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41. Masters Program In Egyptology At Memphis egyptology students with the M.A. degree in Art History from the University of Memphis have continued on to Ph.D. programs in ancient Egyptian art, history, http://academics.memphis.edu/egypt/maprogram.html | |
42. Welcome To The Yale Egyptological Institute In Egypt Yale egyptology is dedicated to the study and exploration of the civilizations, languages, and history of the Nile Valley and its desert hinterlands, http://www.yale.edu/egyptology/ | |
43. Egyptology - Book List Hilary Wilson has taught egyptology to Adult Education classes for twenty years and as Setkemet, the Egyptian Lady, she visits primary schools to http://www.shirebooks.co.uk/Egyptology/egyptology-bl.htm | |
44. My Egyptology My egyptology. Email me. Egyptian Chronology. Pro-LDS Symbolism of the Book of Abraham. LDS Attack on Anti-Mormonism. Strange Egypt. Tripod Counter http://www.myegyptology.net/ | |
45. Egyptology This page links to sites that contain information on egyptology. http://www.cyberpursuits.com/archeo/egy-arch.asp | |
46. Swansea University - Classics Offering several courses in egyptology. http://www.swan.ac.uk/classics/ | |
47. Terri S World Of Egyptology A list of dynasties and rulers, queen list and an introduction to some wellknown pharaohs, including a mummification process, hieroglyphics translator, http://www.angelfire.com/la/egyptology/index.html | |
48. Construction Begins On UCLA Encyclopedia Of Egyptology, UCLA International Insti Egyptologists and UCLA s best technology centers commence the heavy lifting of rewriting ancient Egypt s history. http://www.international.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=42386 |
49. Apple - Science - Profiles - Medical Visualization: Egyptology In 3D He has degrees in both anthropology and egyptology and leads a research initiative of the Centre National de la Récherche Scientifique in the study of http://www.apple.com/science/profiles/mummy/index.html | |
50. Al-Ahram Weekly | Heritage | Egyptology Galore From the Mediterranean bed to Kom AlDikka, from Akhmim to Sinai, from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo to Basle and Germany and from auction halls in Europe http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/723/heritage.htm | |
51. "So You Want To Be An Egyptologist?" Young persons often ask what preparation is necessary for a career in egyptology, and what are the job prospects. egyptology is an extremely competitive http://academic.memphis.edu/egypt/ugletter.html | |
52. Archaeology | Egyptology | Archeology - FOXNews.com Archaeology, egyptology, archeology FOXNews.com. Archaeology news. Reports on egyptology, Biblical, Classical, Medieval and Asian archeology findings. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/archaeology/index.html | |
53. Distance Learning (online) Courses :: Egyptology Non-credit Bearing Courses This course is intended as a background for those new to studying egyptology, but who want to pursue the subject. It is what it says, an introduction, http://www.education.ex.ac.uk/dll/list_courses.php?code=dle |
54. Egyptology For The Gamer A collection of egyptology links collected with the RPG player and GM in mind. http://www.skaro.com/larpegypt.html | |
55. Egyptology And The Book Of Abraham I am happy for this opportunity to respond in some way to Stephen Thompson s study of egyptological character of the Book of Abraham. http://www.lds-mormon.com/dpwonboa.shtml | |
56. Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egyptology de l Égypte (180928) by scholars accompanying Napoleon I. In......egyptology began with discovery of the Rosetta Stone (1799) and the publication of http://www.bibalex.org/English/Egyptology/overview.htm | |
57. Egyptology_ru_Language . . . http://www.egyptology.ru/lang.htm | |
58. The Tomb Of Henu A team from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) directed by professor Harco Willems has discovered a completely intact tomb dating to about 2050 BC http://www.arts.kuleuven.be/egyptology/Henu.htm | |
59. USEFUL URLs FOR EGYPTOLOGY The Australian Centre for egyptology Macquarie University , Sydney Australia . Egyptian museum of the Uruguayan society of egyptology http://www.saclib.ox.ac.uk/sac02eleegyurlegy.htm | |
60. Universities That Offer Egyptology Degrees The following is a list of colleges and universities that offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. http://www.guardians.net/egypt/education/egyptology_universities.htm | |
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