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Home - Pianists - Feghali Jose |
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81. Classical Action: Events:Archive March 14 José feghali, piano and Daniel Gaisford, cello New York City (Maestro May 16 José feghali, piano and André Watts, piano Houston, TX http://www.classicalaction.org/events/archive/ | |
82. Alabama Symphony Orchestra - Archive Friday evening 8 pm CONCERT features jazz pianists Motley and Lee, and on Saturdayevening José feghali Grieg Piano Concerto Op. 16, A minor Susan Starr http://www.alabamasymphony.org/cgi-bin/coranto/viewnews.cgi?id=EpuEAyAEFlhiIhIdy |
83. Amateur Pianists Announced Professor and Head of Piano, Southern Methodist Psychiatrist/Psychoanalyst AmateurPianist SEMIFINAL AND JOSÉ feghali Artistin-Residence, Texas Christian http://www.cliburn.org/page/343/1 | |
84. Daniel Gaisford-American Cellist's Biography He has collaborated with pianists Josefina Melgar, José feghali, Christian Steiner,Jeffrey Kahane and Héléne Grimaud. He also makes rare appearances with http://www.danielgaisford.com/dgbiography.html | |
85. Hilton Head International Piano Competition piano by showcasing the talents of young pianists in a competition adjudicatedby internationally José feghali, Paul Pollei, Mikhail Voskresensky http://www.hhipc.org/aboutus.htm | |
86. Review making. The DSO s concertmaster, Emanuel Borok, and pianist José Feghaliplayed two Beethoven violinand-piano sonatas (Nos. 4 http://forum-polonia-houston.com/Art/Golka/04/613review5.htm | |
87. Houston Downtown Alliance - Theater District music. Conductor Carlos Miguel Prieto Guests José feghali, Piano ProgramsStravinsky Pulcinella Liszt Piano Conterto No. 1 http://www.downtownhouston.org/Newsletter/Newsletters/HDAUpdateforWeekofOcto/The | |
88. Trio Con Brio Feghali / Thompson / Castro-Balbi Trio feghali/Thompson/CastroBalbi Trio José feghali, Piano Curt Thompson,Violin Jesús Castro-Balbi, Cello. More Information Works by Ewazen, Zyman, http://www.carnegiehall.org/textSite/box_office/events/evt_6703.html | |
89. Trio Con Brio Feghali / Thompson / Castro-Balbi Trio Gary Whitman, Clarinet feghali/Thompson/CastroBalbi Trio José feghali,Piano Curt Thompson, Violin Jesús Castro-Balbi, Cello http://www.carnegiehall.org/article/box_office/events/evt_6703.html?selecteddate |
90. OWT Newsletter List Archives On Sunday, August 29th at 5 pm, piano virtuosos José feghali PetronelMalan will take our stage for a world premiere performance. http://www.oneworldtheatre.org/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi?flavor=archive&id=200407301 |
91. Catawba College Music Department Presents Free Piano Concert renowned concert pianists such as Beethoven specialist Stephan Möller (Austria),Simone Pedroni (Italy), José feghali (Brazil), Tamàs Ungar (Hungary), http://www.catawba.edu/news/archive/2005/02/03/pianoconcert.aspx | |
92. Enciclopédia Musical Brasileira Translate this page feghali José. Pian. Rio de Janeiro RJ 28/3/1961-. Iniciou seus estudosde piano com as professoras Helena Galo e Iara Camarinha. http://cf.uol.com.br/encmusical/listaverbete.asp?code=1675 |
93. News Releases - W W W . T A M U K . E D U with many distinguished artists including mezzosoprano Shin Ja Kim, pianistsJosé feghali and Nikolai Petrov and violinist Vincent Fritelli. http://www.tamuk.edu/news/2003/september/music/ | |
94. Jason Kwak, Piano pianists José feghali and Nikolai Petrov and violinist Vincent Fritelli andhas given solo performances in many notable venues and festivals across the http://www.tamuk.edu/music/faculty/Kwak/ | |
95. Dallas Morning News | News For Dallas, Texas | Entertainment: Overnight/Reviews Balances were occasionally imperfect in the Ravel, with Mr. CastroBalbi andpianist José feghali sometimes projecting more than they needed to. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/fea/entertainment/overnight/stories/ | |
96. Movimento.com - Lista De Personagens Do Portal Translate this page Listando os personagens cadastrados no tópico Piano Abdel Rahman El Bacha John RobiletteJonathan Gilad José Carlos Cocarelli José feghali José Moura Josep http://movimento.com/mostraconteudo.asp?lista=1&mostra=3&tipo=1&escolha=27 |
97. Projeto Musical Translate this page 20h Regente Isaac Karabtchevsky Solista José feghali (piano) THEATRO MUNICIPALDO RIO DE JANEIRO - Praça Floriano s/no Tel 2262-3935 Frisas e http://www.projetomusical.com.br/concertos/index.php?pg=oppm3 |
98. Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira - Programação - Concertos Especiais Translate this page José Maria Florêncio, regente José feghali, piano. Rachmaninoff Prelúdio opus3, Nº2 Debussy La Cathédrale Engloutie http://www.osb.com.br/site_atual/programacao/pianistas.htm | |
99. Programação Translate this page Solista José feghali- pianista. Dia 31 às 11h DOMINGO NO MUNICIPAL DANÇACONTEMPORÂNEA-CIA DE DANÇA MÁRCIA MILHAZES TEMPO DE VERO http://www.theatromunicipal.rj.gov.br/programacao.html | |
100. TCU Home Pianists José feghali and John Owings, cellist Jesús TCU faculty musicians Joséfeghali Gold Medal Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, feghali http://www.tcu.edu/start_new.asp?action=viewPressReleases&PRID=6003 |
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