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41. The Mashu Museum Of Ethnology The Mashu Museum of ethnology, named in honour of Sir Marshall Campbell, consists of many examples of the material culture of the African peoples, http://khozi2.nu.ac.za/mashumuse.htm | |
42. Newfoundland Museum Archaeology Ethnology Unit The Archaeology and ethnology section of the Newfoundland Museum is dedicated to preserving Newfoundland and Labradors heritage. http://www.nfmuseum.com/museum.htm | |
43. Introduction To The International Core Data Standard For Ethnology/Ethnography The International Core Data Standards for ethnology / Ethnography has been prepared by the CIDOC Ethno Working Group . The preparation of the International http://www.willpowerinfo.myby.co.uk/cidoc/ethst0.htm | |
44. Journal "ARCHAEOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY OF EURASIA" This new periodical has as its purpose the presentation and analysis of materials relating to the archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia, http://www.archaeology.nsc.ru/ph/eng/index.html | |
45. Ethnology Collections - Burke Museum The ethnology division of the Burke Museum is currently acquiring portions of an important textile collection from local collector and textile expert Leslie http://www.washington.edu/burkemuseum/collections/ethnology/collections/index.ph | |
46. Studies - The Department Of Music Anthropology/UTA ethnology is the latest branch of study in the Department of Music Anthropology. As a subject, ethnology is quite wide it includes courses in cultural http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/mustut/english/ethnology.html | |
47. Ethnology @ SNOMNH To learn more about this style of hair ornament, see Alanson Skinners Observations on the ethnology of the Sauk Indians, Part III, Notes on Material http://ethnology.wordpress.com/ | |
48. § 19 Aryans, Et Al.: Ethnology Today, Huxley receives even less notice as an ethnologist than as a physical anthropologist. His contributions to ethnology begin with the observations he http://aleph0.clarku.edu/huxley/guide19.html | |
49. Jewish Folklore And Ethnology Section The Jewish Folklore and ethnology Section of the American Folklore Society is devoted to studies of Jewish folklore, folklife, and ethnology. http://www.afsnet.org/sections/jewish/ | |
50. Introductory Page - Uncle Remus History/Ethnology Research Project A historical and ethnological examination of Harris folklore collections and other writings. Includes biography, texts, contemporary reviews, http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG97/remus/remus.html | |
51. George Ernest Morrsion Lectures In Ethnology George Ernest Morrison Lecture series banner. The George Ernest Morrison Lecture series was founded by Chinese residents in Australia and others in honour http://rspas.anu.edu.au/ccc/gemorris.htm | |
52. U Of M Department Of Anthropology: Ethnology: Description ethnology is a broad term for sociocultural anthropology. In the most general terms it attempts to explain similarities and differences among cultures, http://www.lsa.umich.edu/anthro/ethnology/index.htm | |
53. SIEF2008 - International Conference Of Ethnology And Folklore Its objectives are to develop scholarly work in the field of European ethnology and folklore, to promote publication, to stimulate cooperation among its http://www.arts.ulster.ac.uk/sief2008/home.htm | |
54. Vietnam Travel Guide - Vietnam Museum Of Ethnology - Ha Noi The Vietnam Museum of ethnology is a convergence of cultures and a scientific ethnological center. It has actively contributed to the conservation and http://www.vietnamtravelguide.com/article_detail.php?cat=1&show_cat=1&sub_cat=1& |
55. Faculty Of History - Institute Of Archaeology And Ethnology Teresa Karwicka Research topics ethnographic regionalization of Northern and Central Poland (T. Karwicka), the theory and methodology of ethnological http://www.his.uni.torun.pl/en/archeology/archeo.html | |
56. «CESWW» - Dissertations In Central Eurasian Studies - Ethnography/Ethnology Institution Institute of ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Sciences Address \ Russia Phone 7(095)93854-15, 938-55-70 E-mail olga_gor (a) http://cesww.fas.harvard.edu/diss/CESWdiss_Ethnography_Ethnology.html | |
57. Department Of History And Ethnology â Jyväskylän Yliopisto - Universi The Department of History and ethnology combines two disciplines, which aim at drawing a wide, profound and theorethically versatile picture of past http://www.jyu.fi/hum/laitokset/hie/en | |
58. HAS: Institute Of Ethnology NonEuropean ethnological researches. 3. Contemporary problems of the rural population, Coordination of ethnographical synopses (ethnological atlas, http://www.mta.hu/index.php?id=766 |
59. Department Of Ethnology Problems of ethnology of Ancient Societies (History of Social Organization in Primitive Societies, Culture and Social Structure of Traditional Societies, http://www.hist.msu.ru/English/departments/Ethn/index.html | |
60. Social Anthropology, Ethnology & Cultural History An MRes postgraduate programme in Social Anthropology, ethnology and Cultural History. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/graduate/study/taught.php?code=soc_anthro |
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