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21. Howstuffworks "How Bigfoot Works" bigfoot, also known as sasquatch or the yeti, is a persistent phenomenon. Learn about possible scientific explanations for bigfoot and explore bigfoot http://people.howstuffworks.com/bigfoot.htm | |
22. BigFoot : Happy Feet For Your Desktop bigfoot is a Mac OS X desktop critter that provides you with endless entertainment, in the form of a pair of feet. But not just any feet! http://www.sticksoftware.com/software/BigFoot.html | |
23. Bigfoot (1970) Directed by Robert F. Slatzer. With John Carradine, John Mitchum, Joi Lansing. bigfoot kidnaps some women and some bikers decide to go on a rescue mission http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065470/ | |
24. Voice Of Reason: The Reality Of Bigfoot | LiveScience Supposed hair from the creature is tested. But what do the results mean? http://www.livescience.com/technology/050728_bigfoot.html | |
25. Waiting For Bigfoot In North America, there have been bigfoot sightings in every US state except Hawaii. Eight of Canada s thirteen provinces have reported sightings of http://www.waitingforbigfoot.com/bigfoot.html | |
26. Bigfoot - The Communications Powerhouse In spite of this challenging environment, bigfoot is expanding with a clear path to profitability, a well-known brand and a user base of more than 2 http://jobs.bigfoot.com/ | |
27. Home - International Bigfoot Society internationalbigfootsociety.com/ Similar pages Sasquatch Information Society Researching bigfoot / sasquatch Sasquatch Information Society follows up on bigfoot / sasquatch reports in the pacific northwest and forwards reports to trusted people in other areas. http://internationalbigfootsociety.com/ | |
28. Bigfoot: Editor Selected ResultsAbout Bigfoot ResultsAbout editors recommend bigfoot resources and bigfoot links. http://results.about.com/bigfoot/ | |
29. Bigfoot At 50 (Skeptical Inquirer March 2002) The question of bigfoot s existence comes down to the claim that Where there s smoke there s fire. The evidence suggests that there are enough sources of http://csicop.org/si/2002-03/bigfoot.html | |
30. MySpace.com - The Official Bigfoot - 49 - Male - Newport, US - Www.myspace.com/m MySpace profile for The Official bigfoot with pictures, videos, personal blog, interests, information about me and more. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=110579 |
31. BIGFOOT, SASQUATCH, YETI There were numerous close encounters with dark, ninefoot-tall beasts that resembled a bigfoot or Sasquatch. (More on those incidents will follow. http://www.greatdreams.com/yeti.htm | |
32. Xenophilia - Big Foot bigfoot Habitat 13. Interview With a Woods woman 14. Snow Walker Video 15. Other Video Film 16. Our bigfoot Hoax Video 17. Dead bigfoot Body? http://www.xenophilia.com/zb0027.htm | |
33. Bigfoot SMS Web Send SMS from PC to mobile phones worldwide. Download SMS Manager. Free SMS. http://sms.bigfoot.com/ |
34. Bigfoot The story of Lakota chief bigfoot and the massacre of Wounded Knee. http://www.indigenouspeople.net/bigfoot.htm | |
35. Bigfoot Conference Call - Reservationless, Operator-Assisted Audio bigfoot Conference Call is a leading provider conference call and teleconferencing solutions. Utilizing the latest conference call technology with the voice http://conferencing.bigfoot.com/terms_conditions.jsp |
36. Bigfoot Networks | Killer NIC And LLR Technology Lag and Latency Reduction Technology (LLR) fights lag in online games. Killer NIC network card designed for gaming from bigfoot Networks. http://www.bigfootnetworks.com/ | |
37. Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale bigfoot® Ale is an awardwinning example of the traditional barleywine ale style. It boasts a dense, fruity bouquet; an extremely rich, intense palate; http://www.sierranevada.com/beers/bigfoot.html | |
38. Base Camp Bigfoot I have been studying bigfoot for over 40 years. I have encountered bigfoot on numerous occasions (see bigfoot photos). I believe bigfoot knows when it is http://www.bigfootexpedition.com/ | |
39. BigFoot Bags, Your All Purpose Tarp Travel Utility Camping Bag bigfoot Bags, all purpose travel utility camping bag, boating bag, cargo bag, yard bag, the all around hauling utility bag. versitile open or closed utility http://www.bigfootbag.com/ | |
40. Bigfoot Hoaxes If a bigfoot species did exist, it would seem likely that at some point one of them would die and leave a skeleton, or get run over by a car. http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/Hoaxipedia/Bigfoot_Hoaxes/ | |
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