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1. Cephalopod - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia There are around 786 distinct living species of cephalopods. Two important extinct taxa are Ammonoidea, the ammonites, and Belemnoidea, the belemnites. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cephalopod | |
2. Cephalopoda Classification and images of cephalopods from the Tree of Life project. http://www.tolweb.org/Cephalopoda | |
3. CephBase - Cephalopod (Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish And Nautilus) Database CephBase is a dynamic databasedriven web page on cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus). Complete classification of the 786 species, http://www.cephbase.utmb.edu/ | |
4. National Resource Center For Cephalopods Offers resources for cephalopod researchers. Includes photo gallery. http://www.nrcc.utmb.edu/ | |
5. Cephalopod Information - Coral Sea Cephalopods - Nautilus, Octopus And Cuttlefis Cephalopod research in the Coral Sea and Great Barrier Reef cephalopods include nautilus, octopus and cuttlefish. http://www.australiancephalopods.com/ | |
6. Cephalopods At The National Museum Of Natural History Yes, it s a cephalopod! This squid and other cephalopods are featured in the Cephalopod pages maintained at the National Museum of Natural History! http://www.mnh.si.edu/cephs/ | |
7. Earth, Wind & Water: Cephalopods Today is International Cephalopod Awareness Day so I humbly present my favourite photos of the various cephalopods I ve come across. http://tai-haku.blogspot.com/2007/10/cephalopods.html | |
8. ADW: Cephalopoda: Information There are approximately 650 to 700 extant species of cephalopods in two subclasses and five orders. cephalopods are strictly marine and are found in all of http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Cephalopoda.html | |
9. Fossil Cephalopods In Utah A Pictorial Guide to Fossil cephalopods found in Utah. http://www.ammonoid.com/ | |
10. Flickr: Cephalopods - Octopus, Squids, Cuttlefish, Nautilus This group is intended for sharing your underwater photographs of marine creatures in the phylum mollusca, class cephalopoda (namely octopus, squids, http://www.flickr.com/groups/46801721@N00/ | |
11. Cephalopods - National Zoo| FONZ Learn about a fascinating class of invertebrates that includes cuttlefish, squid, octopus, and nautilus. Brought to you by the National Zoo FONZ. http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/Invertebrates/Facts/cephalopods/ | |
12. Cephalopods.html In marine environments, cephalopods clearly rank at the top of the Protostomes, in terms of size, intellegence, and trophic dominance. http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~brokawc/Bi11/cephalopods.html | |
13. Cephalopods In A Blanket, Educational Resources For K-16 cephalopods in a Blanket, Educational Resources for K16, Kentucky Geological Survey. http://www.uky.edu/KGS/education/ceph.htm | |
14. Live Cephalopod Resources Welcome to the Live Cephalopod Resources Page. Live healthy cephalopods are available yearround to both on-site visiting users as well as workers requiring http://www.utmb.edu/nrcc/LiveAnimRes.htm | |
15. Polarized Signaling Underwater And The P-vision Of The Octopus As other cephalopods, they have chromatophores and iridescent cells forming special So, why is Pvision so prevalent in cephalopods? How do they do it? http://polarization.com/octopus/octopus.html | |
16. Cephalopods All the recent cephalopod shells are composed of aragonitic layers prismatic layers, nacreous layers and spherulitic prismatic layers. http://biomin.geol.u-psud.fr/ydweb/cephalo/index.htm | |
17. Cuttlefish: The Sentient Cephalopods This page includes a true story of humancuttlefish interaction, and several photographs. http://www.heptune.com/cutfish.html | |
18. Cephalopods From Hawaii cephalopods of Hawaii. HAWAIIAN BOBTAIL SQUID. Euprymna scolopes. This fascinating critter is nocturnal and is only known from Hawaii. http://members.aol.com/uwphotohi/Cephalopods.html | |
19. IZ Facts - Cephalopods Giant squid are jet propelled as are all other cephalopods. They pull water into their mantle cavities and then squeeze it out through a funnel at the http://invertebrates.si.edu/cephalopods.htm | |
20. Cephalopoda@Everything2.com Nautilus Bioluminescence in cephalopods Colossal Squid The Five Kingdoms Tetrabranchiata blueringed octopus Dibranchiata squid http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=Cephalopoda |
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