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         Ethnomathematics:     more books (26)
  1. Women Art and Geometry in Southern Africa by Paulus Gerdes, 1998-02
  2. Drawings from Angola: Living Mathematics by Paulus Gerdes, 2007-05-18
  3. Count on Your Fingers African Style by Claudia Zaslavsky, 2000-04
  4. Mathematics Across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Mathematics (Science Across Cultures: the History of Non-Western Science)
  5. Mathematics Elsewhere: An Exploration of Ideas Across Cultures by Marcia Ascher, 2002-08-05
  6. Awakening of Geometrical Thought in Early Culture by Paulus Gerdes, 2003-01
  7. Antropologia del numero: Categorie cognitive e forme sociali (La ricerca folklorica) (Italian Edition)
  8. African and African-American contributions to mathematics by Beatrice Lumpkin, 1985
  9. Lunda geometry: Designs, polyominoes, patterns, symmetries by Paulus Gerdes, 1996
  10. Sipatsi: Technology, art, and geometry in Inhambane by Paulus Gerdes, 1994
  11. African Pythagoras: A study in culture and mathematics education by Paulus Gerdes, 1994

21. Radical Math > Browse > Social Justice Issue
Abstract With close to 700 items in their collection and a search engine, this site contains a great deal of useful information about ethnomathematics

22. Ethno
A Modest Collection of ethnomathematics Resources / Uma Modesta Coleção de Recursos para ONCE Organization for Northern California ethnomathematics
A Modest Collection of Ethnomathematics Resources / Uma Modesta Coleção de Recursos para Etnomatemática Updated March 8 , 2008 / atualizado 8 de mar o de 2008 ISGEm
International Study Group

on Ethnomathematics
ONCE: Organization for Northern California Ethnomathematics ... Ethnomathematics VIDEO: U Ron Eglash Culturally Situated Design Tools: A Two-Way Bridge Across the Digital Divide Mariana K. L. Ferreira ...
Code Of The Quipu: Databooks Daniel Orey Paulus Gerdes Basketry, Geometry, and Symmetry in Africa and the Americas Twill-Plaited Octagonal Designs
Geometry from Africa: Mathematical and Educational Explorations
Bibliographies Numerical Notation Bibliography Karl Schaffer 's Multicultural Mathematics Bibliography ... General Mathematics Resources

23. New Page 1
Learn the background, history, and theory of ethnomathematics and some get structures for Coming to ethnomathematics individually and institutionally
4th International Studies Schools Association conference
February 17, 2005
; 1:00-4:00 pm
Marriott Denver South Hotel
Denver, Colorado Lawrence Shirley Professor of Mathematics ... Maryland
e-mail: ; phone 410-704-3500
personal webpage: Abstract Explore this exciting and emerging field. Remove your European lenses that color your ideas of the social, cultural, and even political interactions of mathematics and culture. Find new ways of teaching cultural math that look nothing like Western mathematics, and see how mathematical thinking in other cultures may be hard to recognize in the Western sense. Learn the background, history, and theory of ethnomathematics and some get structures for seeking ethnomathematical examples. Then build on these structures with demonstrations and activities of mathematics from a variety of cultures from around the world. By popular request, part of this presentation is repeated from a shorter session at the 2004 ISSA Conference, but with additional background and activities. Outline Isn't mathematics culture-free?

24. Ethnomathematics
ethnomathematics is the study of mathematics, which takes into consideration the culture in which mathematics arises. We all have some notions of what
Ethnomathematics: Why?
Wilma Godwin, K-5 Mathematics Facilitator, NC-PIMS
Sherman Sumpter , 6-12 Mathematics Facilitator, NC-PIMS
(Please note this page is best viewed with Firefox 2.0 and Internet Explorer 7 Abstract Paper References
Ethnomathematics: Why? Abstract:
Ethnomathematics is the study of mathematics, which takes into consideration the culture in which mathematics arises. We all have some notions of what ethnomathematics is, but should it be influencing school mathematics? An important change in mathematical instruction needs to take place in order to accommodate the change in the demographics of students. Teachers and supervisors need to be instructed in gearing education more toward students of different cultures. This paper describes why and how ethnomathematics should influence mathematics. It emphasizes why ethnomathematics is important in mathematics education and focuses on the way that culture plays an important role in a child's life. The term "ethnomathematics" refers to mathematical concepts embedded in cultural practices. Ethnomathematics: Why?

25. WWW Virtual Library: Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology: Ethnomathematics
Search for Cultural Anthropology ethnomathematics at, Amazon DogPile - Google - Liszt - MetaCrawler - WiseNut. Copyright © 1997 Anthro TECH, LLC
This site uses javascript. Please turn it on. Careers Forum Library Members ... Contact Us Enter Keywords: All Categories This Category ONLY Advanced Search Search Tips FAQs Help ... Cultural Anthropology Ethnomathematics
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Added: Jul. 02, 1999 Modified: Aug. 11, 2002 Hits: Votes: Rating:
Comprehensive site that has resources for culture and mathematics.
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Search for Cultural Anthropology: Ethnomathematics at Amazon DogPile Google Liszt ... WiseNut Anthro TECH, L.L.C
WWW Virtual Library: Anthropology maintained by Anthro TECH . The WWW Virtual Library: Anthropology is part of the WWW Virtual Library

26. Nabble - MathEdcc - More Ethnomathematics
More ethnomathematics. Per my Pythonic Math writeups, once we begin exploring in XYZt (t = frames in a flip book, begetting animation), we start by
Nabble.setVar("skin",null); = 'forum.TopicDump'; Nabble.addCssRule(document.styleSheets[0],'.nabble a:link','color:'+document.linkColor); Nabble.addCssRule(document.styleSheets[0],'.nabble a:visited','color:'+document.vlinkColor); Nabble Math MathEdcc Nabble.userHeader(16828);
More Ethnomathematics
View: Threaded Chronologically All Messages Nabble.selectOption(Nabble.get("nabble.viewSelect"),Nabble.tview); New views Rating Filter: Alert me
More Ethnomathematics
document.write(Nabble.ratingStars(3)); by document.write(''); Kirby Urner-5 document.write(''); document.write(Nabble.formatDateLong(new Date(1179519148000))); :: Rate this Message: Reply to Author View Threaded Show Only this Message Per my Pythonic Math write-ups, once we begin exploring
in XYZt (t = frames in a "flip book," begetting
animation), we start by arranging vectors around the
Three mutually orthogonal golden rectangles define the
12 vertices of the 20 faced icosahedron, a template for
the geodesic spheres and/or domes.
NCLB Polynomial: (x**2 - x - 1 = 0) solution: phi
Katrina Math: how to build a geodesic dome
Explorations in XYZt occur after we've already developed and polyhedral numbers.

27. Pacific Ethnomathematics « University Of Hawai‘i Press Log
Pacific ethnomathematics A Bibliographic Study, a groundbreaking work by distinguished Pacific researcher Nicholas J. Goetzfridt, examines mathematical
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
University of Hawai‘i Press Log
Books, reviews, and events

28. EdGateway Discussions - Ethnomathematics
ethnomathematics is the study of mathematics that takes into consideration the culture ethnomathematics links on the Web 08/19/2002 143233 Thomas Ross

29. Ethnomathematics And Aboriginal Student Anxiety. - Free Online Library
Free Online Library ethnomathematics and aboriginal student anxiety. by Academic Exchange Quarterly ; Education Mathematics Study and teaching Students and aboriginal student anxiety-a0
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3,473,843 articles and books Periodicals Literature Keyword Title Author Topic Member login User name Password Remember me Join us Forgot password? Submit articles free The Free Library ... Academic Exchange Quarterly artId=138703674;usrSelf=false;
Ethnomathematics and aboriginal student anxiety.
Mathematics anxiety has been identified as a barrier to aboriginal learners who wish to enroll in post secondary education and training in Canada. We examined student beliefs about mathematics anxiety and their perceptions about how increased culturally-relevant mathematical content could enhance their feelings of efficacy in mathematics. We found higher levels of anxiety among aboriginal students; and identified differences between aboriginal and non-aboriginal students' views of how mathematics anxiety can be reduced.
Socio cultural Learning Theory and Mathematics Anxiety
Aboriginal students expressed a higher degree of preference for mathematics problems and projects that included indigenous perspectives. This belief was reiterated in both personal interviews and in the written surveys. Transcripts show all aboriginal students expressed considerable enthusiasm for the culturally focused projects, and in particular expressed a desire to learn more about the cultural contributions aboriginal peoples had made. Considerable pride was expressed in the tone and descriptions that these aboriginal students used in their personal interviews. Projects also required students to work collaboratively together, an alternative to the usual individual question/answer cycle, which was also identified as a source of anxiety.

30. Everything Tagged As Ethnomathematics By Madeleine Shepherd On Nature Network
Connecting scientists worldwide, with blogs, forums, and groups. Social networking for scientists. From the publishers of Nature.

31. Ethnomathematics
Interesting article from the Australian Academy of Science comparing western counting methods to nonwestern, called ethnomathematics
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Interesting article from the Australian Academy of Science comparing western counting methods to non-western, called Ethnomathematics comments (0) Email to a Friend Display Latest Headlines ... Read Archives powered by WordPress Prev Main Next zSB(4,3);var zIc3gg=1; Preventing Diabetes Diabetes Warning Signs Keep Kids Diabetes-Free What is Diabetes? What is Pre-diabetes? ... Diabetes and Pregnancy What's Hot Archaeology Quiz: Black Death Machu Picchu American Civilizations European Domestic Pigs Advertisement Related Blogs Archaeoporn ArchaeoSeek Arranged Delirium Clioaudio ... More... Most Popular Research Paper Topics Terracotta Army Letter of Intent A Walking Tour of Machu Picchu ... The New York Times Company var tcdacmd="dt;da";

32. Useful Fools: Ethnomathematics - What Next?
ethnomathematics What Next? Mathematics is the same everywhere in the Listed below are links to weblogs that reference ethnomathematics - What Next?
Useful Fools
Watching Those Whom Lenin Called "Useful Fools" (also translated as "Useful Idiots.)
February 22, 2003
Ethnomathematics - What Next?
Mathematics is the same everywhere in the world. It is a true universal language. But some folks are upset about it, because of its Western roots. So now we get Ethnomathematics! From the New York Times (free subscription required), we learn: The only possibility of building up a planetary civilization depends on restoring the dignity of the losers.'' Robert N. Proctor, who teaches the history of science at Pennsylvania State University, says he wants to counter the notion ''that the West is the be all and end all'' when it comes to mathematical studies. ''After all,'' he adds, ''all math is ethnomath not just African kinship numerics or Peruvian bead counting, but also the C.I.A.'s number-crunching cryptology and Reaganomics.''
Is he aware of the many contributions to modern mathematics by Asians? Why weren't they deterred by "western" math? The non-West are "losers?" This is very revealing about the arrogant attitude of the multiculturalists!

33. Re: 2061 And Ethnomathematics
To Multiple recipients of list ; Subject Re 2061 and ethnomathematics; From Preston Hardison
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Re: 2061 and Ethnomathematics
There is a nice volume that I came across a few months back, which uses many examples from Chinese history, and a smattering of references from elsewhere. Crump, Thomas (1990). The Anthropology of Numbers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1. The ontology of number * 2. The cognitive foundations of numeracy * 3. Number and language * 4. Cosmology and ethnoscience * 5. Economy, society and politics * 6. Measurement, comparison and equivalence * 7. Time * 8. Money * 9. Music, poetry and dance * 10. Games and chance * 11. Art and architecture * 12. The ecology of number.

34. Ethnomathematics - Mathematics Dictionary And Research Guide
ethnomathematics ethnomathematics is the study of mathematics that considers the culture in which mathematics arises. Ethnomat.
The Language of Mathematics - Dictionary and Research Guide Provided by
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Ethnomathematics is the study of mathematics that considers the culture in which mathematics arises. Ethnomathematicians take the view that any mathematics is an artifact of a particular culture.
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Some descriptions may have been derived in part from Princeton University WordNet or Wikipedia Last update: March 14, 2008

35. Eugene Lang College :: Academics :: Course Descriptions :: Ethnomathematics
ethnomathematics is a new field that bridges the gap between mathematics and anthropology. It explores the role of mathematics in diverse cultures,

36. AztecQuahuitl
ethnomathematics is an attempt to bring mathematics into the lives of all People studying the inclusion of an ethnomathematics perspective in the
Ethnomathematics is an attempt to bring mathematics into the lives of all students. It adds a global perspective to mathematics and highlights the accomplishments of all people of all heritages.
Ethnomathematics Rationale in Manitoba
Rationale for Home Page
Ethnic minorities are now becoming the majority of the school-age population. The American National Research Council's Everybody Counts in Alcoze (1992) reports that white males will make up 15% of the net additions to the labour force between 1985 and 2000. The other 85% will be made up of women and people of colour. Multicultural education comprises a new, global perspective on the history of mathematics, sciences, and engineering. People studying the inclusion of an ethnomathematics perspective in the regular classroom ask the question:
  • Does the context of ethnic information increase mathematical learning by increasing motivation through respect for minority contributions to mathematics?
These facts led Lesley Sisco to ask the question:
  • How do I value my students interests and also connect them to ideas and traditions growing out of centuries of mathematical exploration and invention?

37. Ethnomathematics (Part I Of II)
Mathematics is used, consciously or not, in a variety of cultural activities in the creation and ornamentation of architectural structures; in figuring kin
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Ethnomathematics (Part I of II)
Valerie Borey Articles in this Topic Discussions in this Topic Nov 5, 2003
I have ten little fingers and they all belong to me.
I can make them do things - just you wait and see.
I can shut them up tight, and open them wide.
I can put them together or make them all hide.
I can make them jump high; I can make them jump low.
I can fold them quietly and hold them just so.
I have ten little fingers and they all belong to me.
As I count, I point at each one of her fingers until all ten have been accounted for and then to signal completion I lean over and tickle her until she squeals in delight. here for a more detailed explanation of Mayan mathematics. Counting systems based on units of five and twenty have also been found in Papua New Guinea . Other cultural traditions have used varying methods of counting , some by twos, some by fours, up until sixty, as with the ancient Sumerians.

38. Ethnomathematics Term Papers - Ethnomathematics Essay Research Paper Help - Writ
Provides ethnomathematics research papers, writing for ethnomathematics essays, term paper help, book reports, college term papers on ethnomathematics,
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39. CiteULike: Tag Ethnomathematics [1 Article]
posted to activity collaborative collective ethnography ethnomathematics learning mathematics sociocognative sociocutural by yish on 200511-28 154909 as
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  • Studying mathematics learning in collective activity Learning and Instruction , Vol. 8, No. 6. (December 1998), pp. 489-501. by Geoffrey B Saxe , Steven R Guberman posted to activity collaborative collective ethnography ... sociocutural by yish on 2005-11-28 15:49:09 as along with 4 groups vds-arg eni dtl ... mathgamespatterns
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    Tags related to: ethnomathematics Filter: activity collaborative collective ethnography ... sociocutural CiteULike organises scholarly (or academic) papers or literature and provides bibliographic (which means it makes bibliographies) for universities and higher education establishments. It helps undergraduates and postgraduates. People studying for PhDs or in postdoctoral (postdoc) positions. The service is similar in scope to EndNote or RefWorks or any other reference manager like BibTeX, but it is a social bookmarking service for scientists and humanities researchers.

    40. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Ethnomathematics
    HM ethnomathematics. Milo Gardner ( Next message Ivan Van Laningham Re HM ethnomathematics ; Previous message Franz
    [HM] Ethnomathematics
    Milo Gardner
    Thu, 16 Dec 99 07:49:10 -0700
    Dear HM list members:
    Laura Laurencich Minelli's Italian Archive post is greatly
    appreciated. It is important to ponder the impact of the
    Inquisition, as it began in 1492 and officially ended
    in 1821. Two popular projects immediately come to mind. The
    first is Spain's most important literary work, Don Quixote,
    by Cervantes, that shows the Inquisition picture in a way
    that Cervantes reported it, yet personally escaped the dungeons.
    A more recent USA project was the movie, The Mission, staring
    Robert De Niro, playing a South American slaver, turned Jesuit. Laura' reporting of Inca history, from the Incan point of view, as written up by F. Valera is also important to consider. It explains why the quipu, first reported to modern archaeology in the 1920's was ignored as containing jibberish. Even today

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