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81. Rhode Island News | Projo.com | The Providence Journal | Music 2 and Beethoven s seldomheard Second Piano Concerto with pianist william wolfram.Rachleff returns May 13 to close out the season with the Mahler, http://www.projo.com/music/content/projo_20050304_philharm.1bb5c89.html | |
82. Dialog, UA Faculty And Staff News - August 23, 2004 william wolfram will perform Beethoven s Piano Concerto No. American pianistwolfram was winner of the Silver Medal in both the william Kapell and http://dialog.ua.edu/dialog20040823/bb20040823.html | |
83. Welcome :|: Virtuosi Concert Series Karen Gomyo, violin william wolfram, piano Post Concert Critique Press Program Notes Concerts In Context Saturday, January 8 http://www.virtuosi.mb.ca/postconcertcritiques_121104.html | |
84. Classical Music Interviews, Profiles And Tributes Diving into the music An encounter with accompanist wolfram Rieger, True musical meaning - Finnish pianist Risto Lauriala talks to Bill Newman http://www.mvdaily.com/profile/ | |
85. Classical Music Articles Published In 2004 At Music And Vision Time to mature pianist Stewart Goodyear plays an uneven program, Diving intothe music - An encounter with accompanist wolfram Rieger, by Tess Crebbin http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/2005/01/mv2004.htm | |
86. School Of Music Directory Detail As a chamber musician, Mr. Tsang is a member of the wolframYoo-Tsang Trio withpianist william wolfram and violinist Scott Yoo. He has also collaborated http://www.music.utexas.edu/directory/details.asp?id=154 |
87. Past Results Highest Ranking pianist of the Americas Alberto Reyes ($500 PanAmerican Union) Commissioned Work william Schuman, Chester Variations for Piano http://www.cliburn.org/page/117 | |
88. MidAmerica Productions - Weill Recital Hall Chamber Music Series Armstrong Chamber Concerts Helen Armstrong, violin; wolfram Koessel, cello; The Three Concertmasters with william Ransom, piano Cecylia Arzewski, http://www.midamerica-music.com/weill_artists.htm | |
89. Welcome To The Florida Orchestra Guest soloist william wolfram then took center stage in Mozart s Piano Concerto No.14, slightly delayed because the conductor had the wrong score on his http://www.floridaorchestra.org/index.php?pag=news&r_id=308 |
90. Welcome To The Florida Orchestra Piano soloist william wolfram is not a big name, but he is a fine musician witha strongly individual style. He delivered persuasive accounts of repertoire http://www.floridaorchestra.org/index.php?pag=news&r_id=309 |
91. The Record - News - 12/31/2003 - The Sounds Of Music For Winter 2004 composerin-residence, Jeffrey Cotton, and acclaimed pianist william Wolframwill present two piano concertos by Mozart First Player and Jeunehomme. http://www.troyrecord.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=10737835&BRD=1170&PAG=461&dept_id |
92. Encyclopedia: Child Prodigy Daniel Wnukowski (born July 15, 1981) is a Canadian pianist of Polish origin . Stephen wolfram (born August 29, 1959 in London) is a scientist known for http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Child-prodigy | |
93. Meet The Composer - Composer Contacts Franck Amsallem Jazz pianist, composer, and recording artist involved in william Price Composer of orchestral, choral, chamber and electroacoustic music http://www.meetthecomposer.org/contacts.htm | |
94. The Independent Weekly: Eight Days A Week North Carolina Symphony Classical Series 8 pm Featuring pianist william Wolframand guest conductor Alastair Willis. Meymandi Concert Hall at the BTI http://indyweek.com/durham/2003-09-17/eightdays.html | |
95. GARY MCFARLAND: BIBLIOGRAPHY This bibliography was partially compiled by wolfram Knauer After four decadesas a unique pianist, Kuhn remains undersung, and this recording is one of http://www.dougpayne.com/gm_biblio.htm | |
96. Colorado College | October/November 2002 wolfram, known for his incredible balance of powerful playing both physical wolfram has had a distinguished career as a concert pianist since winning http://www.coloradocollege.edu/Access/news/benefit.asp | |
97. Events At The University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign From Oct. 3 Through 20 william Masters, Purdue University. 4 pm ACES Library. Ranging through thepast, present and future of jazz, pianist Marcus Roberts is joined by Roland http://www.news.uiuc.edu/news/02/0927calendar.html | |
98. ACE Study Tours - Music La Mortella william Walton. June 07 13, 2005. £1190.00 The New York Timescalls him the most interesting pianist of his generation and London s http://www.study-tours.org/catalogue/courseList/by/subject/id/Music |
99. SoundtrackNet - The Art Of Film And Television Music Evan Evans Son of legendary Jazz pianist Bill Evans. Purchase his scores andrare CDs on his Official website for composer/orchestrator Mark wolfram. http://www.soundtrack.net/links/?cid=Com&lid= |
100. Liszt, Franz (1811 - 1886) As a pianist, he had no equal, and as a composer he suggested to a WilliamWolfram, Piano, 1, $7.99. 8.557366, LISZTComplete Piano Music Vol.21 http://www.smusic.com/naxos/liszt/liszt.htm | |
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