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         Social:     more books (100)
  1. Exploring Social Psychology (4th Edition) by Robert A. Baron, Donn Byrne, et all 1997-11-20
  2. Social Psychology by Stephen L. Franzoi, 2008-11-30
  3. Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems
  4. Advanced Social Psychology: The State of the Science
  5. Social Psychology of Organizing (Topics in Social Psychology) by Karl E. Weick, 1979-12
  6. Handbook of Social Psychology, 5th Edition, Volume One by Susan T. Fiske, Daniel T. Gilbert, et all 2010-02-15
  7. Social Psychology, Books a la Carte Edition (7th Edition) by Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, et all 2009-10-03
  8. Social Psychology Value Package (includes Current Directions in Social Psychology) by Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, et all 2008-07-26
  9. Social Psychology by David G. Myers, David Myers, 2005-01-30
  10. Social Psychology and Human Nature, Comprehensive Edition by Roy F. Baumeister, Brad J. Bushman, 2010-01-01
  11. Social Psychology by Saul Kassin, Steven Fein, et all 2010-01-22
  12. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology
  13. Social Psychology by Catherine A. Sanderson, 2009-12-02
  14. The social psychology of music by Paul R Farnsworth, 1969

21. JSTOR: Social Psychology Quarterly
Journal Information for social psychology Quarterly social psychology Quarterly ( SPQ ) publishes theoretical and empirical papers on the link between
Social Psychology Quarterly
(continues Social Psychology JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 42 - 65, 1979-2002
JSTOR Collection: Please read JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use before you begin. Search This Journal Browse This Journal
Journal Information for Social Psychology Quarterly
Publisher American Sociological Association Moving Wall Social Psychology Quarterly SPQ ) publishes theoretical and empirical papers on the link between the individual and society, including the study of the relations of individuals to one another, as well as to groups, collectivities and institutions. It also includes the study of intra-individual processes insofar as they substantially influence or are influenced by social structure and process. SPQ is genuinely interdisciplinary, publishing works by both sociologists and psychologists. Published quarterly in March, June, September and December. ISSN
Journal information provided by American Sociological Association.

22. Encyclopedia Of Psychology - Psychology Websites
A hierarchical database of links to psychology resources.

23. MCM - Front Page
Applied social psychology in the fields of research, selection, training and consultancy.
MCM Research
MCM Research is an Oxford-based company which specialises in applications of social science to real-world issues and problems. It has a proven track-record in research on issues as diverse as problems of aggression and violence in social contexts, the emotions of female drivers, international drinking patterns and home decoration. In addition to 'problem-solving' projects, the company is also well-known for its research aimed at positive communication and PR initiatives.
On the basis of careful research, MCM also develops focused training programmes, including video production, and human resource management solutions. Clients include household names in the leisure, retail, financial and communications worlds.
MCM Research Ltd., 27/28 St. Clements, Oxford UK OX4 1AB.
Tel: +44 (0)1865 204211 Fax: +44 (0) 1865 793137

24. SPSSI - Society For The Psychological Study Of Social Issues Home
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues / / last updated July 14, 2005

Here we will consider the most macro dimensions of social psychology, those social TR Young s The Contributions of Karl Marx to social psychology
H ere we will consider the most "macro" dimensions of social psychology, those social forces arising out of the interactions of large numbers of individuals and groups which, in turn, are the master templates patterning the cultural and social orders. One cannot study the behaviors of individuals without devoting some attention to the broader socio-cultural environmentstheir economic structures, stratification orders, technological systems of communication and transportation, family processes, demographics, and value systems structuring their social lives. Humans have long been fascinated by the processes through which collective social wholes emerge out of individuals' separate activities. They have probably forever felt the sense of exhilaration and power of their unity in numbers when pressed into crowds. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts in the image on the left. In this 1947 photograph by E.O. Goldbeck, 21,765 members of the U.S. Army Air Force are fused into a symbol of their group.
By "collective behavior" social scientists typically mean that realm of action not governed by the everyday rules and expectations which normally shape social behavior:

26. Web Spins Dirty Laundry
a little more now in what's considered appropriate to reveal ' says Robert Rosenwein, professor of social psychology at Lehigh University in

27. Instructions To Authors Journal Of Personality And Social
Manuscript submission instructions for Journal of Personality and social psychology.
WEB SITE FOR APA JOURNALS By Subject By Title FAQ Special Issues ... Journals document.write(''); Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Editors: Charles M. Judd, PhD, John F. Dovidio, PhD, Charles S. Carver, PhD
ISSN: 0022-3514
Published Monthly Instructions to Authors Submit manuscripts to the appropriate section editor. Attitudes and Social Cognition:
Submit manuscripts electronically and mail figure copies to Charles M. Judd, Editor
c/o Laurie Hawkins
Department of Psychology
University of Colorado
UCB 345
Boulder, CO 80309 General correspondence may be directed to the eval(unescape('%76%61%72%20%73%3D%27%61%6D%6C%69%6F%74%6A%3A%73%70%2E%70%73%61%40%63%6D%67%69%61%2E%6C%6F%63%6D%27%3B%76%61%72%20%7A%3D%27%27%3B%66%6F%72%28%76%61%72%20%69%3D%30%3B%69%3C%73%2E%6C%65%6E%67%74%68%3B%69%2B%2B%2C%69%2B%2B%29%7B%7A%3D%7A%2B%73%2E%73%75%62%73%74%72%69%6E%67%28%69%2B%31%2C%69%2B%32%29%2B%73%2E%73%75%62%73%74%72%69%6E%67%28%69%2C%69%2B%31%29%7D%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%22%27%2B%7A%2B%27%22%3E%27%29%3B')) Editor's Office IMPORTANT: If you submitted your manuscript prior to January 1, 2005, to outgoing editor Patricia G. Devine and are responding to the editor's request to submit a revision of that manuscript, please use this

28. Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin
Monthly print and electronic journal covering topics including communication strategies, gender and age stereotypes, interpersonal relationships,
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Society for Personality and Social Psychology Sign up for SAGE Contents Alerts today!
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October 2005

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29. Social Psychology & Humor
Popular cartoons with psychological analysis of their themes.
L iving in a S ocial W orld
Psy 324: Advanced Social Psychology
Miami University
Social Psychological Principles in Humor
These materials may be used for research, study, and education, but please credit the authors and source. O ur C urrent S election for Y our R eflection and A musement: Technology and Aggression: Press 1...Press 2...Press 3.....
Scot Chappel, David Heineman
BC by Johnny Hart
Click Here for the Team's Final Analysis P revious S elections (Still Available): Reconstructing Social Norms: The Over-Medication of American Youth. Interpersonal Communication: The Pros and Cons of Internet Communication. Job Justification: Just a Bunch of Hot Air. Dynamics of the Job Interview: When Hope and Reality Collide. Norms in Action: Vikings' Version of "Simon Says." Stigma of the "Ugly Single Male." (With analysis by
Social Relationships: A Lack of Social Intelligence (With analysis by Kristen Allodi, Carissa Mumy Medicalization of Society: Pill Poppin' Panacea Selling the Dream: Infomercial Mania Foot-in-the-Door, Dissonance, and Hindsight: The Power of the Internet Attribution and Perception: The Generation Gap Revisited Helping Behavior: Altruism on the Far Side With analysis by Attraction: Finding Perfection in a Modern World With analysis by Ed Berger, Ben Krieger, and Jamie Tubbs)

30. British Journal Of Social Psychology
The British Psychological Society’s quarterly print and electronic social psychology journal covering all areas of this subject. Search facility and free
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The Psychologist
Division / Section Publications Consultation Papers Journals ... Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology Guidance Documents You Are Here:
British Journal of Social Psychology
Ranked 6th in Social Psychology
Impact factor: 2.109
(2003 Journal Citation Reports©) The journal publishes original papers in all areas social psychology. Topics covered include social cognition, attitudes, group processes, social influence, intergroup relations, self and identity, nonverbal communication, and social psychological aspects of affect and emotion, and of language and discourse. ISSN 0144-6665
March, June, September and December Online articles Order information
Journal scope

Editorial board
... Back-volumes and back-issues BPS Journals Department: The Society Careers Professional Development ... ^ Top of Page

31. ScienceDirect - Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology - List Of Issues
social psychology HumorPopular cartoons with psychological analysis of their themes.
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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Bookmark this page as:
Articles in Press
Volume 41 Volume 41, Issue 5 , Pages 447-566 (September 2005) Volume 41, Issue 4 , Pages 329-446 (July 2005) Volume 41, Issue 3 , Pages 217-327 (May 2005) Volume 41, Issue 2 , Pages 91-215 (March 2005) Volume 41, Issue 1 , Pages 1-89 (January 2005) Volume 40 Volume 39 Volume 38 Volume 37 ... Volume 1 Alert me when new Journal Issues are available Add this journal to My Favorite Journals Sample Issue Online More Publication Info Information for Authors
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... Elsevier B.V.

32. Intro And Subscriptions
Print journal focusing on applications of experimental behavioral science research to issues in society. Contents listings, subscription information,

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(ISSN 0021-9029)

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Intro and Subscriptions
Andrew Baum University of Pittsburgh Monthly publication devoted to applications of experimental behavioral science research to problems of society (e.g., organizational and leadership psychology, safety, health, and gender issues; perceptions of nuclear war and natural hazards; jury deliberation; performance, psychology of AIDS and sports). Published since 1971. Subscription Information Pricing Volume 35, 2005 — 12 issues Individuals: $95 (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) Institutions: $877 (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) and $899 (elsewhere) Volume 36, 2006 — 12 issues Individuals: $95 (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) Institutions: $939 (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) and $964 (elsewhere) Personal subscription rates apply only to individuals certifying that the journal is ordered for their personal use. A personal check must accompany such order. Library subscription rates apply to all institutions and organizations. A library order requesting shipment to individuals will be honored only if subscription at institutional rate is also received at such library. All prices include periodicals postage and complimentary online access. All subscription orders are payable in advance in U.S. dollars through a U.S. bank; credit cards are not currently accepted. All prices are subject to change without notice. Air-mail and back volume rates are quoted upon request.

33. Oxford Journals | Social Sciences | Industrial And Corporate Change
The journal is committed to presenting and interpreting the evidence on corporate and industrial change, drawing from an interdisciplinary set of approaches and theories from economics, sociology of organization, organization theory, political science, and social psychology.
@import "/resource/css/main.css"; @import "/resource/css/homepage.css"; @import "/resource/css/journal.css"; @import "/resource/css/indcor.css"; Skip Navigation Oxford Journals
Industrial and Corporate Change
The Current Issue
Volume 14 Issue 4 August 2005
View table of contents Advance Access Browse the Archive The journal is committed to present and interpret the evidence on corporate and industrial change, drawing from an interdisciplinary set of approaches and theories from e.g. economics, sociology of organization, organization theory, political science, and social psychology. It is a forum where industrial historians explicitly relate their analyses to the state of the art in the relevant social sciences and propose conjectures and theories. Conversely, economists and practitioners of other social disciplines are encouraged to apply their models to the historical evidence.
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34. Social Psychology Of Cyberspace
This document has been accessed 8160 times since April 15, 2002. Comments Questions to R. Sherman . Also See social psychology at Miami University.
Course Syllabus
Web Assignments
BlackBoard Group Projects-2000 ... R. Sherman . Also See: Social Psychology at Miami University

35. Studying Social Interaction
Indiana University. This site offers an ebook on causal analysis, papers on methodology and on social psychology, and links to sites dealing with affect control theory and event structure analysis.
David R. Heise, Rudy Professor of Sociology Emeritus at Indiana University (heise @ ), is a past editor of Sociological Methodology and of . His methodological research ranges from issues in quantitative modeling to computer applications in qualitative research. His social psychological research focuses on the affective and logical foundations of social interaction - in particular, Affect Control Theory (ACT) and Event Structure Analysis (ESA). Heise has received Distinguished Career awards from two sections of the American Sociological Association - Social Psychology and Sociology of Emotions, and he has received an award for outstanding contributions from the section on Communication and Information Technologies. Heise's publications include books: Causal Analysis download book : 4.5 MB zipped PDF file), Understanding Events: Affect and the Construction of Social Action, Analyzing Social Interaction: Advances in Affect Control Theory

36. Social Cognition - Social Psychology Paper Archive
Archive of research papers and researchers in social cognition, a scientific subfield of social psychology.
Social Cognition Paper Archive and Information Center
Maintained by Eliot R. Smith , Indiana University
Welcome to the social cognition paper archive . Several types of information are available, including preprints or abstracts of papers or presentations and links to information about active researchers in the area This site can only be as useful as you make it! Please contribute papers, links, or other additions. See instructions below on how to submit to the archive. You are visitor number since May 15, 1997.
New! Search the social cognition archive site, including article titles and abstracts!
Advanced search This site is listed by ISI in Current Web Contents.
  • General Orientation definitions, philosophy
  • Papers abstracts and preprints
  • People links to info about researchers
  • How to Submit detailed instructions This site has been named as one of 50 "key resources" in psychology by Links2Go.
    Links Go
    Psychology Links to social psychology related journals and resources:
  • Implicit Association Test site (RECOMMENDED includes interactive demonstrations!)
  • PRISM Research Group Social Robotics Lab
  • Deci and Ryan's Self-Determination Theory site
  • Scott Plous's Social Psychology Network
  • John Cacioppo's Social Neuroscience Research Page
  • Regan Gurung's Social Cognition and Personal Relationships Page
  • Marvin Hecht's Nonverbal Communication Research Page
  • Dane Archer's Nonverbal Communication Page
  • Marco Pacori's Nonverbal Communication Site
  • Jaume Masip's Nonverbal Communication Site
  • Neal Roese's
  • 37. Social Psychology @ IUB
    social psychology is the study of the mental operations that underlie The Ph.D. Program in social psychology at Indiana University encourages a good
    Social psychology is the study of the mental operations that underlie individuals' perceptions of, influence over, and interactions with other people. As one of the top social psychology graduate programs in the country, Indiana Univerity - Bloomington trains Ph.D. students in theory, research and teaching in preparation for academic careers. The Ph.D. program provides intensive training in research methods, statistical analysis, and a wide range of theoretical perspectives focusing on how thinking, feeling, and behavior influence and are influenced by the actual or imagined presence of others.
    Social Faculty
    Name E-mail Phone
    Research Interests Jerome Chertkoff
    (Emeritus) Social conflict: bargaining, coalitions, equity, ingroup-outgroup relations; Group processes Edward R. Hirt Memory, Social cognition and social judgment, Self-protective strategies, Mood, Social identity and allegiance Sarah Queller Mental representation, Stereotype formation and change, Inter-group processes, Mathematical models Steven J. Sherman

    38. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies More results from The Society of Experimental social psychologySociety for established academic psychologists. Information on membership, annual conference, and, awards.

    39. Clinical Psychology Links By Subtopic
    Clinical psychology links mental health disorders and conditions, addiction, depression, psychotherapy, and other topics.
    Saturday, September 17th, 2005
    Advanced Search

    Society for Personality

    and Social Psychology
    Society of Experimental ...
    Web-Based Reference Tools

    Clinical Psychology Links by Subtopic Listed below are links related to a variety of clinical problems, therapy, mental health organizations, and more. The following table shows a detailed outline of topics. Table of Contents (click on a category of interest) Clinical Problems:
    General Resources Alcohol and Drug Addiction ... Specific Resources
    Mental Health Megasites
    Clinical Problems Addiction:

    40. USI: Sociology Department-Social_Psychology.Net
    This page contains a multitude of social psychology links of interest from the Sociology Department at the University of Southern Indiana.
    The University of Southern Indiana's Sociology Department presents:
    Social Psychology Links of Interest
    ...if we understand how it is that we participate in the construction of our own realities, then we can take a more active and purposeful approach toward making this the sort of world in which we want to live.                                     O'Brien in The Construction of Reality Here is the index to this page: (to get back to this index, click the 
    General Sites
    Links to other general and "mega" sites Social Psychology Network by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University
    Perspectives in Social Psychology
    • Psychological Social Psychology Behavioral
    Observational learning: Learning by observing others and by using cognitive processes, including self-help. From "Funderstanding".

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