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Social: more books (100) | ||||
141. Lindisfarne Books Publisher of books on Celtic, esoteric, and Russian philosophies, art and poetry, social renewal, new approaches to imagination, psychology, and science. http://www.lindisfarne.org/ | |
143. Graduate School Programs - Social / Personality Psychology Directory of social and Personality psychology graduate and postgraduate school programs, including contact information, program descriptions and links to http://www.gradschools.com/programs/social_psychology.html | |
144. Spc.noodge.org :: Index A forum for discussing social reform through diverse means, including technology, philosophy, psychology, biomedics, politicss, theoretical sciences, and methods of global communication. http://spc.noodge.org/ | |
145. Buss, David Evolutionary psychology of human mating strategies; conflict between the sexes; prestige, status, and social reputation; the emotion of jealousy; homicide; antihomicide defenses; and stalking (University of Texas). http://www.psy.utexas.edu/psy/FACULTY/BussD/bussD.html |
146. Psychline Searchable index containing hundreds of online psychology and social science journals. http://www.psycline.org/journals/psycline.html |
147. Cultural Dynamics Home Page Interdisciplinary journal with work from cultural and social anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, communication studies and any other areas that shed light on sociocultural phenomena. Quarterly, peer-reviewed. Tables of contents and abstracts available on-line. http://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/anthropology/CulturalDynamics/ | |
148. IAAP Index Goal of this association is to establish contact between those who work in this field, and to advance scientific and social development. Includes membership information, a newsletter and links. http://www.iaapsy.org/ | |
149. Loewenthal, Kate social, cultural and religious aspects of depression and anxiety; minority groups; gender; psychology of religion (Royal Holloway College, University of London). http://psyserver.pc.rhbnc.ac.uk/staff/kloewenthal.html |
150. The Prime Time Program Coeducational college for working adults with courses in psychology, Management, American Studies, social Work, Nursing and other subject areas. http://www.sjc.edu/content.cfm/pageid/255 | |
151. Dr. Mike Jordan Evolutionary psychology; social cognition; close relationships and relationship breakup; sex differences in memory; jealousy; (Francis Marion University, South Carolina). http://acsweb.fmarion.edu/mjordan/ | |
152. On Good Authority - Home Continuing education for psychology and social work professions. Mental health professionals can now listen to On Good Authority's audio cassette tapes and earn continuing education credits on their own time. Galena, IL. http://www.ongoodauthority.com/ | |
153. Saint Joseph College Curriculum draws from psychology, sociology, political science, economics, women's studies, ethnic studies and other fields in a program accredited by the Council on social Work Education http://www.sjc.edu/content.cfm/pageid/273/ | |
154. Lee Kirkpatrick's Home Page Evolutionary psychology; psychology of religion; adult attachment and close relationships; statistics, psychometrics, and research methods; social and personality psychology (College of William and Mary, Virginia). http://lakirk.people.wm.edu/ | |
155. Extropy Institute Transhumanist group which advocates using technology to extend healthy life, augment intelligence, optimize psychology, and improve social systems. http://www.extropy.org/ |
156. Steven W. Gangestad social/personality psychology; mate choice and attractiveness (University of New Mexico) http://www.unm.edu/~psych/faculty/gangestad.html | |
157. HCII 2005: Home 11th International Conference on HumanComputer Interaction. Jointly organized with Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2005, 6th International Conference on Engineering psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, 3rd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, 1st International Conference on Virtual Reality, 1st International Conference on Usability and Internationalization, 1st International Conference on Online Communities and social Computing, and 1st International Conference on Augmented Cognition. 22-27 Jul 2005. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. http://www.hci-international.org/ | |
158. Penton-Voak, Ian Facial attractiveness; social perception; facial emotion (University of Bristol) http://psychology.psy.bris.ac.uk/people/ianpentonvoak.htm |
159. Evolutionary Psychology: The Ultimate Origins Of Human Behavior Online text by Jack and Linda Palmer on evolutionary aspects of human behavior in contexts such as mate selection and the development and maintenance of social hierarchies. Topics include human origins, evolution of the brain and mind, language, tool use and art, and challenges of the modern environment. http://www.ulm.edu/~palmer/ | |
160. Cheiron International Society For The History Of The Social And Behavioral Scien Concerned with the history of psychology and related studies. Includes meetings and list of officers. http://www.psych.yorku.ca/orgs/cheiron/ |
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