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21. SurfWax: News, Reviews And Articles On Ecotoxicology News, Reviews, and Articles on ecotoxicology from news sites, newspapers and magazines around the world. http://news.surfwax.com/biology/files/Ecotoxicology.html | |
22. Science Central : Science - Biology - Ecology - Ecotoxicology Category Listing Science Biology - Ecology - ecotoxicology. http://www.sciencecentral.com/category/26886 | |
23. TOXICOGENOMICS In Regulatory Ecotoxicology The purpose of this feature article is to consider the roles of toxicogenomics in the field of regulatory ecotoxicology, explore current limitations in the http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1892581 |
24. Environmental-Expert.com - Freshwater Bivalve Ecotoxicology Environmental Business Information Service Center for Professionals Worldwide. http://www.environmental-expert.com/resulteachpublication.aspx?cid=5591&codi=466 |
25. Program Detail - Göteborg University ecotoxicology is concerned with the environmental impact of these substances. As an interdisciplinary science ecotoxicology has strong connections to http://www.gu.se/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=427422&languageId=100001&contentId=- |
26. Ecotoxicology And Environmental Fish Health Program - Environmental Conservation The core mission of the ecotoxicology and Environmental Fish Health Program is to determine the impacts of human activities on the health of wild fish, http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/research/divisions/ec/ecotox/index.cfm | |
27. Ecotoxicology - DHI References Samples of the leachate are subject to chemical analysis (elementes and PAH) as well as to standard ecotoxicological tets with algae, crustaceans (Daphnia) http://www.dhigroup.com/DHIprojRefs/?selection=Ecotoxicology |
28. SafePharm Laboratories - Eco-Toxicology The Department of ecotoxicology has purposebuilt state of the art facilities and is able to offer an extensive range of ecotoxicological and biodegradation http://www.safepharmlabs.com/ecotoxicology.php | |
29. Ecotoxicology ecotoxicology is an international journal devoted to the publication of fundamental research on the effects of toxic chemicals on populations, http://www.ovid.com/site/catalog/Journal/1418.jsp?top=2&mid=3&bottom=7&subsectio |
30. EBooks.com - Community Ecotoxicology EBook Communities comprise overlapping populations that interact in time and space. Ecological effects of contaminants may occur at several levels of biological http://www.ebooks.com/ebooks/book_display.asp?IID=141615 |
31. Department Of Chemical Ecotoxicology The Department of Chemial ecotoxicology aims at unravelling mechanisms of deleterious effects of chemical substances, and at deriving assessment criteria http://www.ufz.de/index.php?en=1449 |
32. NERI, U Of A - Section Of Soil Fauna And Ecotoxicology (SOFAR) Welcome to the homepage of Section of Soil Fauna and ecotoxicology, Department of Terrestrial Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. http://www.dmu.dk/International/About NERI/Departments/Terrestrial Ecology/Secti | |
33. Archives Of ECOTOXICOLOGY-L@LISTSERV.VT.EDU Provides discussion list focusing on risk assessment and ecotoxicology issues. On line LISTSERV at Virginia Tech. http://listserv.vt.edu/archives/ecotoxicology-l.html | |
34. Www.livingoceansfoundation.org - Ecotoxicology The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) is a private operating foundation with Science without Borders as its overarching theme. http://www.livingoceansfoundation.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id= |
35. Environmental Toxicology This resource is an overview of ecotoxicology in Pest Management. The ECOTOX (ecotoxicology) database provides single chemical toxicity information for http://www.chemlin.de/chemistry/ecotoxicology.htm | |
36. CiteULike: Ecotoxicology Principles of ecotoxicology, Third Edition by C. H. Walker, S. P. Hopkin, R. M. Sibly, D. B. Peakall CRC Press Taylor Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2006, http://www.citeulike.org/journal/klu-ectx | |
37. Handbook Of Ecotoxicology, Second Edition Handbook of ecotoxicology, Second Edition focuses on toxic substances and how they effect ecosystems worldwide. It presents methods for quantifying and http://www.cplbookshop.com/contents/C1374.htm | |
38. ScienceDirect - Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety, Volume 69, Issue 2, Page Volume, Issue, Page, Clear all fields. About this Journal, ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01476513 | |
39. Amphibian Ecotoxicology Nicole Sookoo M.Phil. project on the ecotoxicology of tropical amphibians. http://www.ahailey.f9.co.uk/physalaemus.htm | |
40. Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety vls.icm.edu.pl/cgibin/sciserv. pl?collection=elsevier journal=01476513 - Chemistry and ecotoxicology of Pollution - Google Books Resultby D. W. Connell, Gregory J. Miller - 1984 - Science - 464 pages http://vls.icm.edu.pl/cgi-bin/sciserv.pl?collection=elsevier&journal=01476513 |
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