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41. Byron Janis byron (Yankelevitch) janis (born March 24, 1928) is a pianist, who is considered . Vladimir Horowitz attended young janiss performance of a Rachmaninoff http://www.yotor.com/wiki/en/by/Byron Janis.htm | |
42. James Giles: Biography A native of North Carolina, Dr. Giles studied with byron janis at the ManhattanSchool of The Suite RB by British pianist Stephen Hough (b.1961) was, http://www.jamesgiles.net/bio.htm | |
43. MusicMoz - Instruments: Keyboard: Piano: Bands And Artists: J janis, byron Internationally renowned concert pianist; includes biography,recordings, reviews, performances. Janssen, Shannon - Official site of new http://musicmoz.org/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Bands_and_Artists/J/ | |
44. Mercury SACDS - Fennell - Osipov - Janis - Dorati MENDELSSOHN Song without words, Op. 62 No. 1. PINTO Three Scenes from Childhood.byron janis, pianist/Moscow Philharmonic Orch/Kiril Kondrashin, cond. http://classicalcdreview.com/mer3.html | |
45. Mercury SACDs - Dorati / Paray/ Janis/ Starker byron janis, pianist; London Symphony Orch (Concerto 3); Minneapolis SymphonyOrch (Concerto 2)/Antal Dorati, cond. MERCURY SACD 470 639 (F) (ADD) TT 7518 http://classicalcdreview.com/mer.html | |
46. UpcomingAreaConcerts Giles studied with byron janis at the Manhattan School of Music, Jerome Lowenthal February 13, 2005 300 pm, Alys Stephens Center, pianist Andre Watts http://mclellandpiano.homestead.com/UpcomingAreaConcerts.html | |
47. Annuaire Pianistes Renommés Et Pianiste Jeunes Talents Translate this page byron janis WEBSITE - Site officiel du pianiste janis byron Christian Zacharias -pianist and Conductor - Christian Zacharias - pianist and Conductor http://www.pianobleu.com/annuaire_pianistes.html | |
48. Buywell Just Classical - 'Rachmaninov: Piano Concertos Nos. 2 & 3' SACD-H Label: 2 3 Rachmaninov, byron janis (piano), Antal Dorati, were among severaloutstanding recordings from the American pianist byron janis (born 1928), http://www.buywell.com/cgi-bin/buywellic2/02984.html | |
49. The Sergei Rachmaninov Biography Page On Classic Cat Rachmaninoff did not consider himself a great pianist, and thought his own close friend of Rachmaninoff, and byron janis, student of Horowitz; http://www.classiccat.net/rachmaninov_s/biography.htm | |
50. National Review: Byron Janis Plays Chopin. - Sound Recording Reviews At eight he had made a sensational debut as a pianist; by the time he reached his byron janis Plays Chopin (EMI 56196), an album of the waltzes, http://www.dynomind.com/p/articles/mi_m1282/is_n1_v49/ai_19071776 | |
51. RACHMANINOV The Second Piano Concerto: Recordings Survey Part 2 - INKPOT Even in rapid figuration, the pianist s focus is on vocalization, balancing eachphrase and (Great pianists of the 20th Century byron janis II) http://inkpot.com/classical/rachpfc2r2.html | |
52. Eastern Music Festival & School Studied with byron janis and Lazar Berman; Jerome Lowenthal (Juilliard), Recognized as an artist of passion and integrity, American pianist PETER SERKIN http://www.easternmusicfestival.com/pianofaculty.htm | |
53. Prokofiev.org - Piano Concerto No 3 In C Major Op.26 Artist(s) byron janis (piano) Conductor Kiril Kondrashin Sergei Prokofiev pianist Composer(s) Sergei Prokofiev, Nikolai Miaskovsky, http://www.prokofiev.org/catalog/work.cfm?WorkID=83 |
54. Borislav Strulev - Verve Records In November 1999 Mr. Strulev made his sensational Carnegie Hall debut with thelegendary pianist byron janis playing Chopin Sonata. http://www.vervemusicgroup.com/artist.aspx?ob=rnd&src=rslt&aid=5749 |
55. Piano Practice Page Vladimir Horowitz , Eugene Istomin , byron janis , Grant Johannesen , Gunnar Harold Taylor, The pianist s Talent A New Approach To Piano Playing http://publish.uwo.ca/~elosseva/PianoPractice.htm | |
56. Wei Yi Yang A pianist from Taiwan, WeiYi Yang has concertized on four continents as a Vera Gornostaeva, Jerome Lowenthal, byron janis, and the late Hans Graf. http://www.renegadeclassicproductions.com/WeiYiYangWebpage.htm | |
57. "A Treasure Trove Of Rare, Exceptional And Sometimes Forgotten Recordings There are however no data about the pianist Kurt Appelbaum with whom Westminsterstarted a Prokofiev s 3rd Concerto by byron janis and Kondrashin? http://www.xs4all.nl/~rabruil/treasures.html | |
58. Mercury Living Presence Recordings On The Fontana Label 838 series and a few recordings like byron janis with the Liszt Concertos, Kreisler s compositions accompanied by pianist Charles Reiner on 838 426 http://www.xs4all.nl/~rabruil/fontana.html | |
59. Artists' Profiles As a pianist and harpsichordist he has given recitals and lecturerecitals Ralph Votapek, Gyorgy Sebok, byron janis, Janos Starker and Josef Gingold. http://www.utahchambermusic.com/7-11_profiles.html | |
60. Mississippi Piano Showcase Ms. Hayghe won every award possible for a Juilliard pianist to receive,including the including Agustin Anievas, Jon Kimura Parker and byron janis. http://www.squeeek.com/msu/mps/2005/clinicians.asp | |
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