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Home - Pianists - Rankovich Tatjana |
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41. Artek Recordings - Classical tatjana rankovich not only studied with the composer, she plays the demanding tatjana rankovich (piano) Elmar Oliveira (violin) Slovak PO/David Amos rec http://www.artekrecordings.com/artek/CD2reviews.htm |
42. Classical Net Review - Flagello - Credendum, Piano Concerti, Etc. Piano Concerto 3. Elmar Oliveira, violin tatjana rankovich, piano Slovak PhilharmonicOrchestra, Koslice/Amos Vox Classics VOX 7521 (Artek 2). | |
43. A TRIO OF CDs: THE MUSIC OF NICOLAS FLAGELLO: Classical CD Reviews- Jan 2001 Mus tatjana rankovich (piano) Elmar Oliveira (violin) Slovak PO/David Amos tatjana rankovich (solo piano) Orchestra da Camera di Roma/Nicolas Flagello http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2001/Jan01/flagello.htm | |
44. Welcome To Glen Ridge Congregational Church! MUSIC FOR TWO HANDS, ACCLAIMED PIANO DUE TO PERFORM. tatjana rankovich, piano.Sandor Szabo, piano and organ. The Glen Ridge Community http://www.glenridgecong.org/events/november/Silent Auction.htm | |
45. Welcome To Glen Ridge Congregational Church! On January 23, tatjana rankovich and Sándor Szabó will present an exhilaratingprogram of music for two pianos and piano and organ, including works by such http://www.glenridgecong.org/music/concert_series.htm | |
46. "Villa-Lobos: Piano Music Vol 4 / Sonia Rubinsky" - Mymusic CD, Classical Album Lobos (1887 1959) Notes no notes Conductor n/a - Ensemble n/a Soloist Rubinsky,Sonia - Instrument Piano Soloist rankovich, tatjana - Instrument Piano. http://www.mymusic.com/product.asp?curr=1&myptr=ottawastart&muzenbr=532288 |
47. Musiciens De Descendance Africaine tatjana rankovich, Piano. Dezi l Production 001 (2000). Prière de signerle Livre d or ou utiliser ce lien pour envoyer un E-mail http://chevalierdesaintgeorges.homestead.com/Musiciens.html | |
48. Classics Today.com - Your Online Guide To Classical Music she recorded this recital of 20th Century American piano music in 2002 Meister srelaxed virtuosity is quite different from tatjana rankovich s taut, glittering |
49. Nicolas Flagello - Composer tatjana rankovich, piano. w/music by Creston, Giannini. 2 and 3 (tatjanarankovich); Credendum (Elmar Oliveira, violin); Overture Burlesca; http://www.flagello.com/records.htm | |
50. NICOLAS FLAGELLO - COMPOSER 1, played by tatjana rankovich, whose stunning recordings of Concertos 2 and 3have been critically acclaimed. Also to be recorded is Dantes Farewell, http://www.flagello.com/reviews.htm | |
51. Tatjana Masurenko - Buy At The Best Price On Kelkoo tatjana masurenko Compare prices and buy through Kelkoo at the best stores in £15.95 Buy rankovich tatjana - American Piano Works. From Store 4 CDs http://shopping.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/ss_tatjana_masurenko.html | |
52. NewMusicbox Sitemap Elmar Oliveira violin tatjana rankovich - piano Slovak Philharmonic OrchestraDavid Amos - conductor Overture Burlesca 426 Piano Concerto No. http://newmusicbox.com/st_result.nmbx?id=29st09 |
53. NewMusicbox Sitemap Sonata / rankovich tatjana rankovich - piano PAUL CRESTON (1906-1985 http://newmusicbox.com/st_result.nmbx?id=04st15 |
54. Classical Discoveries Playlist-08/13/2003 3 tatjana rankovich, Piano, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra Kosice, David Amos,Conductor - Artek - AR0002-2 Vincent Persichetti - Piano Sonata No. http://ourworld.cs.com/clasdis/playlist20030813.html | |
55. IClassics CD Phoenix Classics - June 28, 2000 $15.99. Image Not Available. American PianoWorks. tatjana rankovich. CD - Phoenix Classics - December 8, 1999 $15.99. http://iclassics.com/labelHome?contentId=1811 |
56. Joseph Curtin Studios, Violinmakers - Discography Page - Elmar Oliveira Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Kosice. David Amos, conductor. Elmar Oliveira,violin. tatjana rankovich, piano. Vox Classics VOX 7521 http://www.josephcurtinstudios.com/discography/flagello.htm | |
57. T.I.S. Music: Search Results Search results for performer tatjana rankovich. 1 matches. American Piano Workscover, American Piano Works Composer Various Publisher Phoenix USA Item ID http://www.tismusic.com/results.cfm?zbrow=Tatjana Rankovich&thedept=C |
58. PROGRAM GUIDE 954PM Nicolas FLAGELLO Waltz in D tatjana rankovich, piano; Phoenix 143 CD.957PM Nicolas FLAGELLO Waltz in b tatjana rankovich, piano; Phoenix 143 CD. http://wgte.org/fm91/playlist/2003/09-16-03.htm |
59. PROGRAM GUIDE CD. 213PM Nicolas FLAGELLO Piano Concerto No. 2 tatjana rankovich, piano;Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra /David Amos Artek 2 CD. 2 http://wgte.org/fm91/playlist/2003/09-10-03.htm |
60. Discography Of Music By Black Composers Pradel, Alain Pierre. Sept Pièces Creoles Volume 1. tatjana rankovich, piano.Dezil Production DP 001 (1999). Perkinson, ColeridgeTaylor. http://cbmr.org/lib/records.htm | |
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