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41. Occupational Safety & Health - Ergonomics The source of ergonomics information at the University of Maryland. http://www.des.umd.edu/os/erg/index.html | |
42. Osh.net - Ergonomics The basic outline and stepby-step approach of this book will show those without experience or training how to diagnose and correct ergonomic problems such http://www.osh.net/directory/ind_hyg/hygiene_02.htm | |
43. General Information - Typing Injury FAQ Advice for the initially injured, basic ergonomics information, and pointers Provides information and website links related to office ergonomics, RSIs, http://www.tifaq.org/information.html | |
44. What Is Ergonomics? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer Dictionary This page describes the term ergonomics and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/E/ergonomics.html | |
45. Ergonomics - Take Steps Towards Prevention ergonomics. Take preventative steps to help stop back pain. http://www.spineuniverse.com/displayarticle.php/article151.html | |
46. American Ergonomics Corporation Innovative Seat Technology for Comfort and Safety. http://americanergonomics.com/ | |
47. UVA/EHS - Ergonomics Home Page The following links lead to educational hypermedia and information about defining and evaluating ergonomic risks, creating ergonomically appropriate http://ehs.virginia.edu/ergo/home.html | |
48. CAP: Accommodation Solutions : Ergonomics ergonomics is the field of study that seeks to fit the job to the person, rather than the person to the job. This is achieved by the evaluation and design http://www.tricare.mil/cap/acc_sol/Ergonomics.cfm | |
49. Human Factors And Ergonomics Society Information about the Society, its member services, and activities. http://www.hfes.org/ | |
50. Taylor & Francis Journals: Welcome ergonomics, also known as human factors, is the scientific discipline that seeks to understand and improve human interactions with products, equipment, http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/00140139.asp | |
51. Nerd Wide Web ERGONOMICS Resources Large Index of ergonomics related internet resources created by Nerd World Media. List your resource or Create your own Index. http://www.nerdworld.com/nw782.html | |
52. Wellness & Ergonomics Ergotron products adapt technology to the physical needs of each individual. This creates a work environment that promotes wellness while improving http://www.ergotron.com/SupportCenter/Ergonomics/tabid/150/Default.aspx | |
53. DataVision Ergonomics :: Shaping The Workstation To Fit The Human Being Ergonomic solutions for the computer dependent workplace. http://www.datavisionergonomics.com/ergonomics-blog/ | |
54. Ergonomics Training And Consulting - Ergonomics Consulting And EK ergonomics helps businesses create ergonomically sound work environments. Our highly interactive seminars teach your employees to perform at their http://www.ekergonomics.com/ | |
55. UF Ergonomics Page One element of this commitment is providing information, evaluation and consultation to reduce the risks of developing ergonomic injury. http://www.ehs.ufl.edu/General/ergo.htm | |
56. Ergonomics Help And Information Computer workstation set up, ergonomics, posture and alignment and musculoskeletal conditions due to ergonomics. http://www.bellaonline.com/site/ergonomics | |
57. Office Ergonomics What is ergonomics? ergonomics is the study of how your body interacts with your environment when you perform a task or activity. ergonomics often involves http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/topic/special/tr5915/sec1.htm | |
58. Coding Horror: Computer Workstation Ergonomics The OSHA has an official page on computer workstation ergonomics, which is a good starting point. But like all government documents, there s a lot more http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000938.html | |
59. SPI: Public Policy: Worker Safety: Frequently Asked Questions This site contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about ergonomics for Are any groups developing industry consensus standards for ergonomics? http://www.plasticsindustry.org/public/worksafe/faqs.htm | |
60. Ergoworld - Office Ergonomics Ergoworld is the largest meta site for ergonomics and human factors. Ergoworld has planets devoted to office and industrial ergonomics injury http://www.interface-analysis.com/ergoworld/office.htm | |
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