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         Gestalt:     more books (100)
  1. Creative Process in Gestalt Therapy by Joseph Zinker, 1978-07-12
  2. Gestalt Therapy: A Guide to Contemporary Practice by Philip Brownell, 2010-03-18
  3. Gestalt Therapy Integrated: Contours of Theory & Practice by Erving Polster, Miriam Polster, 1974-07-12
  4. The Gestalt Approach & Eye Witness to Therapy by Fritz Perls, 1973-06
  5. Gestalt Therapy: 100 Key Points & Techniques by Dave Mann, 2010-09-01
  6. Gestalt Therapy: Practice and Theory (2nd Edition) by Margaret P. Korb, Jeffrey Gorrell, et all 2001-12-31
  7. The Gestalt Therapy Book: A Holistic Guide to the Theory, Principles and Techniques of Gestalt Therapy Developed by Frederick S. Perls and Others by Joel Latner, 1989-10-01
  8. Relational Approaches in Gestalt Therapy
  9. Skills in Gestalt Counselling & Psychotherapy (Skills in Counselling & Psychotherapy Series) by Phil Joyce, Ms Charlotte Sills, 2009-12-08
  10. Gestalt Therapy Verbatim by Frederick S. Perls, 1992-02-01
  11. Born To Win: Transactional Analysis With Gestalt Experiments by Muriel James, Dorothy Jongeward, 1996-08-30
  12. Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice
  13. Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality by Frederick S. Perls, Ralph Hefferline, et all 1977-02-01
  14. Gestalt Therapy Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality by M.D., Ph.D., Ralph F. Herrerline, Ph.D., and Paul Goodman, Ph. D. Frederick Perls, 1980

1. Contents Of The Gestalt Therapy Page Web Site
Articles, history, bibliography, news about gestalt therapy.
Contents of The Gestalt Therapy Page Web Site
From the fall, 1992, issue of The Gestalt Journal
Transference Meets Dialogue: A Discussion Between Self-Psychologists and Gestalt Therapists
A Transcription of a Panel Presentation with Ronald Alexander, Bernard Brickman, Lynne Jacobs, Jeffrey Trop, and Gary Yontef From Paul Goodman's 1962 Drawing the Line: A Pamphlet Some Remarks on War Spirit Remembering Barry Stevens An article from The Gestalt Journal published shortly after her death in 1985, a collection of photographs taken during her life and selected correspondence with Journal editor Joe Wysong. Learn more about the woman who Fritz Perls called "a natural born therapist." A special offer on Stephen Schoen's remarkable book Presence of Mind: Literary and Philosophical Roots of a Wise Psychotherapy. Paradoxes in the Therapeutic Relationship by Magda Denes, Ph.D. Denes was a member of the original study group that gave birth to the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy. This article appeared in The Gestalt Journal's Festscrift for Laura Perls in Celebration of her Seventieth Birthday.

2. Leonardo On-Line: Art, Design And Gestalt Theory
by Roy Behrens, artist, writer, teacher.
Art, Design and Gestalt Theory
by Roy R. Behrens
Roy R. Behrens, (artist, writer, teacher), 2022 X Avenue, Dysart, IA 52224-9767, U.S.A. E-mail:
Gestalt psychology began in Germany in 1910. While traveling by train on vacation, a 30-year-old Czech-born psychologist named Max Wertheimer was seized by an idea when he saw flashing lights at a railroad crossing that resembled lights encircling a theater marquee. He got off the train in Frankfurt am Main, where he bought a motion picture toy called a "zoetrope." When a strip of pictures is placed inside and viewed through the slits in a zoetrope, a succession of stationary pictures appear to be a single, moving picture. In his hotel room, Wertheimer made his own picture strips, consisting not of identifiable objects, but of simple abstract lines, ranging from vertical to horizontal. By varying these elements, he was able to investigate the conditions that contribute to the illusion of motion pictures, an effect that is technically known as "apparent movement"
Years earlier, Wertheimer had studied in Prague with an Austrian philosopher named Christian von Ehrenfels, who had published a paper in 1890 entitled "On Gestalt Qualities" in which he pointed out that a melody is still recognizable when played in different keys, even though none of the notes are the same, and that abstract form attributes such as "squareness" or "angularity" can be conveyed by a wide range of specific elements. Clearly, argued Ehrenfels, if a melody and the notes that comprise it are so independent, then a whole is not simply the sum of its parts, but a synergistic "whole effect," or gestalt

3. Gestalt Theory Resources Center
A pointer to gestalt theory related webresources, including own resources like the gestalt Theory Keywords section.
Gestalt Theory Resources Center
The Gestalt Theory Resources Center offers information and links to other resources on the web about Gestalt theory in its original sense as put forward by Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Koffka, Kurt Lewin and other eminent Gestalt psychologists. One of the special features of this site are the GESTALT THEORY KEYWORDS
This resources center is associated with the Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications
If you have questions about Gestalt theory or want to discuss related topics visit and join the GESTALT THEORY FORUM , a message board hosted by Yahoo.
The 14th Scientific Convention of the international Society for Gestalt Theory will take place in Graz, Austria, in February 2005: VALUES, MEANING AND FACTS. Visit the conference web site by clicking HERE
Just released: The new Max Wertheimer classic - A terrific, breathtaking book by D. Brett King and Michael Wertheimer:
New Brunswick (USA) and London (U.K.): Transaction Publishers, 2005 ISBN 0-7658-0258-9 Order this book NOW by clicking HERE!

4. Gestalt Theory: Society For Gestalt Theory And Its Applications (GTA)
gestalt theory and gestalt psychology website international featuring gestalt resources of a broad range of fields of gestalt theory research and
The International
(founded in 1978)
Gestaltismo - Gestaltpsykologi - Psihologia gestaltista - Gestalt psykologien - Alaklélektan - Psychologia gestalt - Gestalt psihologija - Gestaltizem - Hahmopsykologia - Gestalt Psikolojisi - Form Psikolojisi - Bütünlük Teorisi GTA Homepage in: The Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA) is a scientific association established for the purpose of promoting the Gestalt-theoretical perspective in research and practice. It was founded in 1978, and since then has grown to include many members from European countries and throughout the world. Most of the members are psychologists and psychotherapists, but the membership also contains researchers from many other disciplines as well.
Click here to apply for the GTA membership!
Featured this month Apply now for the

5. Gestalt Theoretical Psychology
EARLY gestalt PSYCHOLOGY gestalt THEORETICAL PSYCHOLOGY LINKS . Welcome to the gestalt theory page. Here you will find links to lectures, articles and
THE GESTALT PAGES AT Sources for Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt Psychology around the world Welcome to the Gestalt theory page. Here you will find links to lectures, articles and book excerpts about and by Gestalt Psychology's founders, Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kohler. There is also material about Kurt Goldstein'a "organismic psychology, which was a Gestalt-oriented physiological psychology, Steven Lehar, a seminal contemporary thinker who blends early Gestalt and "Goldsteinian" thinking; Kurt Lewin, who developed a Gestalt-based social psychology and personality theory, and contemporary "action research" which is based on Lewin's ideas. For information on Gestalt Therapy and its various dimensions, go to The Gestalt Main Page. Lecture notes at this website, by Victor Daniels The Gestalt Archive at the International Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications The Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy Site ... Classics in the History of Psychology website at York University. Under "Documents Sorted by Topic," click on "Gestalt Theory" for articles by Koffka, Kohler, & Wertheimer. You may also want to check out the rest of this site. "Gestalt Theory," by Max Wertheimer

6. Gestalt Theory - International Multidisciplinary Journal
Bilingual (German/English) quarterly journal of the Society for gestalt Theory and its Applications. Contents and abstracts.

7. Gestalt Theory : The MAX WERTHEIMER Page
About life and work of gestalt psychology founder Max Wertheimer, including bibliography and Wertheimer web resources.
Gestalt Theory
"The basic thesis of gestalt theory might be formulated thus: there are contexts in which what is happening in the whole cannot be deduced from the characteristics of the separate pieces, but conversely; what happens to a part of the whole is, in clearcut cases, determined by the laws of the inner structure of its whole." Max Wertheimer, Gestalt theory.
Social Research, 11 (translation of lecture at the Kant Society, Berlin, 1924).
Just released: The new Max Wertheimer classic - A terrific, breathtaking book by D. Brett King and Michael Wertheimer:
New Brunswick (USA) and London (U.K.): Transaction Publishers, 2005 ISBN 0-7658-0258-9 Order this book NOW by clicking HERE! Max Wertheimer - his life Max Wertheimer - Biografía (Espanol) Max Wertheimer - List of publications ...
Books by and about Max Wertheimer at Amazon
Most recent revision: Feb 11, 2005
Questions, Comments, Suggestions: var prefix = "gst"; var domain = ""; document.write (""); document.write(prefix + ""@ + domain + "");
You need Java to see this applet.

8. Mundo Gestalt
Primer portal latinoamericano de terapia gestalt y psicolog­a humanista creado por el Centro gestalt de M©xico (fundado en 1983). En ©l podr¡s encontrar art­culos, foros de discusi³n, oficina virtual, correo, entre otras cosas.

9. The Gestalt Therapy Page
Includes a worldwide directory of gestalt therapists, a gestalt bibliography, a News and Notes listing of events, and articles on gestalt therapy largely
The Gestalt Therapy Page
Now Available for On-Line Ordering
The First Three Years of the International Gestalt Journal
Visit Here for Tables of Contents and to Place Secure Orders

What's New on the Gestalt Therapy Page?

The Gestalt Therapy Bookstore the most extensive collection of Gestalt materials available on the Internet.
Browse the bookstore today!

Keep up with the latest news from the world of Gestalt therapy. Read News and Notes , the newsletter of the Gestalt community. Updated frequently, it includes up-to-date information about workshops and other Gestalt events.
News and Notes now!
For a list of materials included on the Gestalt Therapy Page with brief article descriptions, click here.
Contents of the Gestalt Therapy Page

If the reason for your visit to The Gestalt Therapy Page is to find a Gestalt therapist in your locale for personal therapy, click here . This will take you directly to the only comprehensive, worldwide guide to Gestalt therapists in private practice. Preparation for the next edition of The Gestalt Directory has begun. For information about how individual practitioners and training institutes may be included in the next print, CD, and web edition

10. The Istituto Di Gestalt H.C.C.__________________________________________________
Psychotherapy and training Institute.
The Istituto di Gestalt H.C.C. ITALIANO ENGLISH Welcome to Istituto di Gestalt H.C.C. H uman C ommunication C enter page founders and directors: Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb Giovanni Salonia The Institute leads accredited Gestalt Therapy training programs, european and international research projects, editing activities (journals, books, didactic materials). This page will be periodically developed and changed. Come and see us again! You can get in touch with us through the following e.mails: General information: Editorial activity: Distribution: Post-University Psychotherapy Degree: Webdesigner Our main address is: Istituto di Gestalt - H.C.C., via S.Sebastiano, 38 - 96100 Siracusa - Italy
tel. +39-0931-465668; fax +39-0931-483646

11. Gestalt Bookmarks, A Good Place To Begin Researching Gestalt Therapy On The Inte
A good place to begin researching the theory, practice, and global community associated with gestalt Therapy.
Here you will find various subjects related to Gestalt therapy theory, practice, and practitioners, arranged under various broad categories. This forms a way of organizing a simple and rudimentary research of Gestalt-related sources on the internet. To get started, check the links to the left.
Presented courtesy of the Gestalt Global EJournal, Gestalt! . Consult

12. The Gestalt Center For Psychotherapy And Training
gestalt therapy training program for mental health professionals and referral service to gestalt trained therapists in NYC area
Where Your Journey to Wholeness Begins
WELCOME TO THE GESTALT CENTER FOR PSYCHOTHERAPY AND TRAINING , located in the heart of New York City. We offer post-graduate training, extensive workshops and weekend intensives for mental health professionals, as well as therapy referrals to Gestalt therapists. WHAT IS GESTALT THERAPY? Gestalt therapy is an holistic therapy that focuses on the total person, recognizing the unity of the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. In the 1940's, Frederick (Fritz) Perls, a trained psychoanalyst, developed the Gestalt theory and method in response to his dissatisfaction with the analytic, mind-focused therapy of the first half of the twentieth Century. Gestalt therapy integrates Gestalt and humanistic psychology, existentialism, and Eastern teachings. Gestalt is a creative, gentle and patient therapy which focuses on awareness in the present moment. Through skillful use of a variety of experiential methods, our therapy helps us to free energy locked into old, dysfunctional behavior patterns so that we can undo them and reorganize ourselves in a way that allows us to live more fully and effectively, centered in ourselves, yet able to reach out and take in what the world has to offer. OUR MISSION
  • Further the knowledge and practice of Gestalt practice, theory and values through the training of mental health professionals and the education of the lay public.

13. Index For The Electronic Journal, Gestalt!, Focused On Gestalt Therapy Theory, P
An electronic journal focused on gestalt therapy theory, practice, and practitioners. Includes full text articles and graphics, with author and topical
Index of Gestalt! ISSN 1091-1766 Gestalt! is an electronic journal with full-text articles, interviews,
and information about Gestalt therapy, theory, practice, and practitioners.
Published by
Gestalt Global Corporation

Last updated Masthead of Gestalt!
Topical Index
Index of Authors ... Vol 9; No 1 See also:

14. Mach And Ehrenfels: Foundations Of Gestalt Theory
wherever a complex which can serve as the foundation for a gestalt quality is Ehrenfels views on the genesis of gestalt qualities are in this respect
Mach and Ehrenfels:
The Foundations of Gestalt Theory
Kevin Mulligan and Barry Smith

From Barry Smith (ed.), Foundations of Gestalt Theory , Munich and Vienna: Philosophia, 1988, 124-57.
We shall find in what follows that we can come to terms with the implications of the ideas of Mach and Ehrenfels on the perception of what is complex and on the complexity of perception only by paying especially detailed attention to their respective understandings of the notion of non-causal dependence . The clarification of this notion - first effected in a truly systematic way in the writings of these two authors and in those of their contemporaries Brentano and Stumpf - is, we shall argue, one of the great achievements of Austrian philosophy of science. Mach, it will turn out, was unable successfully to incorporate his descriptions of complex perception within his general atomistic framework in no small part because his understanding of dependence was in a quite specific sense too narrow. The great significance of the work of Ehrenfels and of other members of the Brentano tradition from our point of view is that, because they were more faithful to the structures of what is given in perception, they were able to develop a richer theory of dependence, the implications of which were to extend far beyond the narrow sphere of perceptual psychology.
To talk of a 'perception of what is complex' is, from the atomistic perspective which held sway amongst the majority of nineteenth century psychologists, already to employ a form of speech that is illegitimate in the sense that it is not grounded in any underlying reality. There is at most, according to the atomistic psychologist, the possibility of a

15. The Gestalt Therapy Page
Includes a worldwide directory of gestalt therapists, a gestalt bibliography, a News and Notes listing of events, and articles on gestalt therapy

16. Index
Tilbyr korttids og langtidsterapi sentralt i Oslo sentrum. Informasjon om terapiformen og kontaktinformasjon.
Kort om Gestalt Psykoterapi Er terapi noe for meg ? Gestalt Psykoterapeut MNGF tilbyr kort- og langtidsterapi sentralt i Oslo sentrum. Ta kontakt for mer
informasjon eller timebestilling Grethe Rønning, tlf: 911 39 063.
Josefinesgt. 35, 0351 Oslo
Som psykoterapeut er jeg bundet av taushetsplikt og forpliktet til å følge de etiske regler i Norsk Gestaltterapeut Forening.

17. Gestalt Therapy An Introduction
gestalt Therapy An Introduction by Gary Yontef, Ph.D. The therapeutic relationship in gestalt therapy emphasizes four characteristics of

18. The Pofandt Gestalt
Messages, news, and pictures.
@import url( The Pofandt Gestalt Saturday, 17 September 2005 Home
Main Menu Home The Family Family News The Web Links ... Guestbook Search
Welcome to the Pofandt Gestalt Gestalt: Definition - ge*stalt (noun)
: a structure, configuration, or pattern of physical, biological, or psychological phenomena so integrated as to constitute a functional unit with properties not derivable by summation of its parts.
: The notion that the whole is different from, or greater than, the sum of its individual parts.
This site is devoted to the doings and goings of the Pofandt family - primarily those located in Australia.
Look around, play nice and enjoy yourself. Most of this site is still in the development stage but it is a fully featured, working site.
Feel free to register yourself as a new user. As a registered user, you can:
  • Post comments and announcements with your name
  • Access registered only components like chat etc.
  • Have your own 'contact us' page
We especially welcome any international members of the Pofandt family. If you like, give me a

19. AAGT
Offers information about the origin and purpose of this international gestalt therapy organization, including descriptions of current and former
The Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy The Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy, (AAGT), is a dynamic, inclusive, energetic non-profit organization committed to the advancement of theory, philosophy, practice and research in Gestalt Therapy and its various applications. This Includes but is not limited to personal growth, mental health, education, organization and systems development, political and social development and change, and the fine and performing arts. AAGT has a wide international member base including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, teachers, academics, writers, artists, performers, organizational consultants and political and social analysts and activists and students. ( more
If you're looking for Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented
please visit

Questions? Comments? Contact 2005 Conference Info for Amsterdam Call for Proposals
2006 Conference Info for Vancouver
2006 Call For Proposals ... Newsletter

20. NGTT: Welkom Voor Gestalttherapie
Informatie over NGTT, over therapeuten en werkwijze.
Netwerk van Gestalt- en Transpersoonlijke Therapeuten
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  • Wat houdt het NGTT in? Wie zijn wij? Voor wie is de therapie bedoeld? Welke werkwijze heeft NGTT? De zoeklijst van therapeuten ... NGTT-folder
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