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41. Pamela Howland, Classics: Christmas Music From Eastern And Western Europe, Infor pianist pamela howland has performed extensively as a soloist and chamber musicianin both North and South America, receiving enthusiastic critical acclaim http://www.christmasreviews.com/wpamelahowland.shtml | |
42. Pamela Howland, Carols For A Blue Christmas, Information And Link Page pamela howland trained at the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music and the Eastman School and life classical pianist pamela howland breathes into her music. http://www.christmasreviews.com/wpamelahowland2.shtml | |
43. Victoria Conservatory Of Music Keyboard Faculty pianist for Bouquet of Songs, Fukushima Television in Japan. Michelle Yenhowland.Piano. AVCM; Diploma in Music (VCM/Camosun College). http://www.vcm.bc.ca/kbfac.html | |
44. TRIADMARKET - Triad NC, North And South Carolina NCSA, WinstonSalem. WFU Music Richard Heard, tenor, pamela howland,piano Brendle Recital Hall, WFU, Winston-Salem. An Evening http://triadmarket.com/memberscgi/baccalendar.cgi?calendarids=9990154364990 |
45. Calendar 9/12/2005 10:41:37 AM Lyceum Series Peter Hershock, 630p, Stark Aud. Lyceum pamela howland, guestpianist 730p, PAC RH; Adult $5, Student $3 -Piano master class w/pamela http://www.winona.edu/calendar/calendar.asp?month=10&year=2002 |
46. Event-o-Rama! Steakhouse ); 12/14/2004, 1215 PM ArtsAlive! pamela howland Holiday Concert(piano (Wake Forest Univ Baptist Medical Center); 12 http://www.clarkwork.org/eorama/sn/weeklist2.asp |
47. Page Not Found pamela Coburn First Lady. 24 The Amphibious OneAngela Hewitt, piano (Hyperion67480 CD) 7 Backstayge, Noble Wife; A Message from Richard howland Bolton and http://www.wclv.com/skin/blurb.php?sectionId=20&contentId=39969 |
48. High Point Arts Council Piedmont Artists, Inc. presents Dick Schneider, poet and pamela howland, pianistat 400 pm at Emerywood Baptist Church at 1300 Country Club Drive. Free. 1214. http://www.highpointarts.org/calendar.asp | |
49. United Tae Kwon Do Academy I feel like I can truly say that because although I am a concert pianist - doingonly performing and recording now, for 20 years I was Sincerely, Pam howland, http://www.unitedtkd.com/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=5&tabid=10 |
50. Piano Lessons In Victoria BC, Piano Teacher - By VicStart Piano instructor and pianist, Anna Höstman, has a Master s Degree in music, andalso teaches at the Michelle Yenhowland, AVCM. Privately. Music School http://www.vicstart.com/musiclessons/piano/piano.htm | |
51. Levine School Of Music Recordings with Harold howland, Ron Halloway, Danny Gatton, and Dave Wright amongothers. pamela SVERJENSKY (Piano, Chair Piano Department) MM Yale http://levineschool.com/school/facultybios.asp | |
52. J & J Productions, Inc. Nathan Hefner pianist/Singer ( Sentimental Journey) Jeff Whittingham - One ManShow David howland - Dance Instructors - Vivienne Ramsey http://www.jjproductionsinc.com/entertainers.html | |
53. Contra Dance / Contradance In New England Debby Knight is a contradance fiddler and pianist from eastern Massachusetts . Steve howland supplies the information. Also from Eastern Massachusetts, http://www.contradancelinks.com/newengland.html | |
54. Contra Dance/Contradance Links For Bands And Musicians Knight is a contradance fiddler and pianist from eastern Massachusetts. Steve howland supplies the information. The Rhythm Rats is a Cincinnati http://www.contradancelinks.com/bands.html | |
55. Levine School Of Music Recordings with Harold howland, Ron Halloway, Danny Gatton, Her CD, Musicfor the Heart, with pianist Brian Ganz is due for release next winter. http://www.levineschool.org/school/facultybios.asp | |
56. Piano - Classical Piano com) Comprehensive listing of Christmas CDs by Artist Piano including John Bayless,Jimmy Caliri Piano Trio, Duo Campion-Vachon, pamela howland, Katie Kuhn http://www.allpianos.com/classicalpiano/ | |
57. JS Online: Concerts May Reap Artistry They Sow She will perform with pamela howland, a 1973 graduate and classical and contemporarypianist who has performed as a soloist and chamber musician around the http://www.jsonline.com/news/wauk/oct03/179482.asp | |
58. CD's It features the talents of Mary Ann Lanier and a fabulous pianist, RobertHumphreville. Kathleen howlands My Private Affair, with Noel Kaletsky, http://home.comcast.net/~newenglandtradjazz/CDs.htm | |
59. The Stephen Sondheim Society - Programmes Larry Kert and Beth howland are listed on the NBC cards as guests. pamela Myers,Susan Browning and Donna McKechnie sang You Could Drive a Person http://www.sondheim.org/php/tv.php?m=8&s=-1 |
60. Shepherd Express - Volume 19, Issue 10 9th Factor; Stooges Comedy Club Pam Stone; Stwizzle Piano Music, violinist FrankAlmond pianist William Wolfram Facilitated by Karen howland, call 3511825 http://www.shepherd-express.com/shepherd/19/10/night_and_day/express_events.html |
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