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1. Binary Stars A binary star system consists of two stars which orbit around a common point, called the center of mass following Kepler s Laws. http://www.astro.cornell.edu/academics/courses/astro201/binstar.htm | |
2. Binary Stars Only a small portion of binary stars are visual binaries. In order to see a visual binary, the stars must be separated by fairly wide distances, http://www.astronomical.org/astbook/binary.html | |
3. Binary Stars Click here for some interesting Eclipsing Binary Star Facts. About the Author Claud H. Sandberg His main research area is binary stars (big surprise!). http://www.uark.edu/misc/clacy/BinaryStars/ | |
4. X-ray Binary Stars - Introduction Binary star systems contain two stars that orbit around their common center of mass. Many of the stars in our Galaxy are part of a binary system. http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/know_l1/binary_stars.html | |
5. APOD Index - Stars: Binary Stars The brighter yellow star is itself a binary star system, but too close together to be resolved even with a telescope. Albireo, pictured above, is the fifth http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/binary_stars.html | |
6. Interacting Binary Stars Nice clickthrough tour with some great animations about some of the complexities of Binary Systems. http://wonka.physics.ncsu.edu/~blondin/AAS/ | |
7. Eclipsing Binary Stars StarLight Pro produces animated views of eclipsing binary stars and calculate synthetic lightcurves. The effects of limb darkening, temperature, inclination http://www.midnightkite.com/binstar.html | |
8. Eclipsing Binary Stars Free astronomical software for Macintosh computers, complete with manuals, teaching binary star concepts, for classroom or personal use. http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~astro/binstar.html | |
9. APOD: February 19, 1997 - Mizar Binary Star Explanation Mizar (sounds like My Czar ) is a binary star. In fact, most stars are binary stars. In a binary star system, each star of the pair follows an http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap970219.html | |
10. Vast Cloud Of Antimatter Traced To Binary Stars Astronomers may have solved one of the most vexing mysteries in our Milky Way the origin of a giant cloud of antimatter surrounding the galactic center. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080109173722.htm | |
11. Monoceros It was here that Plaskett set about studying binary stars and in 1922 this work resulted in his discovering the very massive binary star which now bears his http://www.dibonsmith.com/mon_con.htm | |
12. Digg - Vast Cloud Of Antimatter Traced To Binary Stars Four years of observations from the European Space Agency s Integral (INTErnational GammaRay Astrophysics Laboratory) satellite may have cleared up one of http://digg.com/space/Vast_Cloud_of_Antimatter_Traced_to_Binary_Stars | |
13. HR Diagram A single introductory astronomy lecture on binary stars, including several useful diagrams. http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~js/ast122/lectures/lec11.html | |
14. Eclipsing Binary Stars (Article) Eclipsing binary stars are just one several types of variable stars. These stars appear as a single point of light to an observer, but based on its http://www.physics.sfasu.edu/astro/ebstar/ebstar.html | |
15. BINARY STARS Double Star Observer , by Ronald C. Tanguay. A Professional Periodic Magazine about binary stars, write for the Professional and the Amateur Astronomer, http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Runway/8879/englishbibliography.html | |
16. THE FORMATION OF BINARY STARS Recent observational investigations of the frequency of occurrence of premain-sequence binary stars have reinforced earlier suspicions that binary http://www.phys.lsu.edu/astro/nap98/bf.final.html | |
17. Chandra :: Field Guide To X-ray Astronomy :: Binary And Multiple Star Systems The most common multiple star systems are those with two stars. These socalled binary stars have played an important role in many areas of astronomy, http://chandra.harvard.edu/xray_sources/binary_stars.html | |
18. Binary Stars forums.cpututorials.com. http://www.binarystars.com/ | |
19. IAU Symposium 200 : The Formation Of Binary Stars : Potsdam April 10-15 2000 The proceedings were published as ``The formation of binary stars , eds. H. Zinnecker R.D. Mathieu, IAU Symposium, Vol. 200, 2001, by ASP, IAU Volumes http://www.aip.de/IAU200/ | |
20. The Evolution Of Compact Binary Star Systems We review the formation and evolution of compact binary stars consisting of white dwarfs (WDs), neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs). http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2006-6 |
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