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61. Classical CD Reissues Pt. 2, 5/04 AUDIOPHILE AUDITION Romanian pianist radu lupu (b. 1945) came to international prominence at the 1966 Van Cliburn Competition; then again at the Georges Enesco Competition, http://www.audaud.com/audaud/MAY04/reissues/recds2.html | |
62. Notes From The Pianists Bench The book is neither too elementary nor too advanced for any pianist, radu lupu What makes Mr. Bermans book so persuasive and enlightening is his http://yalepress.yale.edu/yupbooks/book.asp?isbn=0300093985 |
63. Notes From The Pianist S Bench Boris Berman, an internationally known Russiantrained concert pianist and highly radu lupu Readers who want to become better pianists will welcome http://yalepress.yale.edu/yupbooks/book.asp?isbn=0300083750 |
64. 6moons Audio Reviews: Zanden Audio Model 2000P/5000Signature Impressions of Romanian pianist radu lupu on his 1973 Decca recording via the Zanden 2000 Upon further reading into the performance style of radu lupu, however, http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/zanden3/digital.html | |
66. Classical Voice Review - Southern California, February, 2004 nights allAustrian program was a joyful one that featured Austrian-born conductor Franz Welser-Möst and pianist radu lupu. radu lupu, pianist http://www.classicalvoice.org/reviews/RV_socal02_2004.htm | |
67. Ottawa Start | NACO, July 7: "A Star Is Born": Dazzling Young Pianist Yuja Wang NACO, July 7 A star is born dazzling young pianist Yuja Wang returns in February when she stepped in on short notice to replace superstar radu lupu. http://ottawastart.com/story/2345.php | |
68. Lucerne Piano Festival radu lupu, Dénes Várjon, Lars Vogt, Arcadi Volodos, Evgeny Kissin, pianist Ethan Iverson recently premiered a series of original jazz etudes at http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=1741 |
69. INKPOT#67 CLASSICAL MUSIC REVIEWS: BRAHMS Piano Concerto No.1 - An Inktroduction Thus a pianist going into this concerto has to bear these major factors in mind. Critics have said that the radu lupu partnership with Edo De Waart http://www.inkpot.com/classical/brahmspfc1.html | |
70. Van Cliburn Retrospective Series, Volume 4 - 1962&1969 Competitions (1 CD) Competitions Ralph Votapek, Nicolai Petrov, radu lupu. of music teachers and enthusiasts to honor a fellow Texan and Americas most renowned pianist, http://www.vaimusic.com/CD/1156.shtml | |
71. NPG X126121; Radu Lupu NPG x126121; radu lupu. Sitter radu lupu (1945), pianist. Sitter in 1 portrait. Artist Marion Kalter. Artist of 2 portraits. http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/portrait.asp?LinkID=mp64660&rNo=0&role=art |
72. Carnegie Hall pianist, TBA Program TBA. Zankel HallI. Tickets $28 $38 radu lupu, Piano BIRTWISTLE Night`s Black Bird DUTILLEUX Symphony No. 2, Le Double http://www.ffaire.com/musicplanner/ny/ch_feb05.html |
73. Riaskoff Concert Management Presenteert: Serie Meesterpianisten radu lupu wo 11 mei 05 Zondag 8 mei kwam de Roemeense pianist radu lupu naar het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam voor een recital in de serie Meesterpianisten http://www.meesterpianisten.nl/nieuws.php?NieuwsID=56 |
74. Riaskoff Concert Management Presenteert: Serie Meesterpianisten De Roemeense meesterpianist radu lupu hoort zonder twijfel in die radu lupu is perfect pianist (NRC Handelsblad) zijn bij deze pianist gewoon geworden http://www.meesterpianisten.nl/recitals.php?RecitalID=189 |
75. WFMT RADIO NETWORK TO PRODUCE 25-WEEK RADIO SERIES The competition was established to honor Texas pianist Van Cliburn s sensational radu lupu (Gold Medalist, 1966) Cristina Ortiz (Gold Medalist, 1969) http://www.cliburn.org/page/419/1 | |
76. A Pianistic Life Of course I am not a professional pianist. I just play, compose and record for pure Recommended Recording radu lupu, piano. Free Mp3 recording http://www.math.umd.edu/~lisztian/pianisticLife.htm | |
77. Orchestra Delivers Solid All-Beethoven Program radu lupu, piano soloist. AllBeethoven program. but the BSO s selection of Romanian pianist radu lupu as soloist made a special afternoon even more http://www-tech.mit.edu/V109/N59/bso.59a.html | |
78. Cool Cleveland - The Source For News & Events In Cleveland, Ohio: Main.TheBeetho The Beethoven Piano Concerto Festival began this past week with pianist radu lupu performing Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58. Mr. lupu, one of the http://www.coolcleveland.com/index.php/Main/TheBeethovenPianoConcertoFestivalAtS | |
79. International Festival "George Enescu" Dan GRIGORE Dan Grigore, the marvellous pianist, had suffered severely under Ceausescu. Marina Krilovici, Silvia Marcovici, radu lupu, radu Aldulescu; http://www.festivalenescu.ro/eng/artisti/dan_grigore.html | |
80. Castle Classics Mozart - Piano Sonatas A very special pianist performing very special music CD Review Fantasie - Murray Perahia, radu lupu, piano. Label - Sony. Cat. No. - SK39511 http://shop.castleclassics.co.uk/acatalog/Mozart___Piano_Sonatas.html | |
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