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81. Notre Dame Theatre Chronology 101 Technical Assistants Zack Brown, John Colton, robert Dowd, Matt Payne Meg Dillon Nori wright Monsewer Bob Rossi Colette Grace Hartigan http://classic.archives.nd.edu/theatre/plays101.htm | |
82. Manny's Miscellany Mitchell on vibes, and pianist Glenn Horiuchi getting inside the piano. And our last album for this edition Jack wright and Bob Falesch (Clang, http://pfmentum.com/ncm/contents/wordsworth/ew_11_2002.html | |
83. Billy Wright Similar Artists: Bull Moose Jackson, Tiny Kennedy, H-Bomb Ferguson Billy wright Similar Artists Bull Moose Jackson, Tiny Kennedy, Before hewas 21 years old, Texasborn pianist Little Willie Littlefield had etched an http://www.mp3.com/billy-wright/artists/116191/similar.html | |
84. Classical Concert Reviews Jessie wright Martin and Gregory Brookes in White Horse Inn . MagisterialBeethoven A recital by young Russian pianist Denis Burstein, http://www.mvdaily.com/ensemble/ | |
85. MAS Index Page Philip Woods horn robert Workman trombone Chris Worsey cello Gini Wray violinPeter wright trumpet Stephen wright viola. Yu Yasuraoka violin http://www.maslink.co.uk/ | |
86. NPR: Archived Stories For Newsmakers June 27, 2005 · He s been awarded the 2005 pianist of the Year award by the Jazz June 24, 2005 · With her 2003 debut album, Salt, singer Lizz wright http://www.npr.org/templates/topics/complex_topic.php?topicParentId=1021&topicId |
87. Oodiscs News 14 STEVE PETERS performs with Jack wright at Troubadour Bookstore, 6 LOIS VVIERK performed by pianist Claudia Rüegg at Dartmouth College including http://www.oodiscs.com/news.html | |
88. Music Scholarships Mrs. Couper was a pianist and this scholarship, given in her name, robert Womackwas a 1975 graduate in music, and was an accomplished composer and http://www.utexas.edu/ogs/otherfellowships/music.html | |
89. Center For New Music And Audio Technologies (CNMAT): Studio Report David Wessel, Matthew wright and Ali Momeni; the Berkeley Contemporary Other concerts at CNMAT included Kotoist Miya Masaoka with pianist Vijay Iyer http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/ICMC2001/html/ICMC2001StudioReport.html | |
90. CNMAT Past Events Vijay Iyer is a pianist, composer, and bandleader recently described by AmiriBaraka as an Matthew wright interactive electronics. World Premiere http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/Calendar/Past_Events_2000.html | |
91. News Bulletins Lee wright began piano study at the age of seven and was introduced to the Mr. Fickley has served as a pianist and organist in a number of churches and http://www.agohq.org/bulletin/docs2001/92999.html | |
92. Genealogy And The Piano Makers - By Bill Kibby MIMIT Mrs wright wrote from Pinner about her ancestor, HJ (or JH) Brider, Stephen Kirkman and robert Kirkman contacted me separately Cousins, http://www.uk-piano.org/piano-gen/genealogy-and-the-piano-makers.html | |
93. The Bob Ravenscroft Trio @ All About Jazz Leader and pianist Bob Ravenscroft has long been a man in pursuit of sonic He is an Artist in Residence at Taliesin West, the Frank Lloyd wright School http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/musician.php?id=1709 |
94. January 2005 Music Calendar (Northwestern University News) Renowned pianistcomposer and Northwestern alumnus Bob Ravenscroft has Their program the first in the five-concert series includes robert Beasers http://www.northwestern.edu/univ-relations/media_relations/releases/2004/12/janu | |
95. LA Weekly: Calendar pianist robert Williams, 58 pm. Tues.Trio Gonzalos Django jazz. pianist LuckyWrights 5ive is at The Lighthouse Café, Sat., July 30; http://laweekly.com/calendar/content/jazz_all.php | |
96. Newsletter From Naxos.com, The Web Site Of Naxos And Marco Polo David Griffiths, bass / Zan McKendreewright, alto / Patrick Power, baritone /Richard wright, tenor / Columbus Boychoir / robert Shaw Chorale / RCA http://www.naxos.com/mainsite/newsletters/new/Newsletter76.htm | |
97. Janice Mayer & Associates, LLC Songs by Ricky Ian Gordon, Hugo Wolf, Roger Quilter, and robert Schumann Grammy Awardwinning pianist Joel Revzen collaborates with Craig Ketter and a http://www.janicemayer.com/programs.htm | |
98. Discography State of the Bass featuring bassist robert Black, on OO Discs (CD 15). Music by American Composers, featuring pianist Max Lifchitz on North/South http://www.fiu.edu/~garciao/discography.html | |
99. PAW November 8, 2000: ClassNotes robert wright 79 predicts its emergence in the future Griffin, a selftaughtpianist, worked on the music and sound design for campus productions such http://www.princeton.edu/~paw/archive_new/PAW00-01/04-1108/classnotes.html | |
100. The New York Review Of Books: Charles Rosen The Anatomy of Melancholy by robert Burton, with an introduction by William Gass Fryderyk Chopin pianist from Warsaw by William G. Atwood http://www.nybooks.com/authors/5 | |
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