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         Sequences Series Summability:     more books (24)
  1. Some theorems on Cesaro regular summability method for sequences and series by Wendell Neal, 1969
  2. The Rise and Development of the Theory of Series up to the Early 1820s (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences) by Giovanni Ferraro, 2010-11-02
  3. Summability of Multi-Dimensional Fourier Series and Hardy Spaces (Mathematics and Its Applications) by Ferenc Weisz, 2002-03-31
  4. Bifurcations and Periodic Orbits of Vector Fields (NATO Science Series C: (closed))
  5. Tauberian Theory: A Century of Developments (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) by Jacob Korevaar, 2010-11-02
  6. Generalized Analytic Automorphic Forms in Hypercomplex Spaces (Frontiers in Mathematics) (Volume 0) by Rolf S. Krausshar, 2004-05-27
  7. The Concrete Tetrahedron: Symbolic Sums, Recurrence Equations, Generating Functions, Asymptotic Estimates (Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation) by Manuel Kauers, Peter Paule, 2011-02-27
  8. Functional Equations - Results and Advances (ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS Volume 3)
  9. A Concise Approach to Mathematical Analysis by Mangatiana A. Robdera, 2003-02-12
  10. Asymptotics of Linear Differential Equations (Mathematics and Its Applications) by M.H. Lantsman, 2010-11-02
  11. Analytic and Elementary Number Theory: A Tribute to Mathematical Legend Paul Erdos (Developments in Mathematics) by Krishnaswami Alladi, P.D.T.A. Elliott, et all 2010-11-02
  12. Classification and Approximation of Periodic Functions (Mathematics and Its Applications) by A.I. Stepanets, 1995-07-31
  13. Fourier Analysis and Approximation of Functions by Roald M. Trigub, Eduard S. Belinsky, 2010-11-02
  14. Walsh Equiconvergence of Complex Interpolating Polynomials (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) by Amnon Jakimovski, Ambikeshwar Sharma, et all 2010-11-02

41. Sachgebiete Der AMS-Klassifikation: 40-49
40XX sequences, series, summability 40-00 General reference works (handbooks,dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) 40-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks
Sachgebiete der AMS-Klassifikation: 40-49
nach 30-39 Weiter nach 50-59 Suche in allen Klassifikationen
41-XX 42-XX 43-XX 44-XX 45-XX 46-XX 47-XX 49-XX
nach 30-39 Weiter nach 50-59 Suche in allen Klassifikationen

42. 40-XX
40XX, Prev 39 Up Top Next 41 . sequences, series, summability 40B05 Multiple sequences and series {(should also be assigned at least one
40-XX Top Sequences, series, summability

    40-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.)
    40-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
    40-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
    40-03 Historical (must also be assigned at least one classification number from Section 01)
    40-04 Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming)
    40-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
    Convergence and divergence of infinite limiting processes
    General summability methods
    Direct theorems on summability
    Inversion theorems 40F05 Absolute and strong summability Special methods of summability 40H05 Functional analytic methods in summability 40J05 Summability in abstract structures [See also
    Version of December 15, 1998

43. MathNet-Mathematical Subject Classification
4099, sequences, series, summability (not classified at a more specific level).40-XX, sequences, series, summability. 40A05, Convergence and divergence of

44. 40-XX
sequences, series, summability. 4000 General reference works (handbooks,dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) 40-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks,
Sequences, series, summability
40-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) 40-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) 40-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) 40-03 Historical (must also be assigned at least one classification number from Section 01) 40-04 Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) 40-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
Convergence and divergence of infinite limiting processes General summability methods Direct theorems on summability Inversion theorems 40F05 Absolute and strong summability Special methods of summability 40H05 Functional analytic methods in summability 40J05 Summability in abstract structures [See also Questions or comments regarding this service? Information Center for Mathematical Sciences.

45. Representation And Series Summability Of Complete Biorthogonal Sequences., Willi
Representation and series summability of complete biorthogonal sequences. SourcePacific J. Math. 34, no. 2 (1970), 511–528 Primary Subjects 40.50
Current Issue Past Issues Search this Journal Editorial Board ... Credits William H. Ruckle
Representation and series summability of complete biorthogonal sequences.
Source: Pacific J. Math. Primary Subjects:
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Euclid Identifier: euclid.pjm/1102976444
Zentralblatt Math Identifier:
Zentralblatt Math Identifier:
Mathmatical Reviews number (MathSciNet): To Table of Contents for this Issue
[1] S. Banach, Theorie des operations lineaires, Warsaw 1932. Zentralblatt-MATH: [2] N. Dunford and J. T. Schwartz, Linear operators, Part I, New York, 1958. Mathematical Reviews: Zentralblatt-MATH: [3] O. Frink Jr., Series expansions in linear vector spaces, Amer. J. Math. 63 (1941), 87-100. Mathematical Reviews: Zentralblatt-MATH: [4] V. F. Gaposhkin and M. I. Kadets, Operator bases in Banach spaces (Russian), Mat, Sb. (N. S.) (103) 61 (1963), p. 3-12. [5] A. Grothendieck, Produits tensoriels topologiques et espaces nucleaires, Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (1955). Mathematical Reviews: Zentralblatt-MATH: [6] M. I. Kadets and A. Peiczynski, Basic sequences, biorthogonal systems and norm- ing sets in Banach and Frechet spaces (Russian) Studia Math. 25 (1965), 297-323.

46. MSC91
40XX sequences, series, summability ( 0 Dok.) 40-00 General referenceworks (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) ( 0 Dok.

47. Rajagopal
Rajagopal studied sequences, series, summability. He published 89 papers in thisarea generalising and unifying Tauberian theorems.
Cadambathur Tiruvenkatacharlu Rajagopal
Born: 8 Sept 1903 in Triplicane, Madras, India
Died: 25 April 1978 in Madras, India
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
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Rajagopal was educated in Madras, India. He graduated in 1925 from the Madras Presidency College with Honours in mathematics. He spent a short while in the clerical service, another short while teaching in Annamalai University then, from 1931 to 1951, he taught in the Madras Christian College. Here he gained an outstanding reputation as a teacher of classical analysis. In 1951 Rajagopal was persuaded to join the Ramanujan Institute of Mathematics then, four years later, he became head of the Institute. Under his leadership the Institute became the major Indian mathematics research centre. Rajagopal studied sequences, series, summability. He published 89 papers in this area generalising and unifying Tauberian theorems. He also studied functions of a complex variable giving an analogue of a theorem of Edmund Landau on partial sums of Fourier series . In several papers he studied the relation between the growth of the mean values of an entire function and that of its Dirichlet series.

48. Search Results For Sequence*
Rajagopal studied sequences, series, summability. Markov. He also studied sequencesof mutually dependent variables, hoping to establish the limiting laws

49. Ensubject? Sequences, Series, Summability, ser

50. Arithmetic, Geometric And Harmonic Sequences By Stephen R. Wassell For The Nexus
Palladio s Harmonic Mean The Mathematical Atlas sequences, series, summability Computing Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Means
Abstract. Stephen Wassell replies to the question posed by geometer Marcus the Marinite: If one can define arithmetic and geometric sequences, can one define a harmonic sequence?
Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Sequences Stephen R. Wassell
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Sweet Briar College
Sweet Briar, Virginia USA A sking the right question is half the battle. Ever the investigative geometer, Marcus the Marinite came up with an excellent question involving the three principal means. If one can define arithmetic and geometric sequences, can one define a harmonic sequence? [ ] It turns out that the answer has some interesting nuances. Although the answer is yes, the main distinction is that the numbers in a harmonic sequence do not increase indefinitely to as they do in arithmetic and geometric sequences. In developing the answer, an easily applied general form of a harmonic sequence is obtained. a a a a a n a n a n be any three in a row; then for this to be an arithmetic sequence, it must be the case that . It may be more intuitive to consider the general form of an arithmetic sequence: start with any number, say

51. Welcome To Narosa Publishing House
sequences, summability and Fourier Analysis deals with various aspects of Riesz summability of the type exp(wa) and its applications to Fourier series

52. Home | Boston University Department Of Mathematics And Statistics
sequences, series, summability, uniform convergence. Complex numbers, Taylor series.Application to mechanics, probability. 4 cr, 1st sem.

Programs in Undergraduate Mathematics

Math Courses
Undergraduate Activities in the Department
Undergraduate Math Courses Courses marked with a (*) satisfy divisional studies requirements. Courses numbered 500 and above are listed on the graduate course lists (see the graduate course lists from the math home page).
Mathematics Courses Primarily for Nonconcentrators
CAS MA 118 College Algebra and Trigonometry Functions and graphs. Linear and quadratic equations. Exponents, logarithms. Right and oblique triangles; trigonometric functions. Optimization. Specifically intended to prepare students with insufficient background in mathematics for the study of calculus. This course may not be used in fulfillment of the distribution requirement. Satisfies the mathematics requirement in the College program. 4 cr, either sem. (*) CAS MA 120 Applied Mathematics for Social and Management Sciences Linear equations, systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, exponential functions and logarithms, elements of differential calculus, optimization, probability. Applications in economics, finance, and management. Satisfies both mathematics requirement and distribution requirement. 4 cr, either sem.

53. 40-XX
sequences, series, summability 40B05, Multiple sequences and series {(shouldalso be assigned at least one other classification number in this section)}
Sequences, series, summability
General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classification number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Convergence and divergence of infinite limiting processes Multiple sequences and series
General summability methods Direct theorems on summability Inversion theorems Absolute and strong summability Special methods of summability Functional analytic methods in summability Summability in abstract structures
[See also

54. Zaleznosci Miedzy Podzialem Na Sekcje A Main 1991 Mathematics
39, Finite differences and functional equations, Difference and functional equations.40, sequences, series, summability. 41, Approximations and expansions
Zale¿no¶ci miêdzy podzia³em na sekcje a
Main 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC1991)
W bazie przyjêto, ze podanie numeru MSC1991 powoduje automatyczne przypisanie (poza dwoma wyj±tkami) do sekcji wed³ug poni¿szych regu³ (regu³y te ulegn± drobnym zmianom po roku 2000):
I. Logika matematyczna i Podstawy matematyki
03 - Mathematical logic and foundations 04 - Set theory
II. Algebra
06 - Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures 08 - General algebraic systems 12 - Field theory and polynomials 13 - Commutative rings and algebras 15 - Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory 16 - Associative rings and algebras 17 - Nonassociative rings and algebras 18 - Category theory, homological algebra 19 - K-theory 20 - Group theory and generalizations
III. Teoria liczb
11 - Number theory
IV. Geometria
51 - Geometry 52 - Convex and discrete geometry 53 - Differential geometry
V. Topologia
54 - General topology 55 - Algebraic topology 57 - Manifolds and cell complexes
VI. Geometria algebraiczna
14 - Algebraic geometry
VII. Analiza zespolona

55. Mathematics Subject Classification Index
40 sequences, series, summability. 40A05 Convergence and divergence of seriesand sequences HI Miller, K. Demirci; 40B05 Multiple sequences and series
Glasnik Matematicki, Subject Index
Index of papers published in Glasnik Matematicki from 2000 (Volume 35) to 2004 (Volume 39). Papers are listed according to the 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification . Items with * correspond to the earlier versions of the Mathematics Subject Classification (1991 and 1980). 03 MATHEMATICAL LOGIC AND FOUNDATIONS 04 SET THEORY*
  • 04A10 Ordinal and cardinal numbers; generalizations*
    A. Mani
  • 04A72 Fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations*
    S. A. Solovyov

56. MPI MIS Leipzig - Preprints And Lecture Notes - MSC Numbers 4...
40XX, sequences, series, summability 42C15, series of general orthogonalfunctions, generalized Fourier expansions, nonorthogonal expansions, 29/1999
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Preprints and Lecture notes - MSC numbers 4... Publications Popular-science (also in german) Preprints from: Lecture Notes Proceedings Technical Reports and Documentations Sorted Index The Institute Home About the Institute Research Groups People ... MPI MIS Webmail WWW Other Max-Planck-Institutes Department of Mathematics and Computer Science IZBI (Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics) University of Leipzig City of Leipzig Mathematical Sites Physics Sites ...
Browse MSC-Numbers
40-XX Sequences, series, summability 41-XX Approximations and expansions 42-XX Fourier analysis Singular integrals (Calderón-Zygmund, etc.) Series of general orthogonal functions, generalized Fourier expansions, nonorthogonal expansions 43-XX Abstract harmonic analysis 44-XX Integral transforms, operational calculus 45-XX Integral equations Fredholm integral equations 46-XX Functional analysis Summability and bases Sobolev spaces and other spaces of``smooth'' functions, embedding theorems, trace theorems Noncommunicative differential geometry 47-XX Operator theory Pseudodifferential operators 48-XX Geometry 49-XX Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization

57. Lexikon Kategorie:MSC 40-XX Sequences, Series, Summability
sequences, series, summability . Dieser Kategoriegehören 0 Artikel an.,_series,_summability

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Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Kategorie:MSC 40-XX Sequences, series, summability
Kategorie:MSC 40-XX Sequences, series, summability
Diese Kategorie entspricht der Klasse 40-XX Sequences, series, summability der Mathematics Subject Classification
Diese Kategorie hat 1 Unterkategorie.
Artikel in der Kategorie "MSC 40-XX Sequences, series, summability"
Dieser Kategorie geh¶ren Artikel an. Von " Einordnung Mathematics Subject Classification Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel " Kategorie:MSC 40-XX Sequences, series, summability

58. Natarajan: Some Properties Of The Y-method Of Summability In Complete Ultrametri
Throughout the present paper, infinite matrices, sequences and series have In the context of summability factors (For the definition of summability

59. Natarajan, Srinivasan: Silvermann-Toeplitz Theorem For Double Sequences And Seri
The entries of sequences, series and infinite matri ces are in K. In the present 7 PN Natarajan, On Nörlund method of summability in non-archimedean

60. Home
sequences, series, summability; Several complex variables and analytic spaces;Special functions; Statistics; Numerical analysis;
Message from Pro-Chancellor Home Call For Papers General Info ... Conference Secretariat
Lahore University of Management Sciences Campus The Scope of the Conference: This conference will cover full range of research subjects in all fields of Mathematics. The following Topics include, but are not limited to:
Abstract harmonic analysis;
Algebraic geometry;
Algebraic topology;
Approximations and expansions;
Associative rings and algebras;
Astronomy and astrophysics;
Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization;
Category theory, homological algebra;
Classical thermodynamics; Combinatorics and graph theory; Commutative rings and algebras; Computational science; Convex and discrete geometry; Difference and functional equations; Differential geometry; Dynamical systems and ergodic theory; Field theory and polynomials; Fluid mechanics;

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