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1. Greenhouse Gas - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia greenhouse gases are components of the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Without the greenhouse effect the Earth would be uninhabitable; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas | |
2. Greenhouse Gases, Climate Change, And Energy Many chemical compounds found in the Earths atmosphere act as greenhouse gases. These gases allow sunlight to enter the atmosphere freely. http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/ggccebro/chapter1.html | |
3. Greenhouse Gases greenhouse gases naturally blanket the Earth and keep it about 33 degrees Celsius warmer than it would be without these gases in the atmosphere. http://www.umich.edu/~gs265/society/greenhouse.htm | |
4. GreenHouse Gas Online - Greenhouse Gas News, Research And Resources Devoted to greenhouse gas and climate change news and science. Detailed information on the various greenhouse gases and on climate change issues. http://www.ghgonline.org/ | |
5. NCDC: Greenhouse Gases Many chemical compounds present in Earth s atmosphere behave as greenhouse gases . These are gases which allow direct sunlight (relative shortwave energy) http://lwf.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/gases.html | |
6. Climate Change And Greenhouse Gases Article reviews scientific understanding of the issue of greenhouse gases and climate change, as presented in peerreviewed publications. http://www.agu.org/eos_elec/99148e.html | |
7. Current Greenhouse Gas Concentrations Additional material on greenhouse gases can be found in CDIAC s Reference Tools. To find out how CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs, and halons are named, see Name that http://cdiac.ornl.gov/pns/current_ghg.html | |
8. Global Warming - What Are Greenhouse Gases? One in a series of frequently asked questions about global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. http://environment.about.com/od/faqglobalwarming/f/greengases.htm | |
9. RealClimate Firstly, it is often used to group together all the forcings from the Kyoto greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O and CFCs), and secondly to group together all http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/category/climate-science/greenhous | |
10. Greenhousegases.gov.au > This site is designed to provide free tips, tools and resources to help you use less energy, save money and reduce greenhouse gases in our environment. http://www.greenhousegases.gov.au/ | |
11. Greenhouse Effect: Background Material The blanket here is a collection of atmospheric gases called greenhouse gases based on the idea that the gases also trap heat like the glass walls of http://www.ucar.edu/learn/1_3_1.htm | |
12. BBC - Weather Centre - Climate Change - Greenhouse Gases The greenhouse gases. Almost all of the Earth s atmosphere (99 % ) is made up of nitrogen (about 78 % ) and oxygen (about 21 % ). While both of these gases http://www.bbc.co.uk/climate/evidence/greenhouse_gases.shtml | |
13. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data Data can displayed for individual Parties or groups of Parties, for different greenhouse gases or for their sum, and at varying degrees of detail. http://unfccc.int/ghg_emissions_data/items/3800.php | |
14. The Environmental Literacy Council - Greenhouse Gases Atmospheric greenhouse gases play a critical role in shaping our global climate. Naturallyoccurring trace gases in the atmosphere include water vapor, http://www.enviroliteracy.org/article.php/428.html | |
15. MBARI - Ocean Chemistry Of Greenhouse Gases Information about research by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) into ocean sequestration of carbon dioxide. http://www.mbari.org/ghgases/ | |
16. CO2 Science There is no question that atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) have risen considerably Turn to CO2 Science for all your greenhouse gas reporting needs. http://www.co2science.org/scripts/CO2ScienceB2C/about/ghgreport/ghgreporting.jsp |
17. An Introduction To Infrared Spectroscopy And Greenhouse Gases Introduction and overview, maintained at the Department of Chemistry, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania. http://science.widener.edu/svb/ftir/intro_ir.html | |
18. ENN: Greenhouse Gases At New Peak In Sign Of Asia Growth TROLL STATION, Antarctica (Reuters) Atmospheric levels of the main greenhouse gas have set another new peak in a sign of the industrial rise of Asian http://www.enn.com/pollution/article/29608 | |
19. NASA GISS: Research Features: Methane: A Scientific Journey From Obscurity To Cl In combination with other greenhouse gases (water vapor, CO2 and N2O), With these observations that methane is a greenhouse gas, that changes to http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/features/methane/ | |
20. Rhode Island Greenhouse Gas Process Information about statelevel initiative to reduce the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. http://righg.raabassociates.org/ | |
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