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61. Department Of Plant Biology Home Page Includes a description of the history of the department, information on graduate and undergraduate programs, a calendar, and links. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/plantbiology/ | |
62. BUBL LINK: Botany Includes articles, lectures, activities, diagrams and images for a range of subjects such as botany, cell biology, ecology, palaeontology and zoology. http://www.bubl.ac.uk/link/b/botany.htm | |
63. UBC Department Of Botany - Home Undergraduate and graduate programs; research partnerships exist with groups studying biodiversity, biotechnology, and genetics. http://www.botany.ubc.ca/ | |
64. Botany: An Introduction To Plant Biology, 3e / Mauseth Welcome to the eLearning site for botany An Introduction to Plant Biology, Third Edition. This site contains a variety of resources and student activities http://biology.jbpub.com/Botany/ | |
65. Biology 301 Home - Spring 2008 While they are not designed for commercial use or publication, they are designed to maximize free and open flow of information relating to systematic botany http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/FLORA/tfp/tfphome1.html | |
66. Department Of Botany And Plant Sciences Department of botany Plant Sciences 2150 Batchelor Hall University of California, Riverside Riverside, CA 925210124 Department Phone (951) 827-4619 http://www.plantbiology.ucr.edu/ |
67. Botany 2000, Portland OR, 6-10 August 2000 Main Program Overview of the Meeting Sessions Meetings Held at botany 2000 Recent Topics Poster Listing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about http://www.botany2000.org/ | |
68. Marine Botany Marine botany at Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. We found delight in the study of seaweeds in their natural habitats, melding the pleasures http://www.mbari.org/~conn/botany/ | |
69. Thuja Green Giant Conifer-arborvitae , A Fast Growing Tree, DED Resistant Americ Fast Growing trees Thuja Green Giant is becoming more and more popular among landscapers, growers, and homeowners alike. This hardy, fast growing, http://www.botanyshop.com/ | |
70. BIOONE Online Journals - Journal - Select A Volume Economic botany. Select a Volume Open Access Denotes open access content. Economic botany Volume 61 Issue 3. . Volume 61 (2007). Author Index http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-archive&issn=0013-0001 |
71. Writeups And Illustrations Of Economically Important Plants On the UCLA campus, Professor Arthur C. Gibson has since 1984 taught a course on economic botany, entitled Plants and Civilization. http://www.botgard.ucla.edu/html/botanytextbooks/economicbotany/index.html | |
72. The Online Books Page: Browse Call Numbers: QK Temple of Flora or Garden of the Botanist, Poet, Painter and Philosopher (London Robert Thornton, 1812), by Robert John Thornton (page images at Wisconsin http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/subjectstart?QK |
73. Biology The starting place for exploring Biology. Find information about human anatomy, cell anatomy, online dissections and much more. http://biology.about.com/ | |
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