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21. Lori Laitman: Warren Jones warren jones warren jones. warren jones. The website for pianist warren jonesan internationallyknown artist who has performed alongside some of the http://www.artsongs.com/find/links/warrenjones | |
22. Welcome To Piano.com jones, warren features biography, reviews, engagements, teaching availability Mailley-Smith, warren - provides information on the British pianist. http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
23. A&L Performing Arts News Release - Denyce Graves & Warren Jones Denyce Graves, mezzosoprano, with warren jones, piano will present her SantaBarbara debut recital, accompanied by pianist warren jones, on Tuesday, http://www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu/archive/2002-2003/pr/graves.asp | |
24. Classical Piano Links warren jones pianist Patrick Jovell pianist (SE) Yakov Kasman pianist (RU) Cyprien Katsaris pianist (FR) Nina Kavtaradze pianist (RU) http://www.carolinaclassical.com/pianolinks.html | |
25. Dave Brubeck: Definition And Much More From Answers.com Brubeck, Dave (David warren Brubeck) (bru bek), 1920, American pianist and bassist Alec Dankworth (who replaced Jack Six), and drummer Randy jones. http://www.answers.com/topic/dave-brubeck | |
26. MUSISCOPE - Instrumentistes - Piano Berman, Bart Israeli concert pianist specializing in Schubert and contemporarymusic jones, warren - features biography, reviews, engagements, http://www.musiscope.com/piano.htm | |
27. Student Bios Each vocal pianist will have a private studio at Cate School reserved for warren jones Vocal Piano and Interpretation, and Opera Scenes Music Director http://www.musicacademy.org/Students/VoiceVocalPiano.html | |
28. Faculty, Conductors & Guest Artists pianist Anne Epperson enjoys a distinguished career as a performer, recordingartist, warren jones/Anne Epperson, pianos Schubert/Variations Orig. http://www.musicacademy.org/FacultyArtists/FacultyBios/epperson.html | |
29. Product Listing - PerfectHouseplants pianist Huw warren contributes Crier, a robust piece that pushes both ensembles Clarinet Robert Harrejones Countertenor Huw warren Piano and Prepared http://www.jazzcds.co.uk/store/commerce.cgi?product=PerfectHouseplants |
30. Vocalise Variations The soprano was Ruth Ann Swenson; the pianist was warren jones. That was recordedin 1994. David Wright, in his essay accompanying this RCA/BMG compact disc http://www.compactdiscoveries.com/CompactDiscoveriesScripts/51VocaliseVariations | |
31. Denyce Graves, Mezzo-soprano With the marvelous pianist warren jones, whom she treats as an equal partnerand good friend, Graves presented a generous program followed by numerous http://www.denycegraves.com/inrecital.html | |
32. Welcome To HPAF/Hawaii Performing Arts Festival- Directed By Val Underwood given by Marilyn Horne, Martin Katz, warren jones and Lotfi Mansouri, and wasthe pianist winner for The 2000 Marilyn Horne Foundation Competition. http://www.hawaiiperformingartsfestival.org/faculity/ji.htm | |
33. Buckeye Review - LOCAL NEWS warren native and Concert pianist (L), 24 year old Dana KristinaJoi Morgan wasrecently Others paying tribute to Mr. jones included Dr. Maya Angelou, http://buckeyereview.com/news/Article/Article.asp?NewsID=45910&sID=4 |
34. Buckeye Review - Home warren native and Concert pianist (L), 24 year old Dana KristinaJoi Morgan wasrecently to perform a piano tribute to (r) impresario Mr. Quincy jones, http://buckeyereview.com/ | |
35. Encyclopedia: Hank Jones Vicksburg is a city located in warren County, Mississippi. In the early 1980sJones held a residency as a solo pianist at the Cafe Ziegfeld and made a http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Hank-Jones | |
36. Isabel Bayrakdarian: Schedule pianist, Serouj Kradjian (2004). Washington, DC pianist, warren jones (2005) JFKCenter. Birmingham, Alabama pianist, Serouj Kradjian (2005). Minnesota http://www.bayrakdarian.com/schedule.html | |
37. Babel Label - Madalena (BDV2027) Jeremy Peytonjones Regular Music, and Huw warrens Orchestra Helclecs andhis Barrel Studying at Goldsmith s College with pianist John Tilbury, http://www.babellabel.co.uk/madalena.htm | |
38. Classical Camerata Pacificas Program I, with pianist warren jones. At the Lobero Theatre,Friday, May 14. warren jones was onstage and playing throughout all four http://www.independent.com/a&e/classical913.htm | |
39. Classical This is a great sonata, and violinist Jeff Thayer and pianist Jonathan Feldman Once again, the inimitable warren jones will be music director and the http://www.independent.com/a&e/classical973.htm | |
40. Chuck Marohnic : Chuck's Discography And Publications Such As Christmas Jazz, De chuck MAROHNIC, pianist chuck MAROHNIC, pianist CONTACT chuck CHUCK MAROHNIC,BOB KINDRED, DOM MOIO warren jones LIVE AT INSPIRATIONS COFFEEHOUSE http://www.chuckmarohnic.com/discography.asp | |
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