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21. UB - Hominid Paleo-ethology We have, in other words, added the paleoethologist to the list of those who work in pluridisciplinary teams researching into Prehistory, http://www.ub.es/SERP/EtoHom/indexE.html | |
22. The CALVIN BOOKSHELF Ethology Collection A list of favorite books about ethology and animal behaior. http://williamcalvin.com/bookshelf/ethology.htm | |
23. European Society Of Veterinary Clinical Ethology The European Society of Veterinary Clinical ethology is a nonprofit making organisation which aims to promote and support scientific progress in veterinary http://www.esvce.org/ | |
24. Journal Of Ethology Homepage Journal of ethology. published by Japan Ethological Society. Journal of ethology is covered in Current Contents and SCI. in Japanese. Vol 1 Vol. 17 http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jes2/JE.html | |
25. LUDWIG -BOLTZMANN -INSTITUTE FOR URBAN ETHOLOGY In winter term the new curricula for biology are coming into effect. We are compiling information for Master students in human ethology. http://evolution.anthro.univie.ac.at/ | |
26. About Gender - Gender Roles - Gender Variance - Gender Identity. Towards A Balan ethology 07.02 Introduction 03.04 Reproduction 07.02 Maternal Strategies 11.02 Living in Groups 07.02 Dominance and Male Behaviour 07.02 Primates. http://www.gender.org.uk/about/index.htm | |
27. Ethology And Teaching A Computer Dogspeak | Scientific Blogging ethology is the study of animal behavior, with a focus on behavioral patterns in natural environments. A new paper shows that researchers are now taking a http://www.scientificblogging.com/news_releases/ethology_and_teaching_a_computer | |
28. Neuroendocrinology Letters -- ETHOLOGY A peerreviewed transdisciplinary Journal covering neuroendocrinology, psyhoneuroimmunology and chronobiology. Publishing basic and clinical research papers http://www.nel.edu/human_ethology/ethology.htm | |
29. Ethology - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of ethology from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ethology | |
30. Ethology, Ecology And Critical Anthropomorphism ethology is the study of animal behavior. It is a science, with its own body of work relating to how behavior is measured, quantified and documented. http://www.anapsid.org/ethology.html | |
31. COAPE - Centre Of Applied Pet Ethology COAPE was founded in 1993 by Peter Neville, Robin Walker and the late John Fisher, and has always been at the forefront in offering education for all in http://www.coape.co.uk/ | |
32. Artificial Life And Synthetic Ethology Papers relating to MacLennan s research program in artificial life and synthetic ethology. http://www.cs.utk.edu/~mclennan/alife.html | |
33. Film Archive Of Human Ethology Archives of Films, Videos and photographies on the ethology of Humans comparing different cultures. http://erl.orn.mpg.de/~fshuman/en/eindex.html | |
34. Animal Behaviour - Resources For Applied Ethology Applied ethology is the study of the behaviour of animals that are under some form of human management and is a growing scientific field that is helping to http://animalbehaviour.net/ | |
35. White Horse Farm Equine Ethology Project Features illustrated articles and forum discussion on the psychology and behavior of the horse. Subjects include evolution, social behavior and welfare, http://www.equine-behavior.com/ |
36. PetSmart Training | What Is Ethology ethology is the study of animal behavior. Scientists, called ethologists, spend their lives studying and trying to understand how dogs communicate with each http://training.petsmart.com/learn_ethology.shtml | |
37. IngentaConnect Publication: Ethology ethology. ISSN 01791613. Blackwell Publishing logo. Publisher Blackwell Publishing. 103 issues are available electronically. Key. Free Content http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bsc/eth | |
38. Ethology Lab - What Is Ethology? The word ethology stems from the Greek ethos meaning the habit and logos which signifies the study. Overall, ethology is the study of behaviour and http://www.ethology.ugent.be/english/lab/ethology.htm | |
39. Department Of Animal Biology, Universit Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign A department in a comprehensive, major public university; provides undergraduate and graduate education; conducts theoretical and applied research; http://www.life.uiuc.edu/animalbiology/ | |
40. INTERNATIONALLY SUPPORTED PROJECTS ON HUMAN ETHOLOGY AND EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY Student projects, abstracts, curriculum vitae, photo and appendix. http://ethology.nsu.ru/ | |
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