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21. Discover Engineering Online - About Engineers Simply put, electrical engineering is the application of the laws of physics governing electricity, magnestism, and light to develop products and services http://www.discoverengineering.org/Engineers/electrical_engineering.asp | |
22. School Of Electrical And Computer Engineering, Cornell University Electricity itself was still a novelty when Cornell University introduced the nation s (and the world s) first course of study in electrical engineering in http://www.ece.cornell.edu/ | |
23. Redirect Yale Faculty Of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department electrical engineering is the largest and most diverse technological field in The Department of electrical engineering offers undergraduate and graduate http://www.eng.yale.edu/electrical/ | |
24. Electrical Engineering Major | What Can You Do With A College Degree In Electric Discover career options and online education resources for aspiring electrical engineers. http://www.worldwidelearn.com/online-education-guide/engineering/electrical-engi | |
25. IBM Research | Electrical Engineering Microelectronic chip technology, which lies at the heart of every computer and communication system today, is developed mainly under electrical engineering. http://www.research.ibm.com/disciplines/electrical_eng.shtml | |
26. Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center: Engineering - Electrical & Computer electrical engineering COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS COMPUTER Electrical Computer Engineering Calculators by Subject http://www.martindalecenter.com/Calculators4A.html | |
27. The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center Because of the breadth of the field, however, general statements about electrical engineering include electrical, electronics, computer engineering, http://www.careercornerstone.org/eleceng/eleceng.htm | |
28. University Of Hawaii - Department Of Electrical Engineering Aloha and Welcome to the Department of electrical engineering at the University of Hawaii. We are part of the College of Engineering on the Manoa valley http://www.ee.hawaii.edu/ | |
29. Clemson University - Holcombe Department Of Electrical And Computer Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Undergraduate Programs electrical engineering Computer Engineering Prospective Students http://www.ece.clemson.edu/ | |
30. Electrical Engineering Department - SJSU The electrical engineering Department at San Jose State University is a leading provider of engineering talent to Silicon Valley s hightech industry. http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/electrical/ | |
31. The Department Of Electrical Engineering 56 Number of faculty in Electrical and Computer Engineering 41% Share of ECE graduating seniors who worked for faculty on projects or research grants http://www.ece.ucsd.edu/ | |
32. Electrical engineering electrical engineering comprises the physical systems, devices and processes that form the backbone for the Information Age, including electronic devices http://www.ee.cooper.edu/ | |
33. University Of Mississippi Dept. Of Electrical Engineering Welcome to the Department of electrical engineering School of Engineering Faculty Awards (Fall 2006) (10/23/06); Student News and Awards (Fall 2006) http://www.ee.olemiss.edu/ | |
34. Electrical Engineering At New Mexico Tech The electrical engineering Department at New Mexico Tech blends a strong undergraduate program with an active research based graduate program to provide its http://www.ee.nmt.edu/ | |
35. Free Online MIT Course Materials | Electrical Engineering And Computer Science | MIT OCW electrical engineering and Computer Science Department numerical course listing. electrical engineering, originally taught at MIT in the Physics http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/ | |
36. Department Of Electrical Engineering - CCNY The program of the Department of electrical engineering at the City College of New York is considered by many to be one of the world s best. http://www-ee.ccny.cuny.edu/ | |
37. Oregon State: School Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science School of electrical engineering and Computer Science, 1148 Kelley Engineering Center Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 973315501 http://eecs.oregonstate.edu/ | |
38. Electrical Engineering Department Home page of the electrical engineering Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. http://www.ee.calpoly.edu/ | |
39. Texas Tech University IEEE Students have opportunities for course work and research experience leading to masters and doctoral degrees in electrical engineering . http://www.ee.ttu.edu/ |
40. EECS News - EECS Department Department of electrical engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Cleveland, Ohio. http://www.eecs.case.edu/ | |
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