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Home - Pianists - Klein Andreas |
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81. Klavier - Informationen Und Links Translate this page Nach Aussage der Webseite habe dieser pianist eine Traumkarriere vor sich, klein, andreas Daten von und zu dem Berliner pianistin, der sein Studium an http://kultur.trampelpfad.de/v03/0/Klavier/ | |
82. Playlists For July 9, 2004 andreas klein, piano; Lucerne Festival Strings/Achim Fiedler (WGBH Featuring therepeat broadcast of a live performance by pianist Inna Faliks. http://www.wgbh.org/playlists/date/cgirw/day/9/month/07/year/2004 | |
83. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY RECORD March 25, 1994 Vol. 19 No. 21 CALENDAR 31 800 PM Concert pianist andreas klein. Last performance in Miller Theatreseries Profound Utterances The Composer and the Keyboard. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/record/archives/vol19/vol19_iss21/record1921.12 |
84. KlangArt-Katalog ´95, Klein 3-spaltig, As the pianist performs on a MIDI keyboard, the MIDI streams from the fingersand from the andreas A. Wernsing, geb. am 10. April 1967 in Krefeld; http://www.musik.uni-osnabrueck.de/veranstaltungen/klangart/kong95.htm | |
85. Jazz In Bern Translate this page In dessen Zentrum stand immer wieder Joe Haider (geboren 1936), pianist und Leiter Oskar klein, andreas Vollenweider, die legendären Jazzmusiker Bill http://www.g26.ch/bern_geschichte_24.html | |
86. 29.4.1912 Wien, 20?.10.1944 Auschwitz (Oswiecim/PL). Komponist Translate this page Komponist, Kapellmeister und pianist. klein, Fritz Heinrich (Pseud. Knechtl,andreas SJ * 1628 Marburg an der Drau/St (Maribor/SLO), 1690 Passau/D? http://www.musiklexikon.ac.at/ml/musik_K_4 |
87. Andreas Klein, Piano - Reviews Eroica Classical Recordings is accepting new artists. We offer national andinternational distribution to classical musicians. http://www.eroica.com/aklein-reviews.html | |
88. Andreas Klein, Piano - The Artist Eroica Classical Recordings is accepting new artists. We offer national andinternational distribution to classical musicians. http://www.eroica.com/aklein-artist.html | |
89. Shepherd College In 2003, the Reynolds Hall Recital Series will feature internationallyrenownedpianist andreas klein on Tuesday, February 4 and the Faculty Chamber Music http://www.shepherd.edu/college/archives/reynolds02_03.html | |
90. LV Phil ::: Connoisseur Series andreas klein photo, spacer. February 8, 2006 Soirée. sensational Austrian pianistand Mozart specialist andreas klein. At the home of David Laura Mulkey http://www.lasvegasphilharmonic.com/schedule/connoisseur.phtml | |
91. Gideon Klein Multitalented Moravian composer and pianist, Gideon klein interned at Terezínconcentraton camp * From age of 11 studied in Prague, attending Conservatory http://www.boosey.com/pages/cr/composer/composer_main.asp?composerid=4958 |
92. Gideon Klein Translate this page Der vielseitig begabte mährische Komponist und pianist Gideon klein war Insassedes Konzentrationslagers Theresienstadt * erhielt seine Ausbildung ab dem http://www.boosey.com/pages/cr/composer/composer_main.asp?composerid=4958&langid |
93. CDeMUSIC pianist Steffen Schleiermacher and soprano Anna Clementi have a keen appreciation of andreas Pietschmann (bass clarinet), Thomas Reinhardt (bassoon) . http://www.cdemusic.org/store/cde_search.cfm?keywords=mg2 |
94. 'Qatsi' Films, Premieres In Store For S.F. Performances debuts by countertenor andreas Scholl and trumpeter Hakan Hardenberger, Oct. 14 (YBC) Opening gala with jazz singer Paula West, jazz pianist Fred http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/04/28/DDG |
95. Qatsi Films, Premieres In Store For SF Performances Oct. 14 (YBC) Opening gala with jazz singer Paula West, jazz pianist Fred May 25 (H) andreas Scholl, countertenor, and JJ Penna, piano; Handel, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/04/28/DDG |
96. The Nation, 04/07/1910 - Music klein says in regard to the deplorable state of choral music here is A firstrate pianist at a second-rate piano is decidedly preferable to a http://www.nationarchive.com/Summaries/v090i2336_09.htm | |
97. Yves Klein Translate this page pianist in der Jazzband Claude Luthers. Besuch der Judoschule in Paris. Der französische Künstler und Nouveau Réaliste Yves klein mochte die Linie http://www.kunstwissen.de/fach/f-kuns/b_mod/klein0.htm | |
98. Tasten In Tante Marthas Verzeichnis klein, andreas http://www.tantemartha.de/Kultur/Musik/Genres/Klassische_Musik/Interpreten/Taste | |
99. Andreas Scholl Biography Biography of countertenor andreas Scholl. The tenor/countertenor HerbertKlein advised him that there were only two places he should study either in http://www.andreasschollsociety.org/biography.htm | |
100. Scoop: Kiwi Pianist Set To Get Classic Pulses Racing Outstanding 18 year old pianist, John Chen from Auckland. Mozarts Eine kleinNachtmusik is his most famous serenade and likely to be the most http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/CU0505/S00071.htm | |
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