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101. DataCompression.info - Wavelets wavelets are used for much more than just data compression. However, this page is confined to the uses of wavelets as a component of compression, http://datacompression.info/Wavelets.shtml | |
102. Vita Image compression, wavelets, and curve approximation theory. http://www.math.sc.edu/~liu/ | |
103. WAVELETS AND RENORMALIZATION wavelets AND RENORMALIZATION by G Battle (Texas A M University) wavelets AND RENORMALIZATION describes the role played by wavelets in Euclidean field theory http://www.worldscibooks.com/mathematics/3066.html | |
104. Jelena Kovacevic wavelets, frames, biomedical signal processing, multirate signal processing, data compression and signal processing for communications. http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jelenak/ |
105. WAVELETS IN SOFT COMPUTING wavelets IN SOFT COMPUTING. PreProcessing The Multiresolution Approach; Spline-Based wavelets Approximation and Compression Algorithms http://www.worldscibooks.com/compsci/4690.html | |
106. Home Page For Todd Ogden Analysis of brain imaging data, nonparametric regression, wavelets, statistical computing, functional data analysis, changepoint problems. http://www.columbia.edu/~to166/ | |
107. Nonlinear Workshop: Wavelets The fundamental idea behind wavelets is to analyze a given function or signal locally Since wavelets are local in space they tend to yield an economical http://www.enm.bris.ac.uk/anm/seminars/wavelets.html | |
108. MATHnetBASE: Mathematics Online First appearing in the late 1980s, wavelets have developed rapidly, Among the generalizations of wavelets that have emerged, multiwavelets stand out http://www.mathnetbase.com/ejournals/books/book_summary/summary.asp?id=1274 |
109. Department Of Mathematics Harmonic analysis and wavelets. http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/ | |
110. MATHnetBASE: Mathematics Online to the basic properties of wavelets, from background math to powerful applications. The authors provide elementary methods for constructing wavelets, http://www.mathnetbase.com/ejournals/books/book_summary/summary.asp?id=798 |
111. Biomedical Imaging Group BIG develops new algorithms and mathematical tools based on splines and wavelets for advanced processing of medical and biological images. http://bigwww.epfl.ch/ | |
112. Wavelets: Software And Applications We created a new kind of secondgeneration wavelets on a rectangular grid, These Red-Black wavelets are less anisotropic than tensor product wavelets. http://members.chello.be/cr26864/PhD/ | |
113. Magasa's Wavelets Bibtex Bibliographies. The Wavelet Digest Reference Lists Bibliographies on wavelets - collected by Alf-Christian Achilles http://dali.korea.ac.kr/~magasa/wavelets.html | |
114. Yale Math Department Wavelets Resources Software and papers on wavelet packets (Lionel Woog, Fran§ois Meyer, and Fazal Majid). http://www.math.yale.edu/wavelets/ | |
115. Untitled I. Daubechies, 1992, 10 Lectures on wavelets, SIAM Y. Meyer, 1993, wavelets Algorithms and Applications, SIAM About this document http://www.ecs.syr.edu/faculty/lewalle/tutor/tutor.html | |
116. EE 596, Wavelets, Fall 2004 MATH 599, Introduction to wavelets, and EE 569, Introduction to Digital Image Processing. wavelets obtained from iterated filterbanks. Regularity. http://sipi.usc.edu/~ortega/Wavelets.html | |
117. Wavelet Explorer: New Generation Signal And Image Analysis Visualize and apply wavelets, data processing. http://www.wolfram.com/products/applications/wavelet/ | |
118. Guru's Lair: Wavelets Library Directory wavelets are an exceptionally powerful new math tool. One Fourier Series, wavelets supply both the big picture and fine detail at the same time. http://www.tinaja.com/wave01.html | |
119. Math 185 - Introduction To Wavelets Introduction to wavelets and their Applications Math 185 Discrete Wavelet Transform for Haar wavelets via Matrices Fast Wavelet Transform for Haar http://www.math.hmc.edu/faculty/ward/wavelets/ | |
120. Guide To Wavelet Sources Links to tutorials, software and other wavelet sites. Compressed using gzip and cannot be rendered by all browsers. http://www-ocean.tamu.edu/~baum/wavelets.html.gz | |
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