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         Quantum Theory:     more books (100)
  1. Basic Concepts in Relativity and Early Quantum Theory, Second Edition by Robert Resnick, David Halliday, 1992-01
  2. Quantum: Einstein, Bohr, and the Great Debate about the Nature of Reality by Manjit Kumar, 2010-05-24

141. 2001 A Spacetime Odyssey
Two theories revolutionized the 20th century view of space and time Einstein's General theory of Relativity and quantum Mechanics. Their union has spawned elementary particle theories with extra spacetime dimensions, the inflationary model of bigbang cosmology, dark matter in the universe, radiation from quantum black holes and the fuzzy spacetime geometry of superstrings and M-theory.

142. CPQM Versus Especial Relativity
Explains the experiments on mass variation, ultimate speed, transverse Doppler effect, lifetime extension, etc, using concepts from classical physics and quantum mechanics.
HOME PAGE SILAS SACHELI SANTOS New paper : Au+Au collision 0.9995c at RHIC is explained by CPQM THEORY Abstract CPQM theory is in agreement with the experiment of production rate of high- p T pions, at Phenix RHIC Brookhaven Au+Au collision at 0.9995c. Below you have my published papers. I developed a new relativistic theory with concepts of Classical Physics and Quantum Mechanics.
This theory was published in Physics Essays (1997 and 1998) and in Galilean Electrodynamics (2003).
Objective : To verify the validity of the theory developed in this paper I propose to remake 3 classical experiments with some modifications (Section 6).
Could you or your University / Institute, colleagues, repeat these experiments? These experiments would be one more test for SR , because in the proposed conditions they are unpublished and demand little investiment. CPQM versus Special Relativity Summary of papers published in Physics Essays and Galilean Electrodynamics Silas Sacheli Santos Rua Professor Vahia de Abreu, 284, ap 51 04549-001 São Paulo, SP - BRAZIL

143. Reviews In Mathematical Physics
Fills the need for a review journal in the field, publishing introductory and survey papers for mathematical physicists, and mathematicians and theoretical physicists interested in interdisciplinary topics. Topics include gauge fields, quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, dynamical systems, functional analysis, and interactions between theoretical physics and pure mathematics.

144. American Chemical Society: Journal Of Physical Chemistry Part A Home Page
Publishes studies on molecules (dynamics, spectroscopy, gaseous clusters, molecular beams, kinetics, atmospheric and environmental physical chemistry, molecular structure, bonding, quantum chemistry, and general theory).

Cover Details

DELIVERY SUSPENDED The American Chemical Society has suspended delivery of its journals and to areas affected by Hurricane Katrina at the request of the U.S. Postal Service. Full online access to all publications continues. Information on future deliveries will be available at a later date.
From the Editors to our Authors and Reviewers: We thank you for your continued support of JPC. Please make sure to include the A or B label when giving references to JPC articles published in 1997 and beyond. This would save time for readers making use of the articles published in JPC. The assistance of our conscientious reviewers in checking the accuracy of the references to JPC from 1997 forward would also be most appreciated.
View the Most-Accessed Articles for The Journal of Physical Chemistry A in 2005. Beginning in July 2005, will publish table of contents (TOC) graphics for Letters in both Web and print editions. Also in July, the journals will publish author biographies with Feature Articles and Review Articles. Please see the Guidelines for Authors (Preparation of Manuscripts) [PDF] for details on both of these new features.

145. Objective World Of Physics
Presents and reviews Relativity theory, quantum Physics, and Cosmogical concepts.
Objective World of Physics WEB Page of Tom Besmer Welcome to my world of Physics. On this site are found a prologue and six articles that deal with physics review and the development of a new energy concept. Reviewed are: Einstein's works, Newton 's works, Maxwell's works, Gravitational Force Field (GFF), Electromagnetic radiation, Cosmology, Quantum Physics, and the Speed of Light and developed are: a new energy concept, Frequency shifts and the Speed of light as a function of wavelength and media (GFF). It is important to understand that modern day technology has been a process. The best way to study the process is historically. e.g . The vacuum tube came before the transistor, the transistor is the precursor to the latest in integrated circuits, and Einstein's works were initiated because he thought that there was a discrepancy between the works of Newton and Maxwell. Einstein, an intellectual giant, has been voted man of the century. One aspect of his Special Theory of Relativity led to the famous E = mc He won the Nobel Prize for explaining the photo-electric effect. The papers of this site do not deny any of Einstein's accomplishments. They do however question one of his postulates "the speed of light is a universal constant, relative to nothing". The articles here deal with the variation of the speed of light as a function of media. A new energy concept is derived, developed, and introduced. It expands the present day concept of the speed of light. It turns out that the General Theory of Relativity is unnecessary if the time and distance measurements of the Special Theory of Relativity become objective and real. This is true if it can be demonstrated that the speed of light is not a universal constant, an initial condition. Its value varies as function of media and is relative to any movement of the measuring device.

146. LITQ
Publications, laboratory staff members, and Java applets related to quantum cryptography, quantum information, quantum teleportation, computational complexity, algorithmics, and graph theory.
@import url(litqBack.css);

147. Wiley InterScience: Journal Home - Journal Of Computational Chemistry
Publishes original articles on ab initio and semiempirical quantum mechanics, density functional theory, molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, statistical mechanics, cheminformatics, biomolecular structure prediction, molecular design, and bioinformatics.
@import url(; Skip to Content If you are seeing this message, you may be experiencing temporary network problems. Please wait a few minutes and refresh the page. If the problem persists, you may wish to report it to your local Network Manager. It is also possible that your web browser is not configured or not able to display style sheets. In this case, although the visual presentation will be degraded, the site should continue to be functional. We recommend using the latest version of Microsoft or Mozilla web browser to help minimise these problems. Home CHEMISTRY Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling
Journal of Computational Chemistry
See Also:
Journal of Computational Chemistry 1980-1995

var homepagelinks = new Array( new Array("Journal Home","/cgi-bin/jhome/33822",""), new Array("Issues","/cgi-bin/jtoc/33822/",""), new Array("Early View","/cgi-bin/jeview/33822/","e"), new Array("","","s"), new Array("Product Information","/cgi-bin/jabout/33822/ProductInformation.html",""), new Array("Editorial Board","/cgi-bin/jabout/33822/EditorialBoard.html",""), new Array("For Authors","/cgi-bin/jabout/33822/ForAuthors.html",""), new Array("Subscribe","/jcatalog/subscribe.jsp?issn=0192-8651",""), new Array("Advertise","/cgi-bin/jabout/33822/Advertise.html",""), new Array("Contact","/cgi-bin/jabout/33822/Contact.html",""), new Array("Online Submission","",""), new Array("","","x") ); writeJournalLinks("", "33822");

148. Mike's NLO QCD Page
EVENT2 is a program for two and three-jet events in e+e- annihilation. DISENT is a program for (1+1)- and (2+1)-jet events in deep inelastic scattering. GBOOK creates line graphs.
NLO QCD Programs
I am working on a set of programs implementing the Catani-Seymour subtraction algorithm for calculating Next to Leading Order corrections to jet cross-sections in perturbative QCD. is a program for two- and three-jet events in e+e- annihilation. It offers several advantages over the standard EVENT program of Kunszt and Nason, briefly: full event orientation is retained; Z exchange is included; different partonic final states and colour are labelled correctly. A preliminary version (0.2) is here together with a brief set of notes describing it.
A prepreliminary update is also available, version 0.3 , but the notes have not yet been updated accordingly. DISENT is a program for (1+1)- and (2+1)-jet events in deep inelastic scattering. A preliminary version (0.1) is here together with a brief set of notes describing it.
There was an important bug found in version 0.0. If you used that version, you are strongly advised to rerun with version 0.1. The differences are typically of order 1% for most quantities, but could be larger depending on the kinematic cuts made. In order to quickly assess the importance of the bug, there is also a program that simply integrates the term that was wrong (it runs about three times quicker than the full program).

149. Theory
quantum Optics theory in Aarhus is part of the research center QUANTOP, Our research activities involve basic quantum optics theory quantum master
Faculty of Science
Department of

Physics and Astronomy

... Vacancies
Quantum Optics Theory
Quantum Optics theory in Aarhus is part of the research center QUANTOP, funded by the Danish National Research Foundation Our work is also supported by the European Union, and we profit from support from various ESF programmes. Our research activities involve basic quantum optics theory: quantum master equations, stochastic wave functions, quantized radiation fields, quantum theory of measurements, quantum phase space distributions. It finds applications for laser cooling of ions and atoms, the preparation of special states of ultra-cold atoms (Bose-Einstein condensates and Fermi-degenerate gasses), quantum computing, and in the analysis of photo-fragmentation dynamics. In addition, we contribute to work on correlated structures in highly excited atoms and on transmission of intense light fields through non-linear optical fibers.
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes (Marcel Proust).
Group members
  • M.Sc. student

150. FSatom Project
Links to free software, primarily Fortran, for atomic scale simulations, including the topics of Molecular Dynamics/Force Fields, Tight binding, quantum Chemistry Hartree Fock/MP/CC/CI, Density Functional Pseudopotential/Pseudoprojector generators, quantum Monte Carlo, and ManyBody Perturbation theory (GW, Bethe-Salpether).
Free Software Project
Atomic-scale Simulations Home Manifest Programs Links
A list of programs used nowadays for atom-scale simulations has been entered in our database. They can be accessed by topics, see the index below (click on one topics to get the corresponding list). For each topics, we present first the programs available under an open source licence, with some description. For different reasons, we also list programs available under a proprietary licence, although without any description (only a link). If you want that we include an additional project in this list, just send us the name of the program, a URL, and, in case it is available under an open source licence, a small description. Suggestions of improvement are also welcome. The initial gathering of codes was performed by X. Gonze and M. Mikami.
  • Molecular Dynamics/Force Fields Tight binding Quantum Chemistry: Hartree Fock/MP/CC/CI Density Functional ...
      Type : Quantum Chemistry: Hartree Fock/MP/CC/CI
      License : GPL
      Description : A numerical Hartree-Fock program for diatomic molecules.
  • 151. Rick Miranda's Home Page
    Colorado State University. Elliptic Surfaces; Geometric Invariant theory; Classification and Degenerations of Surfaces; Coverings of Algebraic Varieties; Integral Quadratic Forms; Toric Geometry; Gaussian Maps for Curves; Graph Curves; Fano Threefolds; quantum Cohomology. Papers, books.
    Rick Miranda
    Professor of Mathematics
    OFFICE: 121 Engineering Building,
    PHONE: (970)-491-6327
    FAX: (970)-491-2161
    Department of Mathematics
    Colorado State University
    Fort Collins, CO 80523
    Experience and Education
    Courses Taught Recently
    What you should be taking if you want to write a PhD dissertation in Algebraic Geometry
    Research Interests:
    • Journal Articles
    • Books:
      • Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces. Graduate Studies in Mathematics series No. 5, AMS (1995).
      • Exploiting Symmetry in Applied and Numerical Analysis , E. L. Allgower, K. Georg, and R. Miranda, Eds. AMS Lectures in Applied Mathematics, Volume 29 (1993).
      • The Basic Theory of Elliptic Surfaces. Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica, Dipartimento di Matematica dell' Universita di Pisa, ETS Editrice Pisa (1989).

    152. Topics In Quantum Field Theory
    Several files in LaTeX format cover selected topics in quantum Field theory and Integrable Systems
    Topics in Quantum Field Theory
    and Integrable Systems
    (see also a list of recommended literature)
    Maintained by A.Vladimirov
    Notes, formulas, etc. (LaTeX files)

    153. Quantum-Universe
    The new theory contains only radiation. Particles consist of monorays in form of spiral-field-cords; which bent extremely itself; comes together to a circle; and is fusing phase-exactly to a ring-process.
    Book Fair Frankfurt/Main 19.-23. Oct. 2005 Hall 4.2 J 432 and 3.1 C 103
    A K V B¶rsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels You are landing on this home page. You must schedule a little more time than for an advertisement. If you are in hurry, you easy should further-click. Seeing in the side you cannot grasp what I would like to explain to you. With Quantum-Universe is more meant, much more than only Nano, that now is mouth in all and from which you heard surely. Actually, Nano means nothing than nanometres [nm] , that is 10 m or the thousand-millionth part of a meter. Exactly the microelectronics is advancing into this area of tiniest dimensions and celebrates admiration-worthy successes.
    But with Quantum-Universe I my somewhat which is more general. Not only also small and even much more tiny, with areas, in which our technology can never advance despite boldest dreams in principle; but in fact including our macro surroundings and the whole universe. From the last, one has a more or less clear idea: over our solar system, our "Milky way" and the inscrutably many other galaxies in their different development stages. At the time an Australian plans to summarize all already known galaxies in a spatial card. A huge undertaking. No, on the other hand I don't want to frighten of course. Take your time, if you can, and read the websides. But, you should not at once devour all.
    Let's turn towards the quanta. All speak of it. Some are confident to know what are quanta. I doubt this. What therefore are quanta, that it inspires to the concept of quantum leap? Here, it behaves similarly like the term nano. In sense of Max Planck and Albert Einstein happen all the nature events discontinuous in constant steps. The smallest step is named quantum of action, a q u a n t u m therefore. Its value is incredibly small; namely S ≈ 6,626·10

    154. Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Topodynamics, Quantum Topology
    Includes links to research papers, quotations on the development of the quantumtheory, brief notes on the field and related links.
    Quantum Field Theory Quantum Topology
    Diaa A Ahmed
    Research Interests
    Quantum Topodynamics, Quantum Topology, Topological Quantum Field Theory, M Theory, Quantum Supergravity Theory, Gauge Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Gauge Field Theory, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Consciousness, Quantum Computation.
    that physics in the form of energy-momentum and space-time coordinates lives and gets projected from that topological space which represents the arena in which physical interactions take place. In quantum theory we get an abstract mathematical image of that quantum space in the form of the complete Dirac bracket, This work in theoretical physics is concerned with developing the theory that incorporates both theory of relativity and quantum mechanics into a consistent mathematical theory. One way to achieve this is to extend the manifold of the theory of relativity into a quantum space through incorporation of the quantum dynamics into that functional space. Quantum topodynamics is the field theory that derives from the topology of the quantum space.
    Theory of the quantum space is founded on the theory of sets. Commutation relations factor the quantum set into

    155. Mahdavi
    SUNY Potsdam, NY, USA; 26 June 2003.
    Math. Dept.
    Financial Support
    SUNY Potsdam ...
    Map of Parking Lots
    Interactions between Representation Theories, Knot Theory, Topology, Quantum Field Theory, Category Theory, and Mathematical Physics.
    SUNY Potsdam June 2-6, 2003
    ABSTRACTS This workshop investigates the interactions between Representation Theories, Knot Theory, Topology, quantum Field Theory, Category Theory, and Mathematical Physics. This conference will be of great benefit to the researchers, recent Ph.Ds, and graduate students.
    Some financial support is available for graduate students, recent Ph.Ds, and others who are qualified.
    Total cost of room and board, on Campus, is $206.50
    Participants who choose to stay on campus will be housed in Draime Hall SUNY Potsdam Map)
    Off Campus housing Hotel listing (you need to make your own reservation)
    a block of rooms has been reserved at Clarkson Inn. For reservation
    please call 1 800 790 6970, before May 15, 2003($89.00 for single, and$99.00 for double, per night). you need to mention SUNY Potsdam math. conference.

    156. Sergeev's Home Page
    Postdoctoral Researcher in UMass Dartmouth, Department of Chemistry. Developing quantummechanical perturbation theory for atomic and molecular problems. Documents, publications, pictures.
    For prospective job employers
    Curriculum Vitae


    At St. Opt. Inst.

    Collob. with ITEP
    Unpublished reports

    For general public

    Selected pict.


    More information Directory of files
    Alexey Sergeev
    Department of Chemistry Tulane University 6400 Freret St. New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 For my current telephone and address, please contact me at the e-mail below Email to Web Available until February of 2006 Research interests are quantum-mechanical perturbation theory, summation of divergent perturbation series, quasiclassical methods for resonant states. Specifically, Stark effect and 1/ D -expansion (where D is the dimensionality of space) for various quantum-mechanical problems, such as screened Coulomb potentials, Stark and Zeeman effects, helium-like ions, and two-centre-Coulomb problem. Recently, worked on self-consistent-field version of the semiclassical perturbation theory for molecules, new schemes to sum perturbation series for resonances, estimating stability of atoms with a variable nuclear charge (finding "critical" charges). On-line calculation and graphical display of Rayleigh - Schrodinger perturbation series for various quantum-mechanical problems This web page was designed primary to access and view many electronic documents accumulated during recent years.

    157. Time Travelling
    Newton, Einstein, special relativity theory, quantum mechanics, equations, Lorentz factor, radius of Schwarzschild, wormholes, tunnel effect and parallel universe.
    Travelling through time... This page is based on a thesis of three students from the St-Gertrudisinstitute in Landen (B). Although I adapted and added some things myself, the major research is done by them. Please mail me before copying this. To see the printable version of these pages, click here
    I) Introduction Before 1905 there wasn't much to say about time. In the 17th century Newton defined time as something that continues, no matter what, without any link with reality and according to its own nature. Everybody believed that time had its influence on the environment, but if you believed that the environment had its influence on time, you really had to be mad! That changed in 1905 with Einstein's special relativity theory, in which he showed that time can be influenced. But this doesn't mean time can be changed in such a way that you can travel to the future or the past. That's what it's all about on this pages: Is it possible to travel through time, and if possible, under which circumstances?
    It will become very clear that the speed of light has got a major influence on the possibility of time travelling. An object should move faster than light speed to travel through time. Therefore we use the tunnel effect, an effect in the quantum mechanics. That means that a ray of light or a bundle of electrons that is sent through a certain barrier arrives sooner at the other side of the barrier than if there wasn't a barrier.

    158. Everett's Relative-State Formulation Of Quantum Mechanics
    Describes Everett's attempt to solve the measurement problem by dropping the collapse dynamics from the standard von NeumannDirac theory of quantum mechanics. By Jeffrey A. Barrett.
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    Everett's Relative-State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
    Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics is an attempt to solve the measurement problem by dropping the collapse dynamics from the standard von Neumann-Dirac theory of quantum mechanics. The main problem with Everett's theory is that it is not at all clear how it is supposed to work. In particular, while it is clear that he wanted to explain why we get determinate measurement results in the context of his theory, it is unclear how he intended to do this. There have been many attempts to reconstruct Everett's no-collapse theory in order to account for the apparent determinateness of measurement outcomes. These attempts have led to such formulations of quantum mechanics as the many-worlds, many-minds, many-histories, and relative-fact theories. Each of these captures part of what Everett claimed for his theory, but each also encounters problems.

    159. Octopus
    Fortran 90 program for ab initio virtual experimentation on a range of systems. Electrons are described quantummechanically within the Density-Functional theory (DFT), in its time-dependent form (TDDFT) when doing simulations in time. Nuclei are described classically as point particles. Electron-nucleus interaction is described within the pseudopotential approximation.
    News Download Developers Pseudopotentials ... Info octopus is a program aimed at the ab initio virtual experimentation on a hopefully ever increasing range of systems types. Its main characteristics are: - Electrons are describe quantum-mechanically within the Density-Functional Theory (DFT), in its time-dependent form (TDDFT) when doing simulations in time. Nuclei are described classically as point particles. - Electron-nucleus interaction is described within the Pseudopotential approximation..

    160. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | New Model 'permits Time Travel'
    In theory, you could go back in time and meet your infant father but you couldnot kill him, a new quantum model of time travel suggests.


    World Service
    ... Newswatch Last Updated: Friday, 17 June, 2005, 10:03 GMT 11:03 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version New model 'permits time travel' By Julianna Kettlewell
    BBC News science reporter
    The concept of time-travel is laden with uncomfortable paradoxes If you went back in time and met your teenage parents, you could not split them up and prevent your birth - even if you wanted to, a new quantum model has stated.
    Researchers speculate that time travel can occur within a kind of feedback loop where backwards movement is possible, but only in a way that is "complementary" to the present. In other words, you can pop back in time and have a look around, but you cannot do anything that will alter the present you left behind. The new model, which uses the laws of quantum mechanics, gets rid of the famous paradox surrounding time travel. Paradox explained Although the laws of physics seem to permit temporal gymnastics, the concept is laden with uncomfortable contradictions. The main headache stems from the idea that if you went back in time you could, theoretically, do something to change the present; and that possibility messes up the whole theory of time travel.

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