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21. SEERI Software Engineering ethics research Institute. research Software Engineering Code of ethics and Professional Practice. Current SEERI Issues http://seeri.etsu.edu/ | |
22. EMHR Home EMHR contains an online compendium of ethics cases, ethics assessment tools, links to ethics codes and research regulations, and information on purchasing http://www.emhr.net/ | |
23. JSTOR: IRB: Ethics And Human Research IRB ethics and Human research is a bimonthly journal featuring scholarly articles, case studies, and special columns that probe the ethical issues http://www.jstor.org/journals/01937758.html | |
24. Genome.gov | Policy & Ethics Policy ethics Critical issues and legislation surrounding genetic research. Feature. Dr. Collins Addresses President s Council of Advisors http://www.genome.gov/PolicyEthics/ | |
25. SciDev.Net This policy brief explores one of the most contentious issues in research ethics, namely the level of treatment or other medical intervention usually http://www.scidev.net/ethics/ | |
26. Research Methods And Statistics Links By Subtopic Listed below are links related to research methodology, human and animal research ethics, statistics, data analysis, and more. The following table shows a http://www.socialpsychology.org/methods.htm | |
27. Human Research Ethics Handbook The Handbook complements, and is a commentary on, the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in research Involving Humans which is the primary http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/e42syn.htm | |
28. Untitled Document Ethical issues in EU research proposals checklist Updated 30/07/2007 . ethics - Ethical scientific research - Respect of fundamental principles http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/ethics/ethics_en.html |
29. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: Ethics And Research Programs » ethics. ethics and research. The honor in being elected to Sigma Xi is inextricably coupled with responsibility, to use the knowledge that you http://www.sigmaxi.org/programs/ethics/index.shtml | |
30. JERHRE The Journal of Empirical research on Human research ethics (JERHRE) publishes JERHRE is the only journal in the field of human research ethics dedicated http://www.csueastbay.edu/JERHRE/ | |
31. DUHS: Research Ethics Training - Current Module This site includes basic education and resources in research ethics. Continuing education modules are intended for investigators at Duke institutional and http://researchethics.mc.duke.edu/ | |
32. Medical Research Council - Ethics And Research Governance ethics and research Governance. We provide guidance to help our scientists to implement good practice and meet legal and ethical requirements. http://www.mrc.ac.uk/PolicyGuidance/EthicsAndGovernance/index.htm | |
33. CASRO This Code of Standards and ethics for Survey research sets forth the agreed upon rules of ethical conduct for Survey research Organizations. http://www.casro.org/codeofstandards.cfm | |
34. E.R.I.C - Index Welcome to E.R.I.C., the COREC ethics and research Information Catalogue. With material on research ethics and links to relevant websites. http://www.eric-on-line.co.uk/ | |
35. Internet Research Ethics: List Mining, Open Access A major purpose of this page is to help interested people to find (or, refind) relevant information about Internet research ethics, with a focus on http://ca916.tripod.com/index-4.html | |
36. Business Ethics Research - Knowledge@Wharton Comprehensive list of ethics resources including articles and research papers. Some content requires free registration http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/category.cfm?cid=11 |
37. Research Ethics research ethics. AERA Ethical Standards Ethical Standards. Important AERA Books Ethical Standards of the American Educational research Association Cases http://www.aera.net/aboutaera/?id=717 |
38. The President's Council On Bioethics: Gene Outka Paper Doerflinger, Richard M. 1999. The ethics of Funding Embryonic Stem Cell research A Catholic Viewpoint. Kennedy Institute of ethics Journal, 9/2137150. http://www.bioethics.gov/background/outkapaper.html | |
39. OVCR- Research Ethics - U Of I Sites selected for the research ethics pages are designed to increase understanding and facilitate the discussion of current ethical issues. http://www.research.uiuc.edu/ethics/ | |
40. Chemical Research Ethics This guide is designed for the university professor or lab manager who wants to incorporate research ethics education into his or her course(s). http://www.istl.org/01-spring/internet.html | |
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