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41. Pianists: Andrey Ponochevny The winning performance (of the william kapell International Piano Competition) pianist Andrey Ponochevny magnificently played the solo part of Liszts http://www.artistsinternational.com/andrey.htm | |
42. Pianist: Jeffrey Biegel The career of pianist Jeffrey Biegel has been marked by bold, Prize in the1985 william kapell/University of Maryland International Piano Competition. http://www.artistsinternational.com/biegel.htm | |
43. 高木 陽子(ピアノ) Yoko Schwarz , pianist. 19 Richard Road. Lexington , MA 02421. Tel 339927-1183 william kapell(),Noyer(?),Rachmaninoff(?) http://www.the-maestros.com/ | |
44. William Wolfram Bio American pianist william Wolfram was winner of the Silver Medal in both thewilliam kapell and the Naumberg International Piano Competitions. http://www.knoxvillesymphony.com/bios/wolfram.htm | |
45. Pianist David Korevaar To Perform At BNL July 9 pianist DAVID KOREVAAR TO PERFORM AT BROOKHAVEN LAB, JULY 9 Mr. Korevaar haswon top prizes in the william kapell International Piano Competition and http://www.bnl.gov/bnlweb/pubaf/pr/1997/bnlpr061697.html | |
46. Classical Music - Andante - Ludwig Van Beethoven: Piano Concertos william kapell. Photo New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. A Op. 15, is a pianist who merits full rediscovery; her interpretations of the http://www.andante.com/Article/article.cfm?id=20469&highlight=1&highlightterms=& |
47. Andante Boutique - Ludwig Van Beethoven - Piano Concertos 1-5 The exciting pianist/conductor combinations include Arthur Rubinstein with Arturo william kapell, piano · Vladimir Golschmann, NBC Symphony Orchestra http://www.andante.com/Boutique/Shop/index.cfm?action=displayProduct&iProductID= |
48. Ning An, Piano pianist Ning An, First Prize Winner of the 2003 william kapell Piano Competition,made his concerto debut at the age of sixteen, performing the Rachmaninoff http://www.hunsteinartists.com/ningan.html | |
49. KAWAI - The World's Advanced Piano! Legendary pianist. Mike Jones. Jazz Piano. Julius williams. Conductor/Composer.Dann Huff 23rd william kapell. Maryland, USA. 2nd. Giampaolo Stuani http://www.onofriopiano.com/Kawai_most_advanced_piano.htm | |
50. The Savant Academy The great American pianist william kapell (19201951) took a particular interestin the peculiar rhythms and accents of these near-waltzes, and made a point http://www.savantacademy.org/music.php | |
51. William Kapell Biography .ms william kapell. Related Links. william Shakespeare quotes william once considered kapell the most promising American pianist of the postWorld War II http://william-kapell.biography.ms/ | |
52. Pianist -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article A pianist is a person who plays the (A stringed instrument that is played by (Click link for more info and facts about william kapell) william kapell http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/p/pi/pianist.htm | |
53. Piano Society - Free MP3 Recordings Of Classical Music Masterpieces At age 31, American pianist william kapell was no more. The website dedicated tokeeping the memory of kapell alive has published a 25 minute documentary http://www.pianosociety.com/index.php?id=1&tx_ttnews[pointer]=1&cHash=42405e9dca |
54. 11th Costa Rica Music Festival / Participants - Paul Shaw Jamaican pianist Paul Shaw has appeared in recital, chamber music and as a soloist A top prizewinner in the i988 william kapell International Piano http://www.costaricamusic.com/festival/participants/paulshaw.html | |
55. Aaron Copland / Charles Ives - Piano Fantasy / Piano Sonata No. 1 he received a commission from the Louisville Orchestra for a piano concertothat would be premiered by nowadays cultdubbed late pianist william kapell. http://home.swipnet.se/sonoloco6/Mode/coplandives.html | |
56. William Kapell - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia william kapell (September 20, 1922October 29, 1953) was a American pianist.The critic Harold Schonberg once considered kapell the most promising American http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Kapell | |
57. LaurelFestival.org: Festival Artist, William Wolfram william Wolfram. Photo by Christian Steiner American pianist william Wolfram,Silver Medallist at both the william kapell and Naumburg competitions, http://members.aol.com/LFAatJT/wolfram.htm | |
58. OLEG VOLKOV BIOGRAPHY Russianborn pianist Oleg Volkov came to the United States in the summer of the University of Maryland william kapell International Piano Competition. http://members.aol.com/ovolkov1/bio.htm | |
59. The Shedd Institute - Oregon Festival Of American Music 2002 Gershwin Transforma American pianist william Wolfram has gained recognition as an artist who combines A former Silver Medalist at both the william kapell and Naumberg http://www.ofam.org/festival.aspx?artist=157&series=150 |
60. The New York Review Of Books: The Undefeated william kapell Edition. by william kapell. RCA Red Seal, nine CDs, $123.98 the American pianist william kapell to a friend, the pianist Shirley Rhoads, http://www.nybooks.com/articles/17853 | |
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