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         Logic And Set Theory:     more books (100)
  1. Logic and set theory: With applications by Philip M Cheifetz, 2004
  2. Set Theory and Logic by Robert R. Stoll, 1979-10-01
  3. Set Theory, Logic and their Limitations by Moshe Machover, 1996-05-31
  4. Set Theory and Its Logic, Revised Edition by W. V. Quine, 1969-01-01
  5. Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Volume 2, Set Theory (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) by George Tourlakis, 2010-09-09
  6. Notes on Logic and Set Theory (Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks) by P. T. Johnstone, 1987-10-30
  7. Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Volume 1, Mathematical Logic (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) by George Tourlakis, 2010-09-09
  8. The Structure of Proof: With Logic and Set Theory by Michael O'Leary, 2002-01-15
  9. Introduction to Mathematical Logic: Set Theory - Computable Functions - Model Theory (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) by Jerome Malitz, 1979-05-01
  10. Algebra, Logic, Set Theory (Studies in Logic)
  11. Foundations of analysis,: With an introduction to logic and set theory (The Appleton-Century mathematics series) by D. A. Clarke, B. Brainerd, 1971
  12. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications by George J. Klir, Bo Yuan, 1995-05-21
  13. Trading Ontology for Ideology: The Interplay of Logic, Set Theory and Semantics in Quine's Philosophy (Synthese Library) by L. Decock, 2002-09-30
  14. Boolean-Valued Models and Independence Proofs in Set Theory (Oxford Logic Guides) by John Lane Bell, 1985-08-15

1. 80.07.04: Logic And Set Theory
While in no way does the unit cover the entire fields of Set Theory and Logic, it does, I hope, offer an introduction to the basic concepts,
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute Home
Logic and Set Theory
Richard Canalor
Contents of Curriculum Unit 80.07.04:
To Guide Entry
The following unit is designed to offer teachers and children a chance to explore what may be to them a different area of Finite Mathematics. While in no way does the unit cover the entire fields of Set Theory and Logic, it does, I hope, offer an introduction to the basic concepts, symbols and importance of these two fields of Mathematics. As you will see, Set Theory and Logic are related and have therefore been combined for the content of this unit. The unit is approximately two weeks in length and is intended for grade 6,7, or 8 although both length and grade level may vary. We will begin with a short Pretest. The purpose of the pretest is twofold. On one hand it will give some barometer of success (there will be a posttest) and hopefully the pretest will foster discussion and motivate children to want to hear more.
1. There were 20 people at a party. Thirteen had coke, 7 had sandwiches, 5 had both. How many did not eat or drink?

2. An Elementary Introduction To Logic And Set Theory: Table Of Contents
An Elementary Introduction to logic and set theory. I. Overview II. Sentential Logic III. Predicate Logic and Quantifiers
An Elementary Introduction to Logic and Set Theory I. Overview II. Sentential Logic

3. Martin Flashman's Logic And Set Theory Web Surfing Page
MATHS 315 Mathematical Logic (University of Aukland) Handouts etc. for logic and set theory that parallel Hamilton s textbook Logic for Mathematicians.
Martin Flashman's Logic and Set Theory Web Surfing Page
Curently under construction. 1/12/98
Latest major changes: Jan. 12, 1998 E-Mail:

4. Logic And Set Theory Organizations
Groups and conferences.
  • Association for Symbolic Logic ( ASL
  • American Philosophical Association ( APA
  • Logic in Computer Science ( LICS
  • Kurt Godel Society ( KGS
  • Institute for Logic, Language and Computation ( ILLC ) at University of Amsterdam
Conferences and Seminars
  • AMS Special Sessions
    • Topology and its Applications, January 6-9, 2002, San Diego (annual joint meeting), announced by the

5. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math Archives: College Logic/Set Theory
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classic fallacies Internet Library logic and set theory COLLEGE Algorithms Analysis Algebra linear algebra ... Trigonometry
Browse College Logic and Set Theory Stars indicate particularly interesting answers or good places to begin browsing.
About Fuzzy Logic
What is fuzzy logic? What's the difference between fuzzy logic and Boolean logic?
Cantor, Peano, Natural Numbers, and Infinity
A conversation on transfinite numbers and contradictions the questioner believes exist in Cantor's paper introducing the diagonal method.
Lines, Points, and Infinities
What is the cardinality of the set of real numbers between and 1? Is this cardinality less than, greater than, or equal to the cardinality of real numbers between and 2?
Probability: Let's Make a Deal
Should the contestant stick with the original choice of doors or switch and choose the other door? What about the lottery?
Relations on a Set, as Mappings

6. Earliest Uses Of Symbols Of Set Theory And Logic
Explains the early introduction of notations used in logic and set theory as we know it today. Includes reference links to key people in this area.
Earliest Uses of Symbols of Set Theory and Logic
Last updated: Sept. 29, 2007 The study of logic goes back more than two thousand years and in that time many symbols and diagrams have been devised. Around 300 BC Aristotle introduced letters as term-variables, a "new and epoch-making device in logical technique." (W. & M. Kneale The Development of Logic (1962, p. 61). The modern era of mathematical notation in logic began with George Boole (1815-1864), although none of his notation survives. Set theory came into being in the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries, largely a creation of Georg Cantor (1845-1918). See MacTutor's A history of set theory or, for more detail, Set theory from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Most of the basic symbols of logic and set theory in use today were introduced between 1880 and 1920. The main contributors were Ernst Schröder Giuseppe Peano Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) and Bertrand Russell (1872-1970). Peano had a strong influence on Whitehead and Russell and their joint work, Principia Mathematica (1910-1913), was itself very influential. Today

7. 03: Mathematical Logic And Foundations
From The Mathematical Atlas, a resource of mathematics maintained by David Rusin. Extensive resources related to logic and set theory.
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03: Mathematical logic and foundations
Mathematical Logic is the study of the processes used in mathematical deduction. The subject has origins in philosophy, and indeed it is only by nonmathematical argument that one can show the usual rules for inference and deduction (law of excluded middle; cut rule; etc.) are valid. It is also a legacy from philosophy that we can distinguish semantic reasoning ("what is true?") from syntactic reasoning ("what can be shown?"). The first leads to Model Theory, the second, to Proof Theory. Students encounter elementary (sentential) logic early in their mathematical training. This includes techniques using truth tables, symbolic logic with only "and", "or", and "not" in the language, and various equivalences among methods of proof (e.g. proof by contradiction is a proof of the contrapositive). This material includes somewhat deeper results such as the existence of disjunctive normal forms for statements. Also fairly straightforward is elementary first-order logic, which adds quantifiers ("for all" and "there exists") to the language. The corresponding normal form is prenex normal form. In second-order logic, the quantifiers are allowed to apply to relations and functions to subsets as well as elements of a set. (For example, the well-ordering axiom of the integers is a second-order statement). So how can we characterize the set of theorems for the theory? The theorems are defined in a purely procedural way, yet they should be related to those statements which are (semantically) "true", that is, statements which are valid in every model of those axioms. With a suitable (and reasonably natural) set of rules of inference, the two notions coincide for any theory in first-order logic: the Soundness Theorem assures that what is provable is true, and the Completeness Theorem assures that what is true is provable. It follows that the set of true first-order statements is effectively enumerable, and decidable: one can deduce in a finite number of steps whether or not such a statement follows from the axioms. So, for example, one could make a countable list of all statements which are true for all groups.

8. Guide Entry 80.07.04
“logic and set theory” is designed to offer teachers and children a chance to explore what may be to them a different area of Finite Mathematics.
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute Home Logic and Set Theory, by Richard N. Canalori
Guide Entry to 80.07.04:
“Logic and Set Theory” is designed to offer teachers and children a chance to explore what may be to them a different area of Finite Mathematics. The unit offers an introduction to the basic concepts and symbols of Logic and Set Theory and provides exercises in these two areas. Problem solving in all areas of mathematics requires the ability to reason and to form valid conclusions. Logic and Set theory will aid students in proving the equivalence of statements as well as in solving problems. Some of the ideas introduced in the unit include types of statements, truth tables, and Venn Diagrams, as well as the language of Logic and Set Theory. (Recommended for 6th through 12th grade Mathematics.) Key Words
Word Problems Basic Skills Mathematics
To Curriculum Unit
Contents of 1980 Volume VII Directory of Volumes Index ... Contact YNHTI

9. Packages For Logic And Set Theory -- From Wolfram Library Archive
The fundamental operations of set theory and logic can be elegantly implemented in Mathematica in terms of the associated Boolean rings.
Packages for Logic and Set Theory
Jack K. Cohen
Organization: Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines Old MathSource #
Revision date
The fundamental operations of set theory and logic can be elegantly implemented in Mathematica in terms of the associated Boolean rings.
Foundations of Mathematics Logic Mathematics ... Set Theory Keywords
boolean logic, set theory, pure mathematics, applied mathematics, associated boolean rings, the Mathematica Journal V2.1 Related items Packages for Logic and Set Theory [in Articles Downloads logic.m (701 B) - Mathematica package set.m (1.1 KB) - Mathematica package Sign up for our newsletter:

10. Introduction To Mathematical Logic And Set Theory
18.510 Introduction to Mathematical logic and set theory. This course provides an introduction to mathematical logic. Topics include propositional and
18.510: Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Set Theory
This course provides an introduction to mathematical logic. Topics include propositional and predicate logic, the compactness and completeness theorems, elementary model theory, Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, and Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. There are no specific prerequisites, though students are expected to have a certain level of mathematical maturity. Lecture: TR 2:30 - 4:00, in Room 4-159 Instructor: Eric Rosen , rosen (at) math (dot) mit (dot) edu Office: Office hours: Tue. 4 - 5, Fri. 1 - 2, and by appointment Textbook: Mathematical Logic: A Course with Exercises, Parts I and II Requirements: Problem sets will be given every two weeks. The first assignment will be due Sept. 21. There will be a midterm, on Oct. 19, and a final exam, on Dec. 18. Grading: The course grade will be determined by the homework (40%), the midterm (20%), and the final exam (40%). Final Exam: The final exam will take place on Monday December 18, from 1:30 to 4:30, in room 2-135. Homework: Homework must be handed in by 6:00 pm, either in class or in Room 2-172, on the day that it is due. Students are permitted to work together, but must write up solutions in their own words.

11. Logic And Set Theory
DPMMS Teaching logic and set theory. logic and set theory. The Mathematics Faculty web site provides a schedule and a course summary. Example sheets Logic/

12. 234293 - Logic And Set Theory, Winter2007-2008 - Announcements
WebCourse(tm) 234293, logic and set theory for Cs, Winter20072008.
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 234293 - Logic and Set Theory Winter 2007-2008 Announcements
Reminder Rotem is abroad
Rotem will be abroad until 17/3. During this time please do not send her course-related emails; send your questions to one of the lecturers. Created on 6/3/2008, 17:34:53 Final Lectures Schedule for the Semester
Monday, 10.3. 2008
Slide set 10 (First order logic, I)
Special date:
SUNDAY, 16.3. 2008 Taub 5, 16:30-19:30
Slide set 4 (Sets: Equinumerosity I)
Monday, 17.3. 2008
Slide set 11 (First order logic, II)
Monday, 24.3. 2008
Slide set 12 (First order logic, III) Special date: SUNDAY, 30.3. 2008 Taub 5, 16:30-19:30 Slide set 5 (Sets: Equinumerosity II) Monday, 31.3. 2008 Slide set 13 (First order logic, IV) End of course. Last updated on 5/3/2008, 19:51:34 Homework Submission Deadlines Below are the homework Submission Deadlines for the new winter semester: Assignments 1,2,3,5,6 - the deadline is 12.3. Assignments 7,8 - the deadline is 19.3. Assignments 9 - the deadline is 26.3. Deadlines for assignments 4, 10 and 11 will be announced later.

13. Logic And Set Theory
CS Technion course Introduction to Set Theory and Logic here. Math HUJI course Introduction to Set Theory - here. Math HUJI course Logic - here.
Introduction to Logic and Set Theory
Computer Science Department - University of Haifa
Fall 2007/8
staff Times Announcements Links ... Grades Last updated on Syllabus CS
- Prof. Ilan Newman
Reception time: Monday 10:00-12:00 , room 515- Jacobs. Office number: 04-8249729 (3729 internal).
- Mr. Ido Nissenboim.
Reception time: Thursday , room 210 - Jacobs. back to top Times
Tuesday 6011 Rabin AND Thursday 6013 Rabin.
Monday 18:00-19:30 7037 Rabin OR Thursday 5013 Rabin .
back to top
Announcements (last one is listed first):
HW assignment 4 is published. Submission till 17.3.08 at 14:00.
HW assignment 3 is published. Submission till 10.3.08 at 14:00.
There will be no tirgulim this week. We will meet again next week.
The second homework assignment is published. Submission till 20.11.07 at 11:00.
You can ask questions at the ginger-forum at
The first homework assignment is published. Submission till 5.11.07 at 11:00.
back to top Links: CS Technion course: Introduction to Set Theory and Logic - here Math HUJI course: Introduction to Set Theory - here Math HUJI course: Logic - here back to top
Home Work:
Homework assignment 4
Homework assignment 3
Homework assignment 2
Homework assignment 1 ...
back to top
Grades back to top

14. Modal Deduction In Second-Order Logic And Set Theory - II - Van
In this paper, we generalize the set theoretic translation method for polymodal logic introduced in to extended modal logics. Instead of devising an ad hoc

15. Burgess On Plural Logic And Set Theory{dagger} -- Linnebo 15 (1): 79 -- Philosop
Burgess on Plural logic and set theory {dagger}. Øystein Linnebo. Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TB United Kingdom
@import "/resource/css/hw.css"; @import "/resource/css/philmat.css"; Skip Navigation Oxford Journals Previous Article Next Article
Philosophia Mathematica Advance Access originally published online on January 27, 2007
Philosophia Mathematica 2007 15(1):79-93; doi:10.1093/philmat/nkl029
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Book Review
Burgess on Plural Logic and Set Theory
Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TB United Kingdom Correspondence: John Burgess in a 2004 paper combined plural logic and a new version of the idea of limitation of size to give an elegant motivation of the axioms of ZFC set theory. His proposal is

16. Notes On Logic And Set Theory
Notes on logic and set theory. Purchase this Book Purchase this Book. Source, Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks archive. Pages 110

17. Metamath Home Page
Someone new to logic and set theory, who is still developing the mathematical maturity needed to follow informal textbook proofs, may find some reassurance
Mirror Site Selection Metamath Home Page This page: FAQ Downloads Download help Reviews ... Metamath Proof Explorer - Constructs mathematics from scratch, starting from ZFC set theory axioms. Over 7,000 proofs. Updated 2-Mar-2008. News and most recent proofs: updated daily this mirror Hilbert Space Explorer Extends ZFC set theory into Hilbert space, which is the foundation for quantum mechanics. Includes over 1,000 complete formal proofs. Updated 24-Dec-2007. Quantum Logic Explorer - Starts from the orthomodular lattice properties proved in the Hilbert Space Explorer and takes you into quantum logic with around 1,000 proofs. Updated 9-Oct-2006. Metamath Solitaire - A Java applet that demonstrates simple proofs. Built-in axiom systems include ZFC; modal, intuitionistic, and quantum logics; and Tarski's plane geometry. Updated 24-Feb-2007. GIF and PNG Images for Math Symbols Updated 24-Jan-2008. Metamath Music Page - Strictly for fun. You can listen to what mathematical proofs "sound" like! Updated 29-May-2006. 21-May-2007 Some advanced and difficult miscellaneous open problems related to Metamath and other topics on this site.

18. Logic And Set Theory
INTRODUCTION TO logic and set theory Sets, Set operations, relations, equivalence relations and partitions, functions, induction principles,
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Mathematics Department
Course number: 201-10201, Winter Semester 2000/1
  • Dr. Ivgenya Ackermann
    • Office: Mathematics Building, Room 131
    • Office hours: TBA
    • Tel.: (07) 6461653
  • Prof. Ido Efrat
    • Office: Mathematics Room 106
    • Office hours: Sunday 15-17
    • Tel.: (07) 6461627
    • e-mail:
  • Dr. Rubim Lipyanski
    • Office: Mathematics Building, Room -104
    • Office hours: Monday 14-16
    Teaching Assistants
  • Yona Maisel
    • Office: Mathematics Building, Room 129
    • Office hours: TBA
  • Hen Dubi
    • Office: Mathematics Building, Room 129
    • Office hours: TBA
  • Victoria Lubitch
    • Office: TBA
    • Office hours: TBA
    Expected Course Syllabus
    Part I: Basic notions in set Theory
    Sets, Set operations, relations, equivalence relations and partitions, functions, induction principles, partial and total orderings
    Part II: Propositional Calculus
    Truth tables, truth values, logical equivalence, disjunctive normal forms, complete connector systems
    Part III: Predicate Calculus
    Its language, formulas, structures, satisfaction, normal forms, definability, isomorphisms of structures
  • 19. McGraw-Hill's AccessScience
    Probability, statistics, combinatorial theory Topology Trigonometry. logic and set theory Boolean algebra - Lattice (mathematics) - Logic

    20. Notes On Logic And Set Theory: P. T. Johnstone: Books
    Suitable for all introductory mathematics undergraduates, this text covers the basic concept of logic firstorder logic, consistency, and the completeness
    In Books In Books Outlet In Toy Store In DVD In Music In iPod Search All Where Canadians shop for books, DVDs, kid's toys, games and music CDs at Canada's online bookstore -
    Notes On Logic And Set Theory
    Author: P. T. Johnstone See more titles by P. T. Johnstone List Price:
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    About this Book
    Format: Trade Paperback Published: October 8, 1987 Dimensions: 126 Pages, 5.43 x 8.5 x 0.35 IN

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