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41. Reformulation Of A Methodological Concept In Grounded Theory -- Reed And Runquis Although the grounded theory method was not designed with nursing science in mind, it is one of the most prevalent and theoryproducing qualitative methods http://nsq.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/20/2/118 | |
42. Fielding Graduate University - School Of Educational Leadership And Change The Research Concentration in grounded theory and Grounded Action provides Includes an overview of grounded theory, critical thinking and theoretical http://www.fielding.edu/elc/ga.htm | |
43. Generating Curriculum Theory Through Grounded Theory Research. ED219299 Generating Curriculum Theory Through grounded theory Research. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED219299 |
44. SAGE - The Natural Home For Authors, Editors And Societies - Constructing Ground `grounded theory is a highly influential way of working with qualitative data and Kathy Charmaz is a major player, both innovative and fluent. http://www.sagepub.com/textbooksProdDesc.nav?prodId=Book217586 |
45. GROUNDED THEORY grounded theory was an attempt to avoid sociological theory which was overly abstract and for which the references to the real world were unclear. http://sociologyindex.com/grounded_theory.htm | |
46. Advocating For Self: A Grounded Theory Of Women's Process Of Fertility Regulatio Advocating for Self A grounded theory of women s process of fertility regulation Peggy Sherblom Matteson, Boston College Date 1991 http://escholarship.bc.edu/dissertations/AAI9131547/ | |
47. Anselm Strauss Basics of Qualitative Research grounded theory Procedures and Techniques. 1997 Anselm L. Strauss and Juliet Corbin (Eds.) grounded theory in Practice. http://www.ucsf.edu/anselmstrauss/cv.html | |
48. CiteULike: Group: Blog_and_Wiki_Research - With Tag Grounded-theory [2 Articles] Grounded Classification grounded theory and Faceted Classification posted to metadata groundedtheory facets cihr1 by leei to the group http://www.citeulike.org/group/48/tag/grounded-theory | |
49. Motherhood As HIV Prevention And Perpetuation: A Grounded Theory Analysis For this paper, the grounded theory method of constant comparison was used to analyze 43 indepth interviews and field observation notes with crack-using http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p107952_index.html | |
50. Qualitative Inquiry -- Sign In Page The authors examine one of the earliest systematic forms of qualitative inquiry to identify some of the boundaries needed in grounded theory designs to http://qix.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/14/1/28 | |
51. IDEA: Drexel E-repository And Archives: Rigor In Grounded Theory Research - An I Some issues and controversies relating to rigor in grounded theory generation are discussed. These include inductive theory generation and emergence, http://idea.library.drexel.edu/handle/1860/1985 | |
52. Grounded Theory grounded theory A Critical Research Methodology. Under Construction Working at the Intersections of Composition Theory, Research, and Practice. http://wrt-howard.syr.edu/Bibs/GroundedTheory.htm | |
53. TWENTY YEARS OF APPLYING GROUNDED THEORY IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS A Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.springerlink.com/index/q8166376t4653353.pdf |
54. Bypassing The Middleman: A Grounded Theory Of Women's Self-care For Vaginal Symp This research generated theory related to women s selftreatment of vaginal symptoms utilizing the grounded theory method. Data collection guided by http://scholarworks.umass.edu/dissertations/AAI9978564/ | |
55. Grounded Theory Methodology: The Pressing Need For A Coherent Logic Of Justifica The originators of the grounded theory approach to qualitative research now disagree on certain procedural aspects of the methodology, while agreeing on http://tap.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/8/1/101 | |
56. Open Space World ยป Grounded Theory Study Graduate research that makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of Open Space A grounded theory Study On The Value Associated With Using Open http://www.openspaceworld.org/news/2006/01/13/grounded-theory-study/ | |
57. The Role Of Grounded Theory In Developing Economic Theory Downloadable (with restrictions)! Author(s) John H. Finch. 2002 Abstract grounded theory is examined as a means of undertaking economics research that http://ideas.repec.org/a/taf/jecmet/v9y2002i2p213-234.html | |
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