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1. KARST GEOMORPHOLOGY AND SPELEOLOGY, 1963-2003 karst geomorphology is concerned with surface landforms and epikarst. It lacks a guiding concept more complex than recognition of the dominance of rock http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2003AM/finalprogram/abstract_58966.htm | |
2. Intute: Science, Engineering And Technology - Browse Karst Geomorphology Browse karst geomorphology. This site provides a glossary of terminology used within karst geomorphology and speleology compiled by J.N. Jennings and http://www.intute.ac.uk/sciences/cgi-bin/browse.pl?id=340 |
3. Karst Geomorphology And Hydrogeology, Principal References Jennings, Joseph N., 1985, karst geomorphology (revised and expanded edition of Jennings, 1971) Basil Blackwell, Oxford and New York, 293 p. http://www.karstwaters.org/geobibl.htm | |
4. Speleogenesis.net :: Karst Geomorphology And The Role Of Speleogenesis Cave unroofing as a large-scale geomorphic process / Speleogenesis and Evolution of Karst Aquifers 4 (1), www.speleogenesis.info, 11 pages. http://www.speleogenesis.info/rubrik.php?rubricId=6 |
5. Recent Trends In Karst Geomorphology. The hydrochemical processes responsible for the origin of karst are expanded on to illustrate the present scope of karst studies. These geomorphological http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ304744 |
6. COSIS.net - Information - GM4.4 Surface And Subsurface Karst Geomorphology karst geomorphology is a classic interdisciplinary scientific discipline in which earth scientists, hydrologists, geographers, chemists, biologists, http://www.cosis.net/members/meetings/sessions/information.php?p_id=304&s_id=551 |
7. Basic Elements Of Karst Geology, Geomorphology And Hydrology The subject includes introduction, basic elements of carbonate geology, elements of karst geomorphology and underground water discharge in karst. http://www.p-ng.si/en/academic-programmes/6300/115981/ | |
8. JSTOR Karst Geomorphology. Book Reviews karst geomorphology. Joseph Newell Jennings. Oxford Basil Blackwell, 1985. x and 293 pp., subject and author indexes, and biblio. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0004-5608(198609)76:3<465:KG>2.0.CO;2-4 |
9. Jovan Cvijic And The Founding Of Karst Geomorphology Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.springerlink.com/index/876G101057525428.pdf |
10. Livre Karst Hydrogeology And Geomorphology, Revised Ed. (paper), Roches Metamorp Karst Hydrogeology and Geomorphology is a fully revised and updated version of the extensively used and widely cited karst geomorphology and Hydrology http://www.lavoisier.fr/notice/frWPOL66KZSORLKO.html | |
11. IngentaConnect Conceptual Modeling Of The Impacts Of Climate Change On Karst Geo As illustrated by a simple conceptual model, future climate change is likely to influence three key aspects of karst geomorphology, i.e. hydrology, http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/urban/341/2003/00000011/00000001/art00008; |
12. U.S. Cavers Forum: Caving News And Discussion - USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Pos For one of these fellowships, the research topic is The impacts of Quaternary climate change on karst geomorphology and hydrology in the Appalachian http://nssmembersforum.proboards28.com/index.cgi?board=nonnss&action=display&thr |
13. Books - Karst Geomorphology And Hydrology - 9780412445903 Buy karst geomorphology and Hydrology Price Range $73.67 from 1 sellers. http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/isbn=9780412445903 | |
14. GSA Journals Online - Special Paper 404: Perspectives On Karst Geomorphology, Hy Special Paper 404 Perspectives on karst geomorphology, Hydrology, and Geochemistry A Tribute Volume to Derek C. Ford and William B. White Articles http://www.gsajournals.org/perlserv/?SESSID=93a84229a6157149cb99f7ffbf0caa9e&req |
15. GSA Bookstore Ford and White each have contributed a retrospective contribution reviewing the progress in karst geomorphology and speleogenesis and karst hydrology over http://www.geosociety.org/GSA_Connection/0606/hot_spe404.asp | |
16. Search Selected chapters from karst geomorphology Objectives of the course Student has to get acquainted with basic literature and sources of karst geomorphology. http://www.ung.si/en/search/?q=geomorphology |
17. Untitled Document karst geomorphology and Environmental Concerns of the Mammoth Cave Region, Kentucky. Scenic Geology of Natural Bridge State Park and the Red River Gorge http://www.professionalgeologist.org/aipg2005field.html | |
18. GEOIN: Karst Activity Karst hydrogeology and human activities. Balkema. Ford, D.C. P.W.Williams 1989. karst geomorphology and hydrology. London Unwin Hyman. http://www.lgt.lt/geoin/doc.php?did=cl_karst |
19. Karst Geomorphology And Hydrology - > FORD, DEREK & PAUL WILLIAMS karst geomorphology and Hydrology; FORD, DEREK PAUL WILLIAMS. Offered by ReBook Sonja Buhlman. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/reb/19164.shtml | |
20. Karst: Karst Geomorphology. -- WHITE 232 (4753): 1034 -- Science Karst karst geomorphology. WILLIAM B WHITE sci 23247534753, 10341035, 1986 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science., 1986. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/citation/232/4753/1034 | |
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