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21. Resources Of Scholarly Societies - Botany Links to websites of scholarly societies in botany are given below. The URLStability Index for this collection of botany sites is 83.0/86 = 96.5%. http://www.scholarly-societies.org/botany_soc.html | |
22. Oxford Journals | Life Sciences | Annals Of Botany Covers all major areas of plant science. Publishes fulllength research papers, with occasional supplements that focus on particular themes, http://aob.oxfordjournals.org/ | |
23. BOTANY botany. botany. Toni Corelli, Botanist. Environmental Consultant. P.O. Box 773 Half Moon Bay, CA 94019. Chairperson. Rare Endangered Plant Committee http://www.stanford.edu/~corelli/botany.html | |
24. Oxford Journals | Life Sciences | Journal Of Experimental Botany The Journal of Experimental botany publishes primary research papers in the plant sciences. These papers cover a range of disciplines from molecular and http://jxb.oxfordjournals.org/ | |
25. Botany Homepage The Zoology and Genetics Department and the botany Department have dissolved and reformed as Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology (EEOB) and Genetics, http://www.public.iastate.edu/~botany/homepage.html | |
26. University Of Florida Department Of Botany The Department of botany is a member of both the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of http://web.botany.ufl.edu/ | |
27. University Of Wyoming Department Of Botany Since 1887 we ve helped students develop their interests in subjects as diverse as botany, mycology, zoology, agriculture, molecular biology, http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/botany/ | |
28. Division Of Biology, BioComputing Includes faculty information, courses, admission, and students pages. http://fp.bio.utk.edu/ | |
29. Society For Economic Botany. SEB Plants Global Botany Fosters scientific research, education, and related activities on the past, present, and future uses of plants, and the relationship between plants and http://www.econbot.org/ | |
30. Botany 2008, July 26 – 30 - University Of British Columbia, Vancouver, Can botany 2008. of America · Meeting Office · 2813 Blossom Avenue · Columbus, OH 43231 Voice 614899-9356 · FAX 614-895-7866 · Email johanne@botany.org. http://www.botanyconference.org/ | |
31. Botany Town Centre botany Town Centre is one of the largest retail developments in NZ over 150 specialty stores, Farmers, New World and Berkeley Cinemas read more http://www.botany.encompassplatforms.com.au/ | |
32. Untitled Document You are a team of botanists hired to help our class save their dying plants. There are four different plants in our classroom. Each plant is not growing http://www.geocities.com/mgkennedy/ | |
33. JSTOR: Systematic Botany Systematic botany Cover Image. Systematic botany. JSTOR Coverage Vols. 1 27, 1976-2002 Journal Information for Systematic botany http://www.jstor.org/journals/03636445.html | |
34. Access Excellence: Botany Links This botany education resource produced by Lucy Snyder of Indiana University s BioTech Project contains information about the use of medicinal plants as http://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/botany.html | |
35. Systematic Botany - American Society Of Plant Taxonomists Journal of American Society of Plant Taxonomists. Editors, information for authors, tables of contents and abstracts. http://www.sysbot.org/ | |
36. Department Of Botany Information concerning topics such as plant anatomy, ecology, molecular biology, comparative morphology, plant physiology, plant systematics, taxonomy, http://www.cas.muohio.edu/botany/ | |
37. Ask A Scientist - Botany Index botany. (May 2000 Current) . Plants and Sun botany Purple Plants Rubber Tree Varieties Apples and Seeds Chemical Breaking Down Water http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/bot00.htm | |
38. Aquatic Botany - Elsevier Aquatic botany An International Scientific Journal dealing with Applied and Fundamental Research on Submerged, Floating and Emergent Plants in Marine and http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/503303 | |
39. Botany - Bishop Museum Numerous collections of major importance to Hawaiian botany are located at BISH, including those by H. St. John, F.R. Fosberg, O. Degener, J.F. Rock, http://www.bishopmuseum.org/research/natsci/botany/ | |
40. California Academy Of Sciences - Research - Botany California Academy of Sciences botany. (415) 321-8000 875 Howard Street botany DEPARTMENT. About the Department Address Contact Information http://www.calacademy.org/research/botany/ | |
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