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21. Geology Of Gold Deposits In The Southern Marginal Zone Of The Limpopo Belt And A geology of gold deposits in the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt and adjacent Sutherland greenstone belt, South Africa; Klein Letaba http://sajg.geoscienceworld.org/cgi/content/abstract/100/1/73 | |
22. Leighton, Freeman Beach (1952-01-01) Geology Of The Vermiculite Deposits, Gold B Title, geology of the vermiculite deposits, gold Butte mining district, southern Virgin Mountains, Nevada. Ogives of the East Twin Glacier, Alaskatheir http://etd.caltech.edu/etd/available/etd-05042006-141511/ | |
23. Gratacap Geology Of New York City Ball. Diamonds Coal and gold of India. Bastin. geology Pegmatites Maine. Beveridge. Baburnama. Bradford. The Nerrena Or Little Bendigo goldField. http://www.farlang.com/gemstones/gratacap-geology-new-york/page_001 |
24. IngentaConnect Geology Of Gold-bearing Skarn Deposits In The Middle And Lower Ya geology of goldbearing skarn deposits in the middle and lower Yangtze River Valley and adjacent regions. Authors Zhao Y.1; Zhang Y.; Bi C. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/01691368/1999/00000014/00000003/art000 | |
25. Books - Geology Of Pluton-Related Gold Mineralization At Battle Mountain, Nevada Buy geology of PlutonRelated gold Mineralization at Battle Mountain, Nevada - Price Range $65.60 - $133.12 from 3 sellers. http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/isbn=9780966123302 | |
26. Geology Of Epithermal Silver-gold Bulk-mining Targets, Bodie Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.springerlink.com/index/752KVJ7662VM8686.pdf |
27. JSTOR The Geology Of The Gold Fields Of British Guiana The geology of the gold Fields of British Guiana. By J. B. Harrison. With Historical, Geographical and other Chapters by Frank Fowler and C. Wilgress http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0190-5929(1909)41:8<514:TGOTGF>2.0.CO;2-B |
28. GEOLOGY OF THE RAUL-CONDESTABLE IRON OXIDE-COPPER-GOLD DEPOSIT, CENTRAL COAST OF geology OF THE RAULCONDESTABLE IRON OXIDE-COPPER-gold DEPOSIT, CENTRAL COAST OF PERU. DE HALLER, Antoine, Mineralogy Department, University of Geneva, http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2001AM/finalprogram/abstract_25106.htm | |
29. The Geology Of The Dolgellau Gold-belt The Dolgellau gold Belt and its geology. The Dolgellau goldbelt runs, arclike, southward from near Trawsfynydd, around the eastern and southern flanks http://www.geologywales.co.uk/dgb/ | |
30. Buy.com - Geology Of Pluton-Related Gold Mineralization At Battle Mountain, Neva geology of PlutonRelated gold Mineralization at Battle Mountain, Nevada Ted G. Theodore ISBN 9780966123302 Book. http://www.buy.com/prod/geology-of-pluton-related-gold-mineralization-at-battle- | |
31. Geology A description of the placer geology of the Fortymile River placer gold mining area. http://www.fortymilegold.ca/geology.htm | |
32. McLaughlin Reserve geology. New Resources. Petrography, Mineralogy, and geochemistry of . In either case, it is agreed that much of the golddepositing water was http://nrs.ucdavis.edu/mclaughlin/naturalhis/geology.htm | |
33. Carbon Isotope Evidence For A Magmatic Origin For Archaean Gold-quartz Vein Ore Groves, D. I. et al. in gold 82 The geology, Geochemistry and Genesis of Hodgson, C. J. MacGeehan, P. J. in geology of Canadian gold Deposits (eds http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v321/n6073/abs/321851a0.html | |
34. Martha Mine Educational Resources For Schools: Geology The University of Otago Department of geology website features a wide range of material about geology and gold. www.otago.ac.nz/geology/ See gold from http://www.marthamine.co.nz/schools/geol_sch.html | |
35. Geology Of Gold Rush Mining The Valdez Creek Mining District s geology was affected primarily for four significant glacial episodes. The last one being in the Holocene period, http://www.goldrushmining.com/pages/geology.html | |
36. Geology Of The Cripple Creek Mining District geology of the Cripple Creek and Victor area gold mining. http://www.ccvgoldmining.com/Geology/geology.html | |
37. Geology Of Moore Creek, Alaska gold is concentrated at the base of the gravel and the upper 1.5 ft (0.46 m) 1988 A summary of the geology and mineral resources along a 32 km (20 mi) http://www.moorecreek.com/geology.htm | |
38. Ouachita National Forest - Minerals And Geology, Inventory Alabama NFsAL; Caribbean NF-PR - geology, Topography, Soil Catagories, Landslides; La Coca Falls, La Mina Waterfall; Chattahoochee-Oconee NFs-GA - gold http://www.fs.fed.us/r8/ouachita/natural-resources/minerals/inventory.shtml | |
39. Geology Of The Sierra Nevada, Revised Edition gold The California Story, by Mary Hill A Land in Motion California s San Andreas Fault, by Michael Collier geology of the San Francisco Bay Region, http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/1260001.html | |
40. Los Angeles Area Geology During the mid to late 1800 s, there was gold fever here. The following sections will give more detailed descriptions of each areas geology. http://www.scvresources.com/geology/ | |
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