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21. ONLamp.com -- Beginning Python For Bioinformatics An introduction to processing biological information with the Python language. http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2002/10/17/biopython.html | |
22. Bioinformatics Program www.bioinformatics.utep.edu. bioinformatics Program at The University of Texas at El Paso bioinformatics@utep.edu. Terms of Use Privacy Statement. http://www.bioinformatics.utep.edu/ | |
23. The Brutlag Bioinformatics Group Homepage of a group at Stanford University who are interested in the problems of predicting biological function and structure from primary sequence. http://motif.stanford.edu/ |
24. SourceForge.net: Software Map sourceforge.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat=252 Briefings in bioinformatics received an impact factor of 24.370 in the 2006 ISI Briefings in bioinformatics is a superb journal, and I find it to be an http://sourceforge.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat=252 |
25. Bioinformatics Research Center: Home The bioinformatics Research Center (BRC) at North Carolina State University is one of the world s premier centers for education and research in http://statgen.ncsu.edu/ | |
26. UCSC Genome Browser Home Provides genome browser, gene sorter, blat search function, and publications. http://genome.ucsc.edu/ | |
27. Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Glossary A bioinformatic study may also require peptide to peptide comparisons allowing common structural features of proteins to define the function a DNA fragment http://www.genomicglossaries.com/CONTENT/Bioinformatics_gloss.asp | |
28. Browsing Bioinformatics : Nature Precedings Date Received 16 January 2008 1156 UTC; Posted 16 January 2008; Subjects Molecular Cell Biology, bioinformatics; Tags http://precedings.nature.com/subjects/bioinformatics | |
29. The International Society For Computational Biology Substantial discounts off registration fees to the world s most important bioinformatics conferences; Significantly discounted journal subscriptions http://www.iscb.org/ | |
30. SCPD - Programs - BioMedical Informatics Required Courses. BIOMEDIN214 Representations and Algorithms in Computational Biology. Electives. BIOMEDIN217 Translational bioinformatics (Bio Focus) http://scpd.stanford.edu/scpd/programs/certs/bioinformatics.htm | |
31. Forensic Bioinformatics DNA Consulting Services Forensic bioinformatics, headed by Dan Krane, reviews cases involving forensic DNA testing. We employ an automated analysis system to provide an objective http://www.bioforensics.com/ | |
32. What Is Bioinformatics? bioinformatics is defined here as an interdisciplinary research area that applies computer and information science to solve biological problems. http://www.binf.umn.edu/about/whatsbinf.php | |
33. Eastern Michigan Bioinformatics bioinformatics at Eastern Michigan is an exciting new interdisciplinary program that involves faculty from the departments of Biology, Chemistry, http://www.emich.edu/bioinformatics/ | |
34. MBB 447b3 (747b3) Syllabus This course will provide an overview of bioinformatics, the application of computational Summer Jobs in bioinformatics. If you re really motivated, http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/mbb447b-99/ | |
35. Bioinformatics At The NIH Welcome to the NIH bioinformatics Web Site Your Source of Information about Biomedical Computing at the National Institutes of Health http://www.bisti.nih.gov/ | |
36. UCSD Bioinformatics Program Copyright©2001 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Last modified Thursday, November 17, 2005. http://bioinformatics.ucsd.edu/ | |
37. UCLA Bioinformatics Main web site for the UCLA bioinformatics program. http://www.bioinformatics.ucla.edu/ | |
38. O'Reilly Bioinformatics Conference 2003 An Interview with Lincoln Stein In this interview, Lincoln Stein talks about the bioinformatics technologies and tools he s most excited about. http://conferences.oreillynet.com/bio2003/ | |
39. CSREES Funding Opportunity Animal Genome: Bioinformatics, NRI The bioinformatics program requests applications for the development of bioinformatic tools that will assist in functional genomics, annotation and http://www.csrees.usda.gov/fo/animalgenomebioinformaticsnri.cfm | |
40. Libertas Academica - Open Access Journals And Text Books Evolutionary bioinformatics is an international, peerreviewed journal focusing on evolutionary bioinformatics. Read More. View factor. for this issue http://la-press.com/journal.php?pa=description&journal_id=17 |
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