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81. JULY 4 CLASSICALmanac 'today In Classical Music' 1889 Birth of RussianAmerican pianist Samuel CHOTZINOFF. 1899 Birth of Russianbass Alexander Teachers were Hans Heinz, Alice howland, Cornelius Reid. http://www.angelfire.com/ab/day/jul4.html | |
82. Musicians And Injuries Thomas Mark s pianist S INJURIES Movement Retraining Is The Key To Recovery . Brad howland, another brass player, also has a Web site discussing how to http://eeshop.unl.edu/music.html | |
83. Obituaries: 1/22/99 WESTPORT Kathryn M. (Luster) Christ, 86, of howland Road, formerly of Barrington, during the summer, and was an accomplished pianist and organist. http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/01-99/01-22-99/zzzddobi.htm | |
84. REGISTER A GLOBAL USER ACCOUNT She also served as a Sunday school teacher and pianist for Hickory Grove BaptistChurch near Brunson. SURVIVOR a sister, Lotis B. howland of Utica, NY http://www.savannahnow.com/stories/102899/OBITSindex.shtml | |
85. Mass Newton Mass, actor (JoeyFriends) 1967 Pamela Bustin Siberia 1941 Chick Corea,Chelsea Mass, jazz pianist (Delhpi I, Toy Dance) 1941 Beth howland, Boston Mass http://brainyhistory.com/topics/m/mass.html | |
86. Alumni At Hannibal-LaGrange College pamela Neale Flynn. Graduated 1973. pflynn831@hotmail.com Mike is the worshipleader, Danine is the pianist and our son Eric is the drummer. http://www.hlg.edu/Alumni/1970postsname.asp | |
87. Local Obituaries - March 23-29, 2002 Rugged Cross and Wind Beneath My Wings, presented by pianist Rick Schiff . 29, 1909, in Hardy, Okla., to Alma Jane (howland) and Frank B. Rogers. http://www.winfieldcourier.com/obit/o020329.html | |
88. Berkshires Week Peru Road; country dancing with Steve howland and Band Internationally acclaimedpianist Claude Rank will join his daughter, violinist pamela Frank, in a http://www.berkshiresweek.com/072502/default.asp?filename=calendar&adfile=ads3 |
89. WFU Music Department Announces January-February Concert Calendar Tenor Richard Heard, an associate professor of music at Wake Forest, and pianistPamela howland will perform the music of Italian composers, http://www.wfu.edu/wfunews/2005/012005c.html | |
90. High Point Convention & Visitors Bureau A Grand Night for Singing Ends May 29th, 04/29/2005. Dick Schneider, poet; PamelaHowland, pianist, 05/01/2005. Let s Talk Cars! , 05/05/2005. http://www.highpoint.org/scripts/t3cgi.exe/project/admin/event_view.taf?_functio |
91. Horizons Newsletter Heritage Presbyterian Church Chris Lieberman will be delivering drinks on the second, Pam Budde on Wayne Howland703360-7669 Jim, the talented organist and pianist who has blessed worship http://heritage.church.home.att.net/horizons/jan2004w.htm |
92. Encyclopedia: MacArthur Foundation Kathleen Ross; pamela Samuelson; Susan Stewart; Elizabeth Streb Eccentricpianist and faculty member at the New England Conservatory of Music, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/MacArthur-Foundation | |
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