WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management and KMNetwork
World's most reputed Knowledge Management resource
Award-winning Content, Community, Research, and Practices

"Perhaps the best Knowledge Management resource site out there." - KMWorld More... BRINT Research Engine: Save Research Time By 99% KMNetwork: WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management Global Knowledge Network: Trade, Buy, Sell Knowledge Knowledge Management Think Tank Community: Forums Archive Join BRINT Global Knowledge Exchange and Knowledge Market Real Time Knowledge: Latest News and Business Intelligence KM Book: Online Book on Knowledge Management IT Use: Online Book on IT Management Practices Knowledge Management Seminars: Common Body of Knowledge Knowledge Management Opinions: Out-Of-Box Thinking Business Technology Management Research Portals General Business Industry and Technology Research Business Technology Management Best Practices e-Business and Electronic Commerce Applications

40. NLH - Knowledge Management
The aim of the site is to support a knowledge sharing culture within the National Health Service, by providing NHS employees with a quality knowledge base,
National Library for Health
Knowledge Management Specialist Library
NLH Home Specialist Libraries Knowledge Management Home
Search text: Library to search: All Specialist Libraries Cancer Cardiovascular Diseases Child Health Complementary and Alternative Medicine Diabetes Emergency Care ENT and Audiology Ethnicity and Health Eyes and Vision Genetic Conditions Health Management Kidney Diseases Knowledge Management Later Life Learning Disabilities Mental Health Musculoskeletal National Library of Guidelines Neurological Conditions Oral Health Palliative and Supportive Care Patient and Public Involvement Public Health Respiratory Screening Skin Disorders Stroke Trauma and Orthopaedics Women's Health
  • News Events KIST Glossary ... full download list
    Knowledge Management Specialist Library
    Welcome to the Knowledge Management Specialist Library "If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it."
    Margaret Fuller - 19th century American intellectual The aim of this site is to provide the best available evidence and practical examples of health professionals successfully sharing and applying knowledge and experience to their daily activities. Research in this area is still in the early stages and for that reason, much of the current content has been selected from the business sector. However, the material available on the Knowledge Management Specialist Library has been chosen because the content can also be applied to the health sector. The Knowledge Management Specialist Library is part of the

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