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61. Ethnology French Riviera (Var) (English), Ethnology French Riviera (Var) (Englis association CEREV (inheritance, popularization, consultant in ethnology, dry flowers of French Riviera, inshore fishing in Mediterranean, Internet links http://cerev.online.fr/englishindex.htm | |
62. Institute Of Ethnology (institution, Paris, France) -- Britannica Online Encycl Institute of ethnology (institution, Paris, France). Encyclopædia Britannica Related Articles. A selection of articles discussing this topic. http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-194309/Institute-of-Ethnology | |
63. Ethnology.pl ethnology.pl. Home Articles Gallery Contact. Articles. img. Many traditions, single world. An anthropological view of globalization http://www.ethnology.pl/?page=pages/articles |
64. OPTIONS: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (1885/86) OPTIONS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF AMERICAN ethnology (1885/86) http://fax.libs.uga.edu/J84xSIx2x1xv07/ | |
65. VietNamNet - Main Activities Of Vietnam Museum Of Ethnology In 2008 VietNamNet Bridge One of the main tasks of the Vietnam Museum of ethnology in 2008 is to prepare for the exhibition on Southeast Asian cultures, http://english.vietnamnet.vn/lifestyle/2008/01/764478/ | |
66. Asian Ethnology Cumulative List Of Essays Book Reviews CUMULATIVE LISTING OF ESSAYS BOOK REVIEWS FROM ASIAN ethnology formerly ASIAN FOLKLORE STUDIES Volumes 166 (19422007) http://www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/SHUBUNKEN/publications/afs/afs_cumulative_list.htm | |
67. IPac2.0 Search Results. Browsing results matching ethnology ethnology Afghanistan, 0. 6. See also Gorbat (Afghanistan people); 1 http://occ.dalnet.lib.mi.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?&profile=ocah&aspect=advanced&menu=s |
68. Museum Of Cretan Ethnology - Vori, Timbaki, Iraklion The Museum of Cretan ethnology in Vori is an institution of the Cultural Association of the Province of Messara. It was erected between 19771982 and opened http://www.interkriti.org/timbaki/vorimus.htm | |
69. Royal Alberta Museum: Collections And Research: Ethnology The ethnology program interprets the culture and history of the indigenous peoples of the world. While the primary emphasis is on First Nations and Metis http://www.royalalbertamuseum.ca/human/ethno/intro.htm | |
70. Definition Of Cataract,retort,musty,equivocate,prosperity,ethnology,incursion,de Sociology is one aspect of the science of ethnology. ethnology define ethnology definition of ethnology what is the definition of the word ethnology? http://www.english-test.net/gre/vocabulary/words/237/gre-definitions.php | |
71. Ethnology ethnology, or the theoretical aspect of anthropology, is concerned with the explanation of cultural regularities and variation through comparison and http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/anthropology/courses/122/module1/ethnolog | |
72. National Park Service Archeology Program The Archeology Program works on the preservation, conservation, and protection of archaeological sites and artifacts in the national parks and throughout http://www.cr.nps.gov/aad/ | |
73. Om Etnologiska Institutionen Etnologiska institutionen består av tre avdelningar; Avdelningen för etnologi, avdelningen för humanekologi och Folklivsarkivet. http://www.etn.lu.se/ |
74. Al Mashriq, Lebanon - Etnology Etnology. Languages of the world, Lebanon al@mashriq 990515. http://almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/etnology.html | |
75. Intute: Social Sciences - Anthropology Quick links, Intute home, Intute social sciences, - A-Z of services, - Contacts, - Feedback / Help Desk, - History, - New resources, - Search http://www.intute.ac.uk/socialsciences/anthropology/ | |
76. Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden Translate this page Overzicht van de tentoonstellingen en collecties met veel foto s en virtuele rondleidingen. Ook tijdelijke en verwachte tentoonstellingen en de volledige http://www.rmv.nl/ | |
77. Ethnologist - Definition Of Ethnologist By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus Definition of ethnologist in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of ethnologist. What does ethnologist mean? ethnologist synonyms, ethnologist antonyms. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ethnologist | |
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