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61. Geometry Of Convex Polygons And Locally Minimal Binary Trees geometry of convex polygons and locally minimal binary trees spanning these polygons. AO Ivanov, AA Tuzhilin Sbornik Mathematics 19011, 71110, http://www.turpion.org/php/paper.phtml?journal_id=sm&paper_id=378 |
62. Optimization Online - Geometry Of Homogeneous Convex Cones, Duality Mapping, And geometry of homogeneous convex cones, duality mapping, and optimal selfconcordant barriers. Van Anh Truong (vatruong ***at*** student.math.uwaterloo.ca) http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_HTML/2002/06/489.html | |
63. NSDL.org - NSDL Search Results - The National Science Digital Library About convex and Discrete geometry convex and Discrete geometry Library Home Algebraic geometry , convex/Discrete geometry , Differential geometry http://nsdl.org/search/?q=Convex Discrete Geometry&verb=Search&s=0&n=10 |
64. CiteULike: Tag Convex-geometry [3 Articles] posted to algorithm convex convexgeometry matroid by ansobol on 2006-05-08 posted to convex convex-geometry by ansobol on 2006-05-08 055435 as along http://www.citeulike.org/tag/convex-geometry | |
65. Cookies Required The RAP crystal is in a convex mounting geometry bent to a radius of curvature. The spectral resolution, , is about 200 at . The spectral coverage is 2 to . http://link.aip.org/link/?RSINAK/75/3740/1 |
66. JSTOR Affine Geometry Of Convex Quartics AFFINE geometry OF convex QUARTICS DOUGLAS DERRY, University of Saskatchewan 1. Introduction. Let C be a curve defined by the equation f(x, y) = 1, http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-9890(194402)51:2<78:AGOCQ>2.0.CO;2-M |
67. Forbo Siegling - Tangential Belt Drives With Concave/convex Drive Geometry Rotor Tangential belt drives with concave/convex drive geometry Rotor power transmission belts for OE machines. This type operates without pressure rollers. http://pdf.directindustry.com/pdf/forbo-siegling/textiles-yarn-production/16781- | |
68. Meboo Publishing Featured Book, Convex Optimization & Euclidean Distance Geometr convex Optimization, Meboo Publishing. http://meboo.convexoptimization.com/ | |
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