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21. UMass Amherst: Biology Department -> Home Overview of the department, teachers, staff, students, programs of study, courses, seminars, academic resources, and links to individual faculties. http://www.bio.umass.edu/biology/ | |
22. Welcome To The Department Of Biology The Department of biology is the hub of basic research on living systems, and of its application in environmental and medical biotechnology. http://www.science.mcmaster.ca/biology/ | |
23. The University Of York - Department Of Biology Information about the department and its staff. Includes details of research activities, teaching and training, short courses and seminars, and departmental http://www.york.ac.uk/biology/ | |
24. Nsf.gov - Biology - News - US National Science Foundation (NSF) MIT Reports New Twist in MicroRNA biology Released January 9, 2008 News From the Field Released January 3, 2008 News From the Field. biology graphic http://www.nsf.gov/news/index.jsp?prio_area=3 |
25. Indiana University Department Of Biology A comprehensive, university biology research department, ranked among the best in the country; provides undergraduate and graduate education in all areas of http://www.bio.indiana.edu/ | |
26. BiologyBrowser - Database Of Free Biology Resources Thomson biology Browser is a free database of biology resources and web links. http://www.biologybrowser.org/ | |
27. Penn State University - Department Of Biology Programs of study, research, news, seminars, and links. Also features online course materials for current students login required. http://www.bio.psu.edu/ |
28. Biology The content of the test is organized into three major areas cellular and molecular biology, organismal biology, and ecology and evolution. http://www.ets.org/vgn-ext-templating/v/?vgnextoid=e7952d3631df4010VgnVCM1000002 |
29. Genome Biology | Homepage Publishes articles from the full spectrum of biology. Subjects include molecular, cellular, organismal or population biology studied from a genomic http://genomebiology.com/ | |
30. Biology biology is an authoritative majors textbook with evolution as a unifying theme. In revising the text, McGrawHill has consulted extensively with previous http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072437316/student_view0/ | |
31. Biology Department - McGill University Stewart biology Building 1205 Docteur Penfield Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1B1 Download biology Information Pamphlet 2007 496kb http://biology.mcgill.ca/ | |
32. Subject: Biology - Cogprints Subject biology. Subject Areas (3096). biology (464). Animal Behavior (114) Theoretical biology (131). Number of items at this level 0. http://cogprints.org/view/subjects/bio.html | |
33. Duke University Biology Department - Home Overview of the department, including education, research, and people. Also features seminars and job opportunities. http://www.biology.duke.edu/ | |
34. Biology In Motion Welcome to biologyInMotion. Original and entertaining biology animations and interactive activities, available for free on the Web. http://biologyinmotion.com/ | |
35. UPenn - SAS - Biology General departmental information, programs of study, courses, research, facilities, people, and calendar. http://www.bio.upenn.edu/ | |
36. Welcome To Biology Mario in his (then) lab in the Department of biology in 1987, the year he and Kirk Thomas published the paper most prominently cited by the Nobel Committee. http://www.biology.utah.edu/ | |
37. SDSC Biology Workbench The biology Workbench is a point and click interface for searching protein and nucleic acid sequence databases and for analyzing sequence data. http://workbench.sdsc.edu/ | |
38. Directory Of Open Access Journals Publisher Nencki Institute of Experimental biology and Polish Neuroscience Society, PTBUN . BMB Reports (Biochemistry and Molecular biology Reports) http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=subject&cpid=68 |
39. BBC - GCSE Bitesize - Science: Biology A secondary biology revision resource for GCSE exams, covering life processes, cells, green plants as organisms, humans as organisms, variation and http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/biology/ | |
40. Department Of Biology The University of Washington Department of biology web site has moved to http//www.biology.washington.edu/. Your browser will be automatically redirected http://depts.washington.edu/biology/ | |
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