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21. COSIS.net - Climatology And Glaciology - Session Programme Climatology and glaciology SolarTerrestrial Sciences Planetary and Solar System Sciences Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics http://www.cosis.net/members/meetings/programme/view.php?prg=10 |
22. SCNAT / VAW Glacier Monitoring Network Welcome to the Swiss Glacier Monitoring Network. The changes of the glaciers in the Swiss Alps are measured every year. You will find here recent results, http://glaciology.ethz.ch/messnetz/ | |
23. Glaciology Group Leeds glaciology Group, School of Geography, Leeds University, UK. http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/research/glaciology/ | |
24. Tropical Glaciology Group - Overview Tropical glaciology Group University of Innsbruck. Tropical glaciology Group Innsbruck. Focus. In the low latitudes, seasonal temperature variations are http://www.uibk.ac.at/geographie/forschung/klima-eis/tropic/ | |
25. LGGE - Laboratory Of Glaciology And Geophysical Environment Climate research through ice core drillings (including instrumental development), analysis, http://www-lgge.ujf-grenoble.fr/eng/ | |
26. Cambridge Greenland Glaciology Expedition 2002 Information about patrons, schedule, backing and membership of a summer 2002 expedition to Eastern Louise Boyds Land in Northeast Greenland to study the http://www.greenland2002.org.uk/ | |
27. Glaciology At Trent University This site describes the research in glaciology conducted by Trent University on Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut, Canada. The research is based on a longlived http://www.trentu.ca/geography/glaciology/glaciology.htm | |
28. Northwest Glaciology Meeting The 36th annual Northwest glaciology Meeting will be held September 1516, 2006 in Fairbanks, Alaska. All are welcome to attend and present recent advances http://www.northwestglaciology.org/ | |
29. Access : : Nature Investigations of the base of the Antarctic ice sheet began in the 1960s, when glaciologists used groundbased and airborne radars to map the ice s http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v445/n7130/full/445830a.html | |
30. Untitled Document By Bruce F. Molnia. OPENFILE REPORT 2004-1216. The photographs used in this site show Alaskan glaciers and landforms and were taken by Bruce Molnia, http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2004/1216/ | |
31. Kilimanjaro Geology And Glaciology Kilimanjaro Geology and glaciology. Kilimanjaro Geology and glaciology. Kilimanjaro lies on a tectonic line intersection 80km. east of the tectonically http://www.kilimanjaro.cc/kgeology.htm | |
32. Ross Sea - Antarctica GEOLOGY, glaciology AND WILDLIFE. Including the Ross Sea Dependency, It is intended to be a summary of the ornithology, geology, glaciology and http://www.rosssea.info/ | |
33. The World Data Center -D WDC for glaciology and Geocryology, Lanzhou, is the main part of the World Data The *** data in this paper were provided by the WDC for glaciology and http://wdcdgg.westgis.ac.cn/ | |
34. Glaciology - Definition Of Glaciology By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus A Definition of glaciology in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of glaciology. What does glaciology mean? glaciology synonyms, glaciology antonyms. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/glaciology | |
35. Glaciology - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of glaciology from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/glaciology | |
36. Glaciology Glaciological research. Glacier flow. Possibly the most interesting dynamical phenomenon is the glacier surge, a relaxation oscillation typified by the http://www2.maths.ox.ac.uk/~fowler/research/glaciology.html | |
37. Masters | Postgraduate Course Information - MSc Glaciology MSc glaciology Postgraduate Masters Course at Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth, University of Wales. http://www.findamasters.com/search/showcourse.asp?cour_id=4396 |
38. Surface Glaciology Surface glaciology and sampling of snow crystals at Dome C, Antarctica. http://www.gdargaud.net/Antarctica/Glacio.html | |
39. National Glaciology Group National glaciology Group. Investigating glaciers, glaciation, the nature and impact of past and http//gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/glaciology/national/index_e.php. http://gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/glaciology/national/index_e.php | |
40. Wiley::Field Techniques In Glaciology And Glacial Geomorphology Field Techniques in glaciology and Glacial Geomorphology is the first text to provide this essential information in a single comprehensive volume. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470844264.html | |
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