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21. Category Theory And Computer Science Eugenio Moggi, Giuseppe Rosolini (Eds.) category theory and Computer Science, 7th International Conference, CTCS 97, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/ctcs/index.html | |
22. Structuralism, Category Theory And Philosophy Of Mathematics While category theory has been promoted as an alternative to set theory as a foundations for mathematics, it can also be considered compatible with, http://www.mmsysgrp.com/strctcat.htm | |
23. Category Theory For The Java Programmer « Reperiendi There are several good introductions to category theory, each written for a different audience. However, I have never seen one aimed at someone trained as a http://reperiendi.wordpress.com/2007/11/03/category-theory-for-the-java-programm | |
24. CT 2006 The International category theory Conference (CT) covers all areas of pure and applied category theory. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to http://www.mscs.dal.ca/~selinger/ct2006/ | |
25. Good Math, Bad Math This is one of the last posts in my series on category theory; category theory provides a good framework for defining linear logic and for building a http://scienceblogs.com/goodmath/goodmath/category_theory/ | |
26. Understanding Category Theory And Its Practical Applications | Lambda The Ultima However, I have not been able to identify any such gains from category theory. I can t see how it is any better than anything else. http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/2604 | |
27. CTCS'04 CTCS 04 is the tenth conference on category theory and Computer Science. The purpose of this conference series is the advancement of the foundations of http://www.itu.dk/research/theory/ctcs2004/ | |
28. Comcat www.unico.it/~walters/comcat/comcatproj.html Similar pages CT2007 - Home PageCT2007 is an international conference devoted to category theory. The meeting is being organized by the category theory Group of the University of http://www.unico.it/~walters/comcat/comcatproj.html | |
29. Old Science, New Science At Freedom Of Science Only category theory I know I learned it from this article. And that was a while back. I have to read it again carefully. Can you explain why you say that? http://globalpioneering.com/wp02/old-science-new-science/ | |
30. Category Theory And Applications category theory is a mathematical discipline that is characterized by its role in unifying mathematics as well as its foundational vocation. http://www.math.uqam.ca/ism/index_en.html?regroupements/categorie_en.shtml |
31. Basic Concepts Of Enriched Category Theory Basic Concepts of Enriched category theory. G.M. Kelly. Originally published as Cambridge University Press, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 64, 1982. http://www.tac.mta.ca/tac/reprints/articles/10/tr10abs.html | |
32. Courses: Barr / Wells An introduction to category theory Categories, functors and natural Barr Wells, category theory Lecture Notes for ESSLLI (Postscript Document) http://www.let.uu.nl/esslli/Courses/barr-wells.html | |
33. Category Theory (mathematics) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia major reference, history of algebra, work of Mac Lane. http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-99404/category-theory | |
34. Ars Mathematica » Blog Archive » Opinions Of Category Theory I am a big fan of category theory, and have used it in some published papers. But I do not believe that it is saviour (sorry, thats how I spell that word) http://www.arsmathematica.net/archives/2006/06/24/opinions-of-category-theory/ | |
35. Ccard V2.0 - A Category Theory Card Game The official site for this abstract mathematical card game. You can download the deck as a gzipped postscript. http://www.verify-it.de/sub/ccard/index.html | |
36. PlanetMath Category Theory As a tool, category theory allows mathematicians to focus on the morphisms between objects rather than their elements. In many cases, these morphisms are http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/CategoryTheory.html |
37. Category Theory And The Category Of Haskell Programs : Part 1 category theory is an expression that is generally frightening people. But, if you have attempted to read some research papers in Computer Science, http://www.alpheccar.org/en/posts/show/74 | |
38. Category Theory Research Of Victor Porton - Pure Category Theory + category theory pages on this site Original fundamental abstract math theories by Victor Porton. http://www.mathematics21.org/category-theory.html |
39. Haskell/Category Theory - Wikibooks, Collection Of Open-content Textbooks This article attempts to give an overview of category theory, insofar as it applies to Haskell. To this end, Haskell code will be given alongside the http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Category_theory | |
40. Category Theory - HaskellWiki category theory can be helpful in understanding Haskell s type system. There exists a Haskell category , of which the objects are Haskell types, http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Category_theory | |
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