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61. Bilson Review, Volume 2 Issue 2 Spring 2000
After attending a concert by this or that great pianist (whose manner of Likewise one misses the two great Romanians dinu lipatti and Clara Haskil.
VIDEO REVIEW "The Art of Piano: Great Pianists of the 20 th Century." Great Performances. PBS. June 2000. Music Video and DVD. Warner 29199-3, 1999. $26.99.
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  • So a composite video such as this one is for me a veritable treasure trove, a true legacy of a large proportion of the great piano playing of the 20 th th . The video available for purchase is narrated by John Tusa, but the same program as seen on PBS several months ago was narrated by John Rubinstein, son of Arthur. I was told by the producers that since the film involved many studios from many countries, the video exists with various narrations in different languages. The small booklet enclosed with the video has a text that follows to a large extent the line of the film; it has been translated into English from an article in French.
    There are also commentaries by a number of pianists, conductors and managers, including Piotr Anderszewski, Daniel Barenboim, and Colin Davis. Some of these are enormously sympathetic, such as Anderszewski, or very insightful, such as Daniel Barenboim, who describes each artist in a particularly characteristic way. Cortot, for example, he describes as follows: "I think Cortot looked for the opium in music. He looked for anything that was extraordinary; he always looked for something, not sickly, but something abnormal, totally removed from reality, and far from anything that could be construed as smelling of normality."
  • 62. Dinu Lipatti - Wikipedia în Limba Româna
    În 1936 îsi începe cariera de pianist concertist în diverse orase europene, Dupa o ameliorare aparenta, starea de sanatate a lui dinu lipatti continua

    63. - Lexikon
    Translate this page Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel dinu lipatti aus der freien Als ihmdie Jury nur den zweiten Preis zugestand, verließ der pianist Alfred Cortot
    News Forum Archiv Markt ... Impressum Lexikon-Suche Lizenz Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel Dinu Lipatti aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation . In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar, dort kann man den Artikel bearbeiten Letzte Meldungen Externer DL-DVD-Brenner merkt sich unbekannte Rohlinge Galaxy: Sun stellt neue Opteron-Server vor ... Originalartikel
    Lexikon: Dinu Lipatti
    Dinu Lipatti in Bukarest 2. Dezember in Genf
    George Enescu Alfred Cortot unter Protest das Jurorengremium. Frankreich abbrechen musste und sich mit der von Myra Hess Bach-Chorals "Jesus bleibet meine Freude" von seinem Publikum verabschiedete. Goldberg-Variationen durch Glenn Gould
    Englische Wikipedia: Dinu Lipatti

    Die Inhalte unter entstammen der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und wurden von ihren Autoren unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation veröffentlicht. Die einzelnen Wikipedia-Artikel sind als solche gekennzeichnet.

    64. Index To Ragging The Classics
    Three pianistConductors; Rudolf Ganz, Alfred Cortot, Erno Dohnanyi part one R/R 1983 p.14 (Yehudi Menuhin, dinu lipatti)(see Petri for part one)
    Index to John Sam Lewis' 'Ragging The Classics' column in Record Research Magazine Albeniz, Isaac
    The Pupils of Franz Liszt
    R/R 237/238 Nov. 1988 p.5 Bartok, Bela
    The Centenarians [Part One] Mssrs. Bartok, Stravinsky, Petri, Grainger, and Enesco
    R/R 193/4 Oct. 1982 p.8 Brahms, Johannes
    A Whisper from the Past! Joseph Joachim Part Three
    R/R 189/190 Mar./Apr. 1982 p.9 (Johannes Brahms) Beecham, Thomas
    The Beecham Celebration Part One
    R/R 171/2 Mar. 1980 p.12
    Beecham, Thomas
    The Beecham Celebration Part Two R/R 173/4 June 1980 p.12 Beecham, Thomas The Beecham Celebration Part Three R/R 175/6 Sept. 1980 p.12 Beecham, Thomas The Beecham Celebration Part Four R/R 177/8 Nov. 1980 p.12-13 Berger, Julius Discographical Serendipity; Julius Berger Cellist Part One R/R 243/244 May/June 1990 p.8 (Carl Lindstrom labels, Ariel Records, composer credits of Berger's Parlophones) Berger, Julius Discographical Serendipity; Julius Berger Cellist Part Two R/R 245/246 Jan. 1991 p.8 (Parlophones attributed to Emanuel Feuerman) Casals, Pablo

    Translate this page dinu lipatti (eigentl. Constanti lipatti) wird am 19.03.1917 in Bukarest als Kind Der große pianist Alfred Cortot verlässt aus Protest gegen diese
    Titel Artikelnr. Pop+Klassik Pop Klassik DINU LIPATTI ”Die Verkörperung eines Geistesreiches, unberührt von allem Schmerz und Leid.”
    Yehudi Menuhin
    Dinu Lipatti (eigentl. Constanti Lipatti) wird am 19.03.1917 in Bukarest als Kind musikalischer Eltern geboren. Sein Vater hatte noch Violine bei Pablo de Sarasate studiert, seine Mutter war Pianistin. Entsprechend verläuft seine Kindheit, die schon früh durch das Spannungsfeld einer labilen Konstitution und der unbedingten Liebe zur Musik geprägt ist. Der berühmte Komponist George Enescu wird Lipattis Pate. - Bereits mit vier Jahren gibt der junge Lipatti Wohltätigkeitskonzerte. Später darf er schließlich aufgrund einer Ausnahmeregel am Bukarester Konservatorium Musik studieren – Klavier bei der Lehrerin seiner frühen Jahre, Floria Musicescu, und Komposition bei Mihail Jora.
    Als er 1934 beim Internationalen Wiener Klavierwettbewerb nur den Zweiten Preis erhält, führt das zu einem Skandal. Der große Pianist Alfred Cortot verlässt aus Protest gegen diese Entscheidung die Jury und bietet Lipatti an, mit ihm in Paris zu arbeiten. An der dortigen Ecole normale de Musique nimmt ihn außerdem noch der greise Paul Dukas als Kompositionsschüler auf, später vertreten durch Nadia Boulanger und Igor Strawinsky. Dirigieren studiert Lipatti bei Charles Münch.
    Ab 1936 führen Konzertreisen den jungen Pianisten durch Deutschland und Italien, wo er sich schnell einen Namen machen kann. Bald schon wird der legendäre EMI-Produzent Walter Legge auf ihn aufmerksam. Dieser fördert Lipatti intensiv und bemüht sich um Aufnahmesitzungen mit dem jungen Genie: erste Schallplatten von 1937 sind vierhändige Einspielungen von vokaler und instrumentaler Kammermusik von Johannes Brahms, die er zusammen mit Nadia Boulanger bestreitet.

    66. WNYC - Mad About Music: William Friedkin (November 03, 2002)
    a wonderful recording by the young Argentinean pianist, Martha Argerich, This particular piece and the way it s played by dinu lipatti,
    var clickURL=""; var clickTitle="Mad About Music: William Friedkin (November 03, 2002)";
    Fed Funding Update
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    William Friedkin Sunday, November 03, 2002
    Academy-Award winning film director and music lover William Friedkin joins host Gilbert Kaplan on today's edition of Mad About Music. When he was just a little over 30, he became the youngest person ever to win an Oscar for the best director, for "The French Connection." He has gone on to direct more than 20 films, scaring us half to death with "The Exorcist."
    GUEST: William Friedkin RECORDINGS: Igor Stravinsky Le Sacre du printemps. (Excerpt - concluding minutes) The London Philharmonic, Kent Nagano. Virgin Classics VCK791511. Dimitri Shostakovich Symphony No. 11 in G minor, Op. 103 'The Year 1905'. (Excerpt from Second Movement) London Symphony Orchestra, Mstislav Rostropovich. LSO Live LSO0030. Serge Prokofiev Toccata, op. 11 Martha Argerich, piano. Deutsche Grammophon 447 430.

    67. Cornelia Petrescu, Piano Teacher - Pembroke Pines, Florida
    She finished Music High School dinu lipatti in Bucharest and earned a Bachelor Mrs. Cornelia Petrescu traveled allover the world as a pianist of
    Cornelia Petrescu Cornelia Petrescu P iano Studio Home Florida About the Teacher Mrs. Cornelia Petrescu grew up in Bucharest-Romania. She finished Music High School "Dinu Lipatti" in Bucharest and earned a Bachelor Degree of Piano and Music Education at "Ciprian Porumbescu" Conservatory- Bucharest, studying with famous Romanian pianists as teachers. At Bayreuth Germany she had Piano Master classes with W.Kemph, Nadia Boulanger, Sviatoslav Richter, Aldo Ciccolini, and Valentin Gheorghiu. She earned a piano teacher position in Bukarest. After couple of years she moved with her family (husband, cello player and son) to Venezuela as a pianist of Maracaibo Symphony Orchestra and as the Dean of Piano Department of Conservatory "Jose Luis Paz" Maracaibo-Venezuela. Mrs. Petrescu managed "Centro Musical Amadeus" with more then 60 students. Part of them are now piano teachers and performers at Maracaibo- Caracas, Valencia, Puerto Ordaz -Venezuela. She moved in USA as a pianist of the Miami Symphony Orchestra and joined public schools system as a music teacher. Mrs. Petrescu teaches piano at

    68. Dinu Lipatti - Biographie: Dinu Lipatti - Biographie -
    Translate this page Der große pianist Alfred Cortot verlässt aus Protest gegen diese Bei Ausbruchdes Zweiten Weltkrieges kehr dinu lipatti nach Rumänien zurück,
    Yehudi Menuhin
    Din..."> Artistportraits von A bis Z: A B C D ... Z Sie Sind hier: Startseite Artistportraits D Dinu Lipatti - Biographie: Dinu Lipatti - Biographie
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    Event News: MP3s von Dinu Lipatti kostenlos downloaden! Kostenloser Klingelton von Dinu Lipatti CDs von Dinu Lipatti bestellen Dinu Lipatti - Biographie
    25.06.2005 - 14:01 Uhr Dinu Lipatti - Biographie
    "Die Verkörperung eines Geistesreiches, unberührt von allem Schmerz und Leid."
    Yehudi Menuhin
    Dinu Lipatti (eigentl. Constanti Lipatti) wird am 19.03.1917 in Bukarest als Kind musikalischer Eltern geboren.
    [Artikel ausdrucken] Sein Vater hatte noch Violine bei Pablo de Sarasate studiert, seine Mutter war Pianistin. Entsprechend verläuft seine Kindheit, die schon früh durch das Spannungsfeld einer labilen Konstitution und der unbedingten Liebe zur Musik geprägt ist. Der berühmte Komponist George Enescu wird Lipattis Pate. - Bereits mit vier Jahren gibt der junge Lipatti Wohltätigkeitskonzerte. Später darf er schließlich aufgrund einer Ausnahmeregel am Bukarester Konservatorium Musik studieren - Klavier bei der Lehrerin seiner frühen Jahre, Floria Musicescu, und Komposition bei Mihail Jora.
    Als er 1934 beim Internationalen Wiener Klavierwettbewerb nur den Zweiten Preis erhält, führt das zu einem Skandal. Der große Pianist Alfred Cortot verlässt aus Protest gegen diese Entscheidung die Jury und bietet Lipatti an, mit ihm in Paris zu arbeiten. An der dortigen Ecole normale de Musique nimmt ihn außerdem noch der greise Paul Dukas als Kompositionsschüler auf, später vertreten durch Nadia Boulanger und Igor Strawinsky. Dirigieren studiert Lipatti bei Charles Münch.

    69. International Piano Archives At Maryland, UM Libraries
    As a young girl, this British pianist studied in Frankfurt with Clara dinu lipatti (19171950). lipatti’s death in 1950 from lymphoma at the age of 33
    Performing Arts Library International Piano Archives at Maryland Buyer's Guide
    FRANK LA FORGE (1879-1953)
    La Forge was a pupil of Leschetizky who earned considerable fame as accompanist to several famous singers. He made a few early Victor 78s of solo repertoire. One of them, the Chopin D-Flat Nocturne, may be heard on PEARL OPAL 9839 ("Pupils of Leschetizky"). FREDERIC LAMOND (1868-1948)
    This Liszt pupil was a renowned Beethoven interpreter in his day. His electrical recordings are well covered on CD, the acoustical discs much less so. The BIDDULPH label has released two CDs of Lamond’s Beethoven (LHW 42 and 43). An entire CD of his Liszt interpretations can be found on APR 5504. PEARL 9911 offers many of the latter along with some additional material. A couple of Lamond selections can also be found on PEARL 9972 (“Pupils of Liszt”) WANDA LANDOWSKA (1879-1959)
    ADELINA DE LARA (1872-1961)
    YVONNE LEFÉBURE (1898-1986)
    This important pupil of Cortot made almost all of her recordings during the LP era. However, a 1935 Victor set contains her world-premiere recording of the Variations, Interlude and Finale by Dukas, and it has been reissued on a PEARL CD (9495) that also offers examples of other French women pianists. ETHEL LEGINSKA (1886-1970)
    The majority of this Leschetizky pupil’s recordings, those released by American Columbia in the late 1920s, have been reissued on Ivory Classics 72002. Unfortunately the poorly-equalized transfers make her performances sound much more dull than on the original 78s. Two of Leginska’s Columbia recordings can be found on PEARL 9839 (“Pupils of Leschetizky”)

    70. Reissue CDs For May 01 - AUDIOPHILE AUDITION
    The earliest inscription, the 1948 song from Op. 24, had pianist Vera Shubina Clara Haskil/dinu lipatti Hommage. Tahra 366/367 6936; 6036 (Distrib.
    SCHUMANN: Piano Quintet in E-flat, Op. 44; Fantasy in C, Op. 17; 2 Novelettes, Op. 21; "Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen, Op. 37, No. 2 (CLARA SCHUMANN); "Mit Myrten und Rosen, Op. 24, No. 9 Sviatoslav Richter, piano/Nina Dorliac, soprano/Borodin String Quartet DOREMI DHR-7786 80:42 (Distrib. Allegro) The seventh in Jacob Harnoy and Ates Tanin's comprehensive Sviatoslav Richter retrospective, this disc celebrates the pianist's commitment to the music of Robert Schumann, in recordings made 1948 (with wife Dorliac, also captured in the 1950 song by Clara Schumann) to 1985, with the blazing account of the E-flat Quintet. Richter (1915-1997) and the Borodin String Quartet had a long and fruitful association, and their 1948 rendition of the same Schumann Quintet will be issued on a later DOREMI project. Both the Quintet from 1985 and the 1980 Fantasy make their first appearance on CD; and the latter, from Budapest, is Richter's last inscribed thought on this massive work, with its grand gestures and treacherous syncopations, all played with icy objectivity and fearful symmetry. The program opens with two of the Novelettes from Dubrovnik, 1967, and both Florestan and Eusebius are in alternately aggressive and tender form. All of the live performances are in superb sound, microphone placement being cordial to the piano's mid-range and to the balance between piano and strings in the Quintet. The earliest inscription, the 1948 song from Op. 24, had pianist Vera Shubina listed on the 78 rpm shellac. Since Richter always had a way of subduing his monolithic sound in ensemble, it is difficult to tell. Then, there is the E-flat Quintet, which is an exceedingly driven affair, where even the funeral march has a haste and pressing tension, "time's winged chariot hurrying near." The respective audiences to these recitals go nuts every time, and I didn't see any reason why I shouldn't, too. General sound restoration is very good to excellent.

    71. NPR Performance Today Pianist Jonathan Biss
    pianist Jonathan Biss is LIVE in Studio 4A all week (May 2024, 2002) with musicof Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, 4) The complete dinu lipatti recordings
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    PT Young Artist-in-Residence
    Q: Welcome to PT, Jonathan! We've heard you on PT before through concert performances, but our PT listeners don't know much about you. Let's start with some basics... Where are you from? Where do you live now?
    I grew up in Bloomington, Indiana, home of Indiana University, where my parents both teach. I left when I was 17 to go to Curtis, in Philadelphia, and I've just recently moved to New York.
    Q: Your parents are violinists Miriam Fried and Paul Biss. What prompted you to take up piano rather than the violin?
    Neither I nor anyone in my family has a convincing answer for this. I have an older brother who started playing the piano when I was 4, at which point I started agitating to play as well (it took my parents a couple of years to give in...) Now I sometimes wish I'd taken up a string instrument, although playing the piano means I now get to play chamber music with my parents, which is fun.
    Q: With both your parents being classical musicians, you've obviously grown up listening to a lot of classical music. What are some of your childhood memories of this experience?

    72. Dinu Lipatti - Wikipedia
    dinu lipatti (19 maart 1917 – 2 december 1950) was een Roemeens pianist en lipatti was een bijzonder gewaardeerde pianist, die een speciaal gevoel had
    Dinu Lipatti
    Dinu Lipatti 19 maart 2 december ) was een Roemeens pianist en componist Zijn moeder was pianiste, en zijn vader amateur violist Lipatti was een bijzonder gewaardeerde pianist, die een speciaal gevoel had voor stukken van Mozart Chopin en Schumann Hij is in Zwitserland gestorven aan leukemie Categorie«n Componist Pianist ... Roemeens musicus Views Persoonlijke instellingen Navigatie Informatie Zoeken hulpmiddelen in andere talen

    73. Chopin: As Seen By A Pianist
    Chopin As Seen by a pianist. Tristan Lauber February 1, 2000 unsurpassedtechnique; for the Waltzes, dinu lipatti; for the Mazurkas, Samson François.
    Home Content Articles La Scena Musicale ... Search La Scena Musicale - Vol. 5, No. 5 February 2000 Chopin: As Seen by a Pianist Tristan Lauber February 1, 2000
    Nocturnes Op.62
    and the second from Op.55). Mozart was a favourite, Beethoven less so. His attitude towards his contemporaries was ambiguous at best. He was cool towards Schumann, never reciprocating the latter’s enthusiasm for his own music. And his admiration for Liszt was tinged with jealousy. But perhaps the most important aspects of his personality were his insecurity and his indecisiveness (many letters to his parents in which he expresses his hesitation between going back to Poland to fight alongside his countrymen or staying in his new adopted home attest to this trait). This "folie du doute," his inability to make up his mind, actually permeates many of his works and is even reflected in his harmonic language, making him by far one of the most original harmonists of his time. The second Prelude Op.28 in A minor

    74. Dinu Lipatti
    dinu lipatti bio and recommended recordings. Arbiter Records PianistMuseum (lipatti s Final Essay) CBC Great Pianists (biography, Real Audio profile
    Dr. Jimbob's Home Classical Music Pianists
    Biographical Abstract
    Full curriculum vitae
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    Dinu Lipatti
    Other Sites
    Dinu Lipatti
    Discs discussed on this page:
  • Bach, Mozart, and Schubert: studio recital
  • Chopin, Liszt, Ravel recital
  • Chopin: Waltzes, Barcarolle, et. al.
  • Concerto performances: Chopin, Schumann, Grieg ...
  • Packing it all together: the legacy set
    For more information:
  • Arbiter Records Pianist Museum (Lipatti's Final Essay)
  • Inkpot Reviews (bio, detailed reviews of two discs)
  • Philips Great Pianists of the Century Series: Dinu Lipatti (with bio) Posted to:
    Subject: Dinu Lipatti: survey
    Date: Fri, 01 Nov 1996 wrote: Still my favorite single classical album of all time is Dinu Lipatti's sensational performances of Bach and Mozart. It includes IMHO the definitive rendition of Bach's Jesu, and perhaps the same can be said for everything else on the album. I believe it was on Columbia Masterworks originally released in the early '50s and I am wondering if anyone knows if it has been reissued on CD. Also, I have seen other Lipatti works on CD and wonder if any of them are as wonderful.
  • 75. Dinu Lipatti, Piano.
    dinu lipatti, piano. Chopin 14 Waltzes; Barcarolle; Nocturne Op. 27, No 2; The Rumanianborn dinu lipatti only lived for another three years after the

    real estate


    ... Email Newsletter classical
    Dinu Lipatti, piano.
    Chopin: 14 Waltzes; Barcarolle; Nocturne Op. 27, No 2; Mazurka Op. 50, No 3. (EMI) This recording of the Chopin Waltzes has not left the catalog in the nearly half century since it was recorded. It is hard to imagine another piano recital that deserves as much reverence. The Rumanian-born Dinu Lipatti only lived for another three years after the Waltzes were performed, succumbing to leukemia at the age of 33. He left a slim legacy, not only because his life was so brief, but because his quest for perfection severely limited the number of recordings he would allow. Lipatti rendered the Waltzes with a panache that has never been equaled. His supple control of rhythm is carefully gauged, yet completely natural. He combined wit, eloquence, charm and dazzling technique in a way that allows the listener to hear only music; the medium disappears. The other works on the program sound no less magical. The great Barcarolle was a recording that was not sanctioned for release by the pianist. Very careful listening reveals playing that is slightly below the exalted level that is heard in the Waltzes, perhaps in a slight rushing of the final section. But the playing on the whole is so magnificent and radiant that one can only wonder in awe at what Lipatti might have produced in this music had he lived a longer life. The original recordings, although produced by the legendary Walter Legge, were compressed and distant sounding even for their vintage. This digital remastering is the best sounding version to date. But it doesn't much matter. Moments after the music begins, such mundane considerations are swept aside, as this playing of "divine spirituality," in the words of the composer Francis Poulenc, envelops the listener.

    76. ArkivMusic Chopin, Enescu, Ravel, Liszt, Brahms / Dinu Lipatti
    Performer Nadia Boulanger (Piano), dinu lipatti (Piano) Country of OriginAustria Period Romantic Written 1865, Date of Recording 2/25/1937

    77. ArkivMusic Bartók, Liszt, Grieg Piano Concertos / Dinu Lipatti, the onestop shop for all your classical music needs!

    78. Reviews - Dinu Lipatti - Classical Music Recordings - CD, DVD, SACD
    Piano Concerto in A minor, dinu lipatti Various Various, Urania, 22.122, CD, 9/4.Brahms, Johannes, Piano Sonata in B minor Op. 58 Sonetto del Petrarca No.

    79. Reviews - Alceo Galliera - Classical Music Recordings - CD, DVD, SACD
    dinu lipatti THE COMPLETE 1947 UK COLUMBIA RECORDINGS Sonata in D Minor, L.413 (Pastorale); Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 16, dinu lipatti (piano)

    80. Radio Beethoven - Enciclopedia - Biografías - Lipatti, Dinu (piano)
    Translate this page Constantin “dinu” lipatti provenía de una familia musical, su padre había estudiadoviolín con Sarasate y Carl Flesch, su madre era una talentosa pianista,

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