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61. Research Ethics Resources On The World Wide Web One of the newer resources available to a teacher of research ethics is cyberspace. The World Wide Web offers a vast array of ideas and information simply http://www.indiana.edu/~poynter/tre-onln.html | |
62. Legal Research Guide - Ethics Law In addition to information about the organization, find an index to Webbased resources on ethics rules and codes, ethics opinions, bar admission rules, http://www.virtualchase.com/topics/ethics.shtml | |
63. Research Ethics Each module covers a specific topic in the area of research ethics, such as authorship, animal human subjects, research misconduct and intellectual http://research.ucsc.edu/compliance/ethics_resources.html | |
64. Course On Ethical Issues In International Health Research: Course Information The website for the Program on Ethical Issues in International Health research introduces major topics related to the ethics of international clinical http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/bioethics/fellowship_info.htm | |
65. Sarah Lawrence College: Applied Research Ethics Certificate Program Sarah Lawrence Collegefor three decades a leader in Health Advocacy and Genetic Counseling masters programsis offering a new Applied research ethics http://www.slc.edu/are/index.php | |
66. History Of Research Ethics The Declaration governs international research ethics and defines rules for research combined with clinical care and nontherapeutic research. http://www.unlv.edu/Research/OPRS/history-ethics.htm | |
67. Association Of Research Ethics Committees The Association of research ethics Committees. Miss Tara Graham Director of Operations The Association of research ethics Committees Office Suite 3 http://www.arec.org.uk/ | |
68. International Research Ethics Short Course A oneweek intensive course in international research ethics is offered once per year at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. http://www.bioethicsinstitute.org/web/page/445/sectionid/378/pagelevel/2/interio | |
69. Ethics In Educational Research 4, 1997) and has given further attention to the matter of research ethics relating to research involving indigenous people, and is recommending the use of http://www.aare.edu.au/ethics/aareethc.htm | |
70. Science/AAAS | Science Magazine: Sign In Consequently, it risks sacrificing the interests of research participants for the greater good of society. ethics guidelines exist to minimize this risk. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/318/5858/1874 | |
71. Syracuse University Professional Development Programs Of The Graduate School You may also wish to visit the research ethics and Academic Integrity Student Forum, featuring questions and discussion for selected videos. http://gradschpdprograms.syr.edu/resources/videos.php | |
72. Washington University In St. Louis | Law School: Library In researching your legal ethics problem, you will need to use various kinds of sources. Some you will be familiar with from other research you have done http://law.wustl.edu/library/index.asp?id=1338 |
73. Ethics Of Health Research And Policy Fellowships Funding Opportunities for Doctoral and PostDoctoral Fellowships in the ethics of Health research and Policy, a CIHR Training Project (2002/2009) http://www.ethicstraining.ca/ | |
74. McMaster Research Ethics Board The McMaster research ethics Board research Involving Human Participants Dr. Dorothy Pawluch (tel23618, Vicechair, McMaster research ethics Board http://www.mcmaster.ca/ors/ethics/ | |
75. Canadian Applied Ethics Research Nets CAERNETS is designed to provide a unique, costeffective, and innovative infrastructure for Canadian applied ethics research and its dissemination. http://www.ethics.ubc.ca/caernets/ | |
76. Center For Health Policy, Research, And Ethics - George Mason Located in metropolitan Washington, DC, the Center for Health Policy research and ethics (CHPRE) conducts widely respected health policy and health services http://chpre.gmu.edu/ |
77. Code Of Ethics The Code of ethics of the Association for Institutional research was developed to provide members of the Association with some broad ethical statements with http://www.airweb.org/?page=140 |
78. OHRE Home The Office of Human research ethics (OHRE) is responsible for ethical and regulatory oversight of research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel http://ohre.unc.edu/ | |
79. Untitled Document SARETI is a comprehensive multidisciplinary education programme in health research ethics for Africa. SARETI aims to build African capacity for the ethical http://www.up.ac.za/sareti/index.html |
80. International Research Ethics Norwegian research ethics site dedicated to collaborative clinical trials in developing countries. http://www.ethica.uib.no/research.html | |
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