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21. Career Voyages - Biotechnology Jobs - Biotechnology biotechnology. Industry Overview; InDemand Occupations biotechnology, Espanol Print Version Education and Training in biotechnology http://www.careervoyages.gov/biotechnology-main.cfm | |
22. Biotech / Biomedical For the scientifically inclined, read all about the biotechnology industry, what it takes to start and manage a biotech company and information on http://biotech.about.com/ | |
23. Welcome To ZNet The myths that biotechnology is poised to feed the world and that genetic engineering is required to cure disease and reduce suffering are the most http://www.zmag.org/biotechwatch.htm | |
24. USINFO - Error 404 - Page Not Found usinfo.state.gov/topical/global/biotech/ Agricultural biotechnology - US Department of StatePresents speeches, articles and links on biotechnology policy, regulations, and science. The page is maintained by the Office of International Information http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/global/biotech/ | |
25. Biotechnology, Biotechnology And Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology News At LiveScie LiveScience.com explains biotechnology,biotechnology and pharmaceuticals,biotechnology news,other biotechnology news and biotechnology information. http://www.livescience.com/biotechnology/ | |
26. NIST Scientific And Technical Databases - Biotechnology NIST has developed four databases in the rapidly growing field of biotechnology. http://www.nist.gov/srd/biotech.htm | |
27. Mendel Biotechnology, Inc. Mendel is a plant biotechnology company that develops products with enhanced yield and quality focused on row crops and cellulosic biofeedstocks. http://www.mendelbio.com/ | |
28. Wiley InterScience :: JOURNALS :: Biotechnology And Bioengineering Original articles, reviews, and mini reviews that deal with all aspects of applied biotechnology. http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0006-3592/ | |
29. New Page 1 San Diego was recently identified as the number one biotechnology cluster (Milken Institute Research Summary Americas Biotech and Life Science Clusters, http://www.csusm.edu/biotechnology/ | |
30. Biotechnology | Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. information from Pioneer HiBred International, Inc., on agricultural biotechnology including the following topics biotech grain, grain import and export http://www.pioneer.com/web/site/portal/menuitem.de4830db84a22418bc0c0a03d10093a0 | |
31. WHO | Biotechnology (GM Foods) WHO has been addressing a wide range of issues in the field of biotechnology and human health, including safety evaluation of vaccines produced using http://www.who.int/foodsafety/biotech/en/ | |
32. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Chemical Engineering: Biotechnology biotechnology information resources relevant to chemical and process The Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and biotechnology software packages are of http://www.che.ufl.edu/WWW-CHE/topics/biotechnology.html | |
33. United Nations Division For Sustainable Development- Sustainable Development Iss Environmentallysound management of biotechnology is the subject of Chapter 16 of Agenda 21. biotechnology is not directly addressed in the Johannesburg http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/sdissues/biotechnology/biot.htm | |
34. Welcome To DuPont Biotechnology Welcome to DuPont biotechnology. biotechnology holds a great deal of promise to enhance our lives and planet. With a world population expected to reach http://www2.dupont.com/Biotechnology/en_US/ | |
35. Biotechnology - Academic Info is a top biotechnology career resource for job seekers and employers alike, with hundreds of jobs, thousands of resumes and tools to bring candidates http://www.academicinfo.net/biotech.html | |
36. Biotechnology A glossary dictionary - collection of terms - terminology related to the field of biotechnology. biotechnology - 0 biotechnology - A biotechnology - B http://www.webref.org/links/biotechnology.htm |
37. USDA ERS Browse - Biotechnology As the largest market for U.S. producers, American consumers will render the ultimate verdict on the future of agricultural biotechnology in the United http://www.ers.usda.gov/Browse/FoodSector/Biotechnology.htm | |
38. ISU Biotechnology Program Research, educational, industrial and bioethics resources. http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/ | |
39. BioTech's Life Science Dictionary Definitions for over 8300 terms associated with genetics, biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, chemistry, ecology, limnology, pharmacology, toxicology and http://biotech.icmb.utexas.edu/search/dict-search.html | |
40. Stock Sectors: Biotechnology choose a sector, Aerospace, Airlines, Automotive, biotechnology, Consumer Products, Drugs, Energy, Financial, Food Beverage, Manufacturing http://money.cnn.com/data/sectors/Biotechnology/ | |
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