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61. Global Warming Education: School Lesson Plans, Climate Change. Focus The Nation by climate change Education.Org In Museums, Schools, and Universities. At Public Events, Teacher Trainings, and Conferences. Tens of thousands http://climatechangeeducation.org/ | |
62. NETL: Climate Change Federal investment in climate change mitigation technologies has one overriding benefit a broad suite of such technologies can expand the menu of future http://www.netl.doe.gov/KeyIssues/climate_change.html | |
63. IPCC WG1 AR4 Report 1, Historical Overview of climate change Science, pdf (5.1 MB), 3, Observations Surface and Atmospheric climate change, pdf (24.2 MB), webpage http://ipcc-wg1.ucar.edu/wg1/wg1-report.html | |
64. Climate Change: Some Basics climate change some basics Subject 1. Introduction By outpouring greenhouse gases humankind has launched an experiment of geologic proportions. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sci/climate-change/basics/ | |
65. BBC | Climate Change Starting point for current news items and discussions on the topic of climate change. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/portal/climate_change/default.stm | |
66. Research These days, when global climate is mentioned, conversations usually segue immediately to climate change. Global climate change, whether it involves more http://www.ucar.edu/research/climate/ |
67. American Forests: Resources The Personal climate change Calculator is an easy to use tool which will help you measure your climateaffecting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. http://www.americanforests.org/resources/ccc/ | |
68. C&EN: COVER STORY - CLIMATE CHANGE Study of climate history has shown that small forces, maintained long enough, can cause climate change. Unless huge reductions are made in fossil fuel use, http://pubs.acs.org/cen/coverstory/8150/8150climatechange.html | |
69. International Nuclear Forum - Nuclear Energy And Climate Change In December 1997 governments met in Kyoto, Japan, where they agreed the Kyoto Protocol to the Framework Convention on climate change, meaning that http://www.climatechange.org/ | |
70. USGS: Science Topics: Climate Change Provides links to USGS information about climate change and related topics. Provides a topical browse interface into USGS information utilizing controlled http://www.usgs.gov/science/science.php?term=168 |
71. World Bank Group | Climate Change climate change has emerged as a key concern for the World Bank and its clients in the 21st century. Sea level rise, warming temperatures, uncertain effects http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/ESSD/envext.nsf/46ByDocName/ClimateChange | |
72. New Zealands Climate Change Solutions Welcome to New Zealand s climate change solutions website. Here are the challenges the country faces, the unique answers New Zealand has come up with and a http://www.climatechange.govt.nz/ | |
73. Climate Change And Greenhouse Gases Article reviews scientific understanding of the issue of greenhouse gases and climate change, as presented in peerreviewed publications. http://www.agu.org/eos_elec/99148e.html | |
74. Climate Change For the past few years icecream makers Ben and Jerry have held a climate change College in Europe a program which aims to inspire 18-30 year olds to http://www.aboutmyplanet.com/category/climate-change/ | |
75. Global Warming Interactive, Global Warming Simulation, Climate Change Simulation Scientists often use the term climate change instead of global warming. This is because as the Earth s average temperature climbs, winds and ocean http://green.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/gw-overview.html | |
76. Foreign Policy Association: Topics: Climate Change Website for the UN Cimate Change Conference in Bali, organized under the UN Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC). http://www.fpa.org/topics4707/topics_show.htm?doc_id=415862 |
77. EO DAAC Study: Volcanoes And Climate Change It shows that volcanic aerosols force fundamental climate mechanisms that play an important role in the global change process. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/Volcano/ | |
78. Subject Top Page: Climate Change California s first major climate change initiative came in 2004 with the passage of a regulation that would reduce passenger car greenhouse gas (GHG) http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/cc.htm | |
79. Climate Change | New West Network | Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Even more disgraceful was the performance of U.S. negotiators at the global climatechange conference in Bali, where as of Friday morning a final http://www.newwest.net/climate-change/ | |
80. Multinationals Fight Climate Change - New York Times Eleven companies are teaming up to see how they can work with thousands of their suppliers to curb greenhouse gas emissions. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/21/business/21green.html | |
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