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21. Reuters AlertNet - Greenhouse Gases At New Peak In Sign Of Asia Growth AlertNet provides news, information and analysis for everyone interested in emergency relief. AlertNet is run by Reuters Foundation. http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/B618674.htm | |
22. Greenbacks For Greenhouse Gas - The Boston Globe FOR SEVEN years, the Bush administration has advocated voluntary approaches to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases that cause global warming. http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/editorials/articles/2008/01/ | |
23. The Consortium For Agricultural Soil Mitigation Of Greenhouse Gases HOME Regional Assessment of Net Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Agricultural Soils in the . CASMGS Fact Sheet on the role of agriculture in other greenhouse gases http://www.casmgs.colostate.edu/ | |
24. Rearing Cattle Produces More Greenhouse Gases Than Driving Cars 29 November 2006 Cattlerearing generates more global warming greenhouse gases, as measured in CO2 equivalent, than transportation, and smarter production http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=20772&Cr=global&Cr1=environment |
25. Bush Aide Softened Greenhouse Gas Links To Global Warming - New York Times A White House official who once led the oil industry s fight against limits on greenhouse gases has repeatedly edited government climate reports in ways http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/08/politics/08climate.html | |
26. Other Greenhouse Gases (This essay is supplementary to the core essay on The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect For the most important greenhouse gas, water vapor, see the essay on http://www.aip.org/history/climate/othergas.htm | |
27. Argonne GREET Model The greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Emissions of CO2equivalent greenhouse gases - primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), http://www.transportation.anl.gov/software/GREET/ | |
28. ATCO/Stittco Pipeline Reduces Greenhouse Gases By 18,500 Tonnes CSRwire.com Corporate social responsibility News from ATCO Group. http://www.csrwire.com/News/10764.html | |
29. Greenhouse Gases At New Peak In Sign Of Asia Growth | Environment | Reuters By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent TROLL STATION, Antarctica (Reuters) Atmospheric levels of the main greenhouse gas have set another new peak in http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/environment/~3/219609018/idUSLAU985925200801 | |
30. ESRL Global Monitoring Division The NOAA ESRL Carbon Cycle greenhouse gases group makes ongoing discrete measurements from land and sea surface sites and aircraft, and continuous http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/ | |
31. Global Warming: A Closer Look At The Numbers The various greenhouse gases are not equal in their heatretention This table adjusts values in Table 1 to compare greenhouse gases equally with respect http://mysite.verizon.net/mhieb/WVFossils/greenhouse_data.html | |
32. NOVA Online/Cracking The Ice Age/Greenhouse - Green Planet On the other hand, without any greenhouse gases, much of the sun s heat would Each greenhouse gas has its own important role in trapping the sun s heat, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ice/greenhouse.html | |
33. Charge: Carbon Dioxide Hogs Global Warming Stage | LiveScience All the gases contributing to the greenhouse effecta blanket of sorts that lets greenhouse gases absorb the infrared radiation coming from the planets http://www.livescience.com/environment/070329_non_co2.html | |
34. A Link Between Greenhouse Gases And The Evolution Of C4 Grasses In an article published online on Dec. 20, evolutionary biologists provide strong evidence that changes in global carbon dioxide levels probably had an http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2007-12/cp-alb122007.php | |
35. The Greenhouse Gas Effect â Infoplease.com The gases that help capture the heat, called greenhouse gases, include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and a variety of manufactured http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0004686.html | |
36. CALIFORNIA CLIMATE CHANGE CENTER Two independent analyses say an effort, opposed by business, to cut greenhouse gases could be beneficial for California s economy, http://calclimate.berkeley.edu/managing_GHGs_in_CA.html | |
37. EEK! -Global Warming Is Hot Stuff! The increase in greenhouse gases is expected to raise the average global For instance, an increase in carbon dioxide (the main greenhouse gas) may warm http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/ce/eek/earth/air/global.htm | |
38. Local News | Power Plant Would Bury Greenhouse Gas | Seattle Times Newspaper For people worried about global warming, it s one of the Holy Grails Figuring out how to affordably take greenhouse gases and permanently store them http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003775192_power05m.html | |
39. Combustion Of Waste May Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions A joint research project has proved that development of waste management is a costefficient means to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/12/071207001203.htm | |
40. CHEMRAWN-XVII And ICCDU-IX Conference On Greenhouse Gases Queen s University, located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, is a degree granting academic organization offering a full range of programs including law, http://www.chem.queensu.ca/greenhouse/ | |
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