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21. Institude Of Ethnology - Academia Sinica 2006 Institute of ethnology. Academia Sinica. All rights reserved. Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan Tel +8862-2652-3300 Fax +886-2-2785-5836 For English http://www.sinica.edu.tw/ioe/english/index.htm | |
22. Victorian Studies--Arnoldian Ethnology Like the Celtic sensibility Arnold found buried within the English soul, Arnold s ethnology represents a conceptual knot that has refused to go away in http://www.indiana.edu/~iupress/journals/victorian/vic41-3pec.html | |
23. Africa. Art And Culture Museum of ethnology Arnimallee 27 14195 Berlin Dahlem. Phone 030/83010 Fax 030/8301500 E-mail md@smb.spk-berlin.de http://www.smb.spk-berlin.de/mv/afrika/e/afrika1.html | |
24. Traditional Arts & Ethnology Centre - Luang Prabang The Traditional Arts and ethnology Centre is a private, nonprofit museum located in Luang Prabang, Laos. Dedicated to the preservation of Laos ethnic http://www.taeclaos.org/ | |
25. Papua New Guinea Ethnology PAPUA NEW GUINEA ethnology. The aboriginal Negroid Papuans, who occupied most of New Guinea, Oceania ethnology Home Page. Melanesia Home Page http://www.janeresture.com/oceania_ethnology/png.htm | |
26. Dept. Of Ethnology / National Chengchi University On August 1, 1990, the Graduate Institute of Border Administration, under the approval of the MOE, was transformed into the Graduate Institute of ethnology. | |
27. VIETNAM MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY Vietnam Museum of ethnology is both a research centre and a public museum exhibiting the ethnic groups of Vietnam. The mission of the Museum is scientific http://www.vme.org.vn/aboutus_history.asp | |
28. Postgraduate Prospectus 2008 - Scottish Ethnology Taught Masters Degree Scottish ethnology in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures. http://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/postgraduate/finder/details.html?id=250 |
29. SpringerLink Home - Main www.springerlink.com/openurl. asp?genre=journal issn=15630110 - http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1563-0110 |
30. Mogamigawa River Project For the Department of Archaeology and ethnology(Japanese). . The Department of Archaeology and ethnology. Faculty of Letters Keio University http://www.flet.keio.ac.jp/~abeto/mrp/index_e.html | |
31. Ethnology Jobs And Information ethnology is the study of the people of the world, their origin, and culture, social and ethnic relationships. It analyzes the separate components of the http://www.unixl.com/dir/humanities/ethnology/ | |
32. History, Land And Ethnology Comprehensive resource from TimorNet at University of Coimbra in Portugal. http://www.uc.pt/timor/atop.html | |
33. Ethnology - MSN Encarta ethnology, one of the four subdivisions of anthropology. The other subdivisions are physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics. ethnology, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761572121/Ethnology.html | |
34. Ethnology Of Tongareva | NZETC Title ethnology of Tongareva. Author Te Rangi Hiroa. Publication details Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Part of Tidal Pools Digitized Texts from Oceania for http://www.nzetc.org/tm/scholarly/tei-BucTong.html | |
35. ICHEE International Council for Human Ecology and ethnology. Director General s Office P.O. Box 7024 New York, NY 101280010 http://www.ichee.org/ |
36. Annual Report Of The Bureau Of American Ethnology To The Secretary Of The Smiths Annual Report of the Bureau of American ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution began publication in 1881, though the Bureau at the time http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/serial?id=arbae |
37. Native Americans - Ethnology ethnology The scientific study of the origin and functioning of human cultures. It is usually considered one of the major branches of cultural anthropology, http://www.nativeamericans.com/Ethnology.htm | |
38. Slovenian Ethnology And Cultural Anthropology Slovenian ethnology and cultural anthropology on the Net. http://www.benjaminbezek.net/etnologija/ethnology.htm | |
39. Ethnology - Definition From Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary Definition of ethnology from MerriamWebster s Medical Dictionary with examples and pronunciations. http://medical.merriam-webster.com/medical/ethnology | |
40. Museum Of Achaeology And Ethnology Museum of Archaeology ethnology Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6. P 778.782.3325 F 778.782.5666. Dr. Barbara J. Winter http://sfu.museum/ | |
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