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1. Ethics In Research Although the last few years in the ethics of research have been tumultuous ones, it is beginning to appear that a new consensus is evolving that involves http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/ethics.php | |
2. What Is Ethics In Research & Why Is It Important? Other influential research ethics policies include the Uniform Requirements (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors), the Chemist s Code of http://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/resources/bioethics/whatis.cfm | |
3. Research Ethics Goodstein has acquired lots of experience in the area of research ethics and has found that serious misconduct is rare, but that doesn t mean that measures http://www.web-miner.com/researchethics.htm | |
4. WHO | Ethical Standards And Procedures For Research With Human Beings Several departments have undertaken training programs for researchers and research ethics committees (also known as IRBs) and have supported other http://www.who.int/ethics/research/en/ | |
5. Teaching Ethics For Research, Scholarship, & Practice This site is a compendium of resources pertinent to the teaching of ethical conduct in research and scholarship. At its core is a database that provides http://www.research.umn.edu/ethics/ | |
6. Research Ethics Modules Each module will address a particular topic in research ethics. You will find that certain themes recur throughout the modules, like sine curves. http://www.fis.ncsu.edu/grad/ethics/modules/ | |
7. Research Ethics Discusses the main ethical issues and principles used when conducting research with human subjects. Links to the University IRB are included. http://depts.washington.edu/bioethx/topics/resrch.html | |
8. OREC Section One--Ethical Issues The Online research ethics Course developed through the Practical ethics ethics matters in academic and scientific research. The study of ethics is no http://ori.dhhs.gov/education/products/montana_round1/issues.html | |
9. Kerlins.net > Research Ethics This paper examines concepts of ethics in qualitative research. The paper begins with an exploration of traditional Western moral thought on which http://kerlins.net/bobbi/research/qualresearch/ethics.html | |
10. Research And Professional Ethics Program Our program supports research, education, and engagement in research ethics. http://www.chass.ncsu.edu/ethics/ | |
11. Research Ethics And Animal Research Provides links to information sites related psychologists ethical priniciples and conduct as well as guidelines for research with animals. http://www.apa.org/science/research.html | |
12. IU Bloomington: Poynter Center An endowed ethics research center at Indiana UniversityBloomington. Projects, newsletter, and monographs. http://poynter.indiana.edu/ | |
13. Research Ethics And Environmental Health Welcome to the site for The Collaborative Initiative for research ethics in Environmental Health. This project provides course development, training, http://www.researchethics.org/ | |
14. Research Ethics Program - University Of California, San Diego research ethics Program for the University of California, San Diego education, training, research, and service in research ethics. http://ethics.ucsd.edu/ | |
15. Internet Research Ethics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Internet research ethics involves the research ethics of Internet research, with an emphasis on scientific research carried out via the Internet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_research_ethics | |
16. Welcome To The Carol And Lawrence Zicklin Center For Business Ethics Research The Carol and Lawrence Zicklin Center for Business ethics research was established in 1997. The mission of the Center is to sponsor and disseminate leading http://www.zicklincenter.org/ | |
17. IRB: Ethics & Human Research Disclosure of Information to Potential Subjects on research Recruitment Web theoretical, and empirical analysis of ethical issues in human research http://www.thehastingscenter.org/publications/irb/irb.asp | |
18. Research Ethics Resources On WWW Continuing review of approved research by Canadian research ethics Boards . Weijer C. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2001, 164 13051308. http://www.ethicsweb.ca/resources/research/index.html | |
19. Research Ethics And Stem Cells [Stem Cell Information] Page citation research ethics and Stem Cells. In Stem Cell Information World Wide Web site. Bethesda, MD National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/ethics.asp | |
20. Do No Harm: The Coalition Of Americans For Research Ethics Dedicated to the promotion of scientific research and health care which does no harm to human life. Opposes research on embryos. http://stemcellresearch.org/ | |
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